{% set total_vars = stats.var.num_snvs + stats.var.num_insertions + stats.var.num_deletions %}

Variant Calling Results

Table 13 | Variant calling results by type

Type Count % of total
Total {{ total_vars|show_int }} 100%
SNV {{ stats.var.num_snvs|show_int }} {{ stats.var.num_snvs|show_pct(total_vars) }}
Insertion {{ stats.var.num_insertions|show_int }} {{ stats.var.num_insertions|show_pct(total_vars) }}
Deletion {{ stats.var.num_deletions|show_int }} {{ stats.var.num_deletions|show_pct(total_vars) }}
{% set vars = {'figure_idx': 1, 'table_idx': 14} %} {% for plot in results.var.plots | sort(attribute='gene')%}

{{ plot.gene }} variants

Figure {{ vars['figure_idx'] + loop.index0 }} | {{ plot.gene }} variant calling results
{% for tid, exons in stats.cov[plot.gene].items() %}

Table {{ vars['table_idx'] }} | Exon statistics of transcript {{ tid }} ({{ plot.gene }})

{% if vars.update({'table_idx': vars['table_idx'] + 1}) %} {% endif %}
{% for exon in exons %} {% endfor %}
Index Location ({{ exons[0].chrom }}) Coverage Fraction covered at least
Start End Median Avg Stdev 10x 20x 30x
{{ exon.exon_num }} {{ exon.start|show_int }} {{ exon.end|show_int }} {{ exon.metrics.median|show_int }} {{ exon.metrics.avg|show_float('.1f') }} {{ exon.metrics.stdev|show_float('.1f') }} {{ exon.metrics.frac_cov_at_least['10x']|show_float('.1f') }} {{ exon.metrics.frac_cov_at_least['20x']|show_float('.1f') }} {{ exon.metrics.frac_cov_at_least['30x']|show_float('.1f') }}
{% endfor %} {% endfor %}