DBI-package |
DBI: R Database Interface |
dbAppendTable |
Insert rows into a table |
dbBegin |
Begin/commit/rollback SQL transactions |
dbBind |
Bind values to a parameterized/prepared statement |
dbBreak |
Self-contained SQL transactions |
dbCanConnect |
Check if a connection to a DBMS can be established |
dbClearResult |
Clear a result set |
dbColumnInfo |
Information about result types |
dbCommit |
Begin/commit/rollback SQL transactions |
dbConnect |
Create a connection to a DBMS |
dbCreateTable |
Create a table in the database |
dbDataType |
Determine the SQL data type of an object |
dbDisconnect |
Disconnect (close) a connection |
dbExecute |
Execute an update statement, query number of rows affected, and then close result set |
dbExistsTable |
Does a table exist? |
dbFetch |
Fetch records from a previously executed query |
dbGetConnectArgs |
Get connection arguments |
dbGetInfo |
Get DBMS metadata |
dbGetQuery |
Send query, retrieve results and then clear result set |
dbGetRowCount |
The number of rows fetched so far |
dbGetRowsAffected |
The number of rows affected |
dbGetStatement |
Get the statement associated with a result set |
dbHasCompleted |
Completion status |
DBI: R Database Interface |
DBIConnection-class |
DBIConnection class |
DBIConnector-class |
DBIConnector class |
DBIDriver-class |
DBIDriver class |
DBIObject-class |
DBIObject class |
DBIResult-class |
DBIResult class |
dbIsReadOnly |
Is this DBMS object read only? |
dbIsValid |
Is this DBMS object still valid? |
dbListFields |
List field names of a remote table |
dbListObjects |
List remote objects |
dbListTables |
List remote tables |
dbQuoteIdentifier |
Quote identifiers |
dbQuoteLiteral |
Quote literal values |
dbQuoteString |
Quote literal strings |
dbReadTable |
Copy data frames from database tables |
dbRemoveTable |
Remove a table from the database |
dbRollback |
Begin/commit/rollback SQL transactions |
dbSendQuery |
Execute a query on a given database connection |
dbSendStatement |
Execute a data manipulation statement on a given database connection |
dbUnquoteIdentifier |
Unquote identifiers |
dbWithTransaction |
Self-contained SQL transactions |
dbWriteTable |
Copy data frames to database tables |
fetch |
Fetch records from a previously executed query |
Id |
Refer to a table nested in a hierarchy (e.g. within a schema) |
Id-class |
Refer to a table nested in a hierarchy (e.g. within a schema) |
rownames |
Convert row names back and forth between columns |
SQL quoting |
SQL-class |
SQL quoting |
sqlAppendTable |
Compose query to insert rows into a table |
sqlAppendTableTemplate |
Compose query to insert rows into a table |
sqlColumnToRownames |
Convert row names back and forth between columns |
sqlCreateTable |
Compose query to create a simple table |
sqlData |
Convert a data frame into form suitable for upload to an SQL database |
sqlInterpolate |
Safely interpolate values into an SQL string |
sqlRownamesToColumn |
Convert row names back and forth between columns |
transactions |
Begin/commit/rollback SQL transactions |