ansi-styles | ANSI colored text |
ansi_hide_cursor | Hide/show cursor in a terminal |
ansi_show_cursor | Hide/show cursor in a terminal |
ansi_with_hidden_cursor | Hide/show cursor in a terminal |
bg_black | ANSI colored text |
bg_blue | ANSI colored text |
bg_cyan | ANSI colored text |
bg_green | ANSI colored text |
bg_magenta | ANSI colored text |
bg_red | ANSI colored text |
bg_white | ANSI colored text |
bg_yellow | ANSI colored text |
boxx | Draw a banner-like box in the console |
builtin_theme | The built-in CLI theme |
cat_boxx | 'cat()' helpers |
cat_bullet | 'cat()' helpers |
cat_line | 'cat()' helpers |
cat_print | 'cat()' helpers |
cat_rule | 'cat()' helpers |
cli_alert | CLI alerts |
cli_alert_danger | CLI alerts |
cli_alert_info | CLI alerts |
cli_alert_success | CLI alerts |
cli_alert_warning | CLI alerts |
cli_blockquote | CLI block quote |
cli_code | A block of code |
cli_div | Generic CLI container |
cli_dl | Definition list |
cli_end | Close a CLI container |
cli_format | Format a value for printing |
cli_format.character | Format a value for printing |
cli_format.default | Format a value for printing |
cli_format.numeric | Format a value for printing |
cli_format_method | Create a format method for an object using cli tools |
cli_h1 | CLI headings |
cli_h2 | CLI headings |
cli_h3 | CLI headings |
cli_li | CLI list item(s) |
cli_list_themes | List the currently active themes |
cli_ol | Ordered CLI list |
cli_output_connection | The connection option that cli would use |
cli_par | CLI paragraph |
cli_process_done | Indicate the start and termination of some computation in the status bar |
cli_process_failed | Indicate the start and termination of some computation in the status bar |
cli_process_start | Indicate the start and termination of some computation in the status bar |
cli_rule | CLI horizontal rule |
cli_sitrep | cli situation report |
cli_status | Update the status bar |
cli_status_clear | Clear the status bar |
cli_status_update | Update the status bar |
cli_text | CLI text |
cli_ul | Unordered CLI list |
cli_verbatim | CLI verbatim text |
col_black | ANSI colored text |
col_blue | ANSI colored text |
col_cyan | ANSI colored text |
col_green | ANSI colored text |
col_grey | ANSI colored text |
col_magenta | ANSI colored text |
col_red | ANSI colored text |
col_silver | ANSI colored text |
col_white | ANSI colored text |
col_yellow | ANSI colored text |
combine_ansi_styles | Combine two or more ANSI styles |
console_width | Determine the width of the console |
containers | CLI containers |
default_app | Start, stop, query the default cli application |
demo_spinners | Show a demo of some (by default all) spinners |
get_spinner | Character vector to put a spinner on the screen |
inline-markup | CLI inline markup |
is_ansi_tty | Detect if a stream support ANSI escape characters |
is_dynamic_tty | Detect whether a stream supports \\r (Carriage return) |
is_utf8_output | Whether cli is emitting UTF-8 characters |
list_border_styles | Draw a banner-like box in the console |
list_spinners | List all available spinners |
list_symbols | Various handy symbols to use in a command line UI |
make_ansi_style | Create a new ANSI style |
make_spinner | Create a spinner |
no | Pluralization helper functions |
pluralization | CLI pluralization |
qty | Pluralization helper functions |
rule | Make a rule with one or two text labels |
simple_theme | A simple CLI theme |
start_app | Start, stop, query the default cli application |
stop_app | Start, stop, query the default cli application |
style_blurred | ANSI colored text |
style_bold | ANSI colored text |
style_dim | ANSI colored text |
style_hidden | ANSI colored text |
style_inverse | ANSI colored text |
style_italic | ANSI colored text |
style_reset | ANSI colored text |
style_strikethrough | ANSI colored text |
style_underline | ANSI colored text |
symbol | Various handy symbols to use in a command line UI |
themes | CLI themes |
tree | Draw a tree |