choose_color | Graphical User Interface to Pick Colors in HCL Space |
choose_palette | Graphical User Interface for Choosing HCL Color Palettes |
coerce-method | Class "color" |
color-class | Class "color" |
coords | Extract the Numerical Coordinates of a Color |
coords-method | Class "color" |
cvd | Color Vision Deficiency (CVD) Conversion Tables |
cvd_emulator | Graphical User Interface to Check Images for Color Constraints |
cvd_image | Convert Colors of an Image |
darken | Algorithmically Lighten or Darken Colors |
demoplot | Color Palette Demonstration Plot |
desaturate | Desaturate Colors by Chroma Removal in HCL Space |
deutan | Simulate Color Vision Deficiency |
deutanomaly_cvd | Color Vision Deficiency (CVD) Conversion Tables |
divergex_hcl | (More) Flexible Diverging HCL Palettes |
diverge_hcl | HCL Color Palettes |
diverge_hsv | HCL (and HSV) Color Palettes Corresponding to Base R Palettes |
divergingx_hcl | (More) Flexible Diverging HCL Palettes |
divergingx_palettes | (More) Flexible Diverging HCL Palettes |
diverging_hcl | HCL Color Palettes |
diverging_hsv | HCL (and HSV) Color Palettes Corresponding to Base R Palettes |
HCL | Create polarLUV (HCL) Colors |
hclcolorpicker | Graphical User Interface to Pick Colors in HCL Space |
hclplot | Palette Plot in HCL Space |
hclwizard | Graphical User Interface for Choosing HCL Color Palettes |
hcl_color_picker | Graphical User Interface to Pick Colors in HCL Space |
hcl_palettes | HCL Color Palettes |
hcl_wizard | Graphical User Interface for Choosing HCL Color Palettes |
heat_hcl | HCL (and HSV) Color Palettes Corresponding to Base R Palettes |
hex | Convert Colors to Hexadecimal Strings |
hex2RGB | Convert Hexadecimal Color Specifications to sRGB Objects |
HLS | Create HLS Colors |
HLS-class | Class "color" |
HSV | Create HSV Colors |
HSV-class | Class "color" |
interpolate_cvd_transform | Simulate Color Vision Deficiency |
LAB | Create LAB Colors |
LAB-class | Class "color" |
lighten | Algorithmically Lighten or Darken Colors |
LUV | Create LUV Colors |
LUV-class | Class "color" |
max_chroma | Compute Maximum Chroma for Given Hue and Luminance in HCL |
max_chroma_table | Compute Maximum Chroma for Given Hue and Luminance in HCL |
mixcolor | Compute the Convex Combination of Two Colors |
plot-method | Class "color" |
plot.hcl_palettes | HCL Color Palettes |
polarLAB | Create polarLAB Colors |
polarLAB-class | Class "color" |
polarLUV | Create polarLUV (HCL) Colors |
polarLUV-class | Class "color" |
print.hcl_palettes | HCL Color Palettes |
protan | Simulate Color Vision Deficiency |
protanomaly_cvd | Color Vision Deficiency (CVD) Conversion Tables |
qualitative_hcl | HCL Color Palettes |
rainbow_hcl | HCL (and HSV) Color Palettes Corresponding to Base R Palettes |
readhex | Read Hexadecimal Color Descriptions |
readRGB | Read RGB Color Descriptions |
RGB | Create RGB Colors |
RGB-class | Class "color" |
scale_color_continuous_diverging | HCL-Based Continuous Diverging Color Scales for ggplot2 |
scale_color_continuous_divergingx | HCL-Based Continuous Flexible Diverging Scales for ggplot2 |
scale_color_continuous_qualitative | HCL-Based Continuous Qualitative Color Scales for ggplot2 |
scale_color_continuous_sequential | HCL-Based Continuous Sequential Color Scales for ggplot2 |
scale_color_discrete_diverging | HCL-Based Discrete Diverging Color Scales for ggplot2 |
scale_color_discrete_divergingx | HCL-Based Discrete Flexible Diverging Scales for ggplot2 |
scale_color_discrete_qualitative | HCL-Based Discrete Qualitative Color Scales for ggplot2 |
scale_color_discrete_sequential | HCL-Based Discrete Sequential Color Scales for ggplot2 |
scale_colour_continuous_diverging | HCL-Based Continuous Diverging Color Scales for ggplot2 |
scale_colour_continuous_divergingx | HCL-Based Continuous Flexible Diverging Scales for ggplot2 |
scale_colour_continuous_qualitative | HCL-Based Continuous Qualitative Color Scales for ggplot2 |
scale_colour_continuous_sequential | HCL-Based Continuous Sequential Color Scales for ggplot2 |
scale_colour_discrete_diverging | HCL-Based Discrete Diverging Color Scales for ggplot2 |
scale_colour_discrete_divergingx | HCL-Based Discrete Flexible Diverging Scales for ggplot2 |
scale_colour_discrete_qualitative | HCL-Based Discrete Qualitative Color Scales for ggplot2 |
scale_colour_discrete_sequential | HCL-Based Discrete Sequential Color Scales for ggplot2 |
scale_fill_continuous_diverging | HCL-Based Continuous Diverging Color Scales for ggplot2 |
scale_fill_continuous_divergingx | HCL-Based Continuous Flexible Diverging Scales for ggplot2 |
scale_fill_continuous_qualitative | HCL-Based Continuous Qualitative Color Scales for ggplot2 |
scale_fill_continuous_sequential | HCL-Based Continuous Sequential Color Scales for ggplot2 |
scale_fill_discrete_diverging | HCL-Based Discrete Diverging Color Scales for ggplot2 |
scale_fill_discrete_divergingx | HCL-Based Discrete Flexible Diverging Scales for ggplot2 |
scale_fill_discrete_qualitative | HCL-Based Discrete Qualitative Color Scales for ggplot2 |
scale_fill_discrete_sequential | HCL-Based Discrete Sequential Color Scales for ggplot2 |
sequential_hcl | HCL Color Palettes |
show-method | Class "color" |
simulate_cvd | Simulate Color Vision Deficiency |
specplot | Color Spectrum Plot |
sRGB | Create sRGB Colors |
sRGB-class | Class "color" |
summary.hcl_palettes | HCL Color Palettes |
swatchplot | Palette Swatch Plot |
terrain_hcl | HCL (and HSV) Color Palettes Corresponding to Base R Palettes |
tritan | Simulate Color Vision Deficiency |
tritanomaly_cvd | Color Vision Deficiency (CVD) Conversion Tables |
USSouthPolygon | Polygon for County Map of US South States: Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina |
whitepoint | Access or Modify the Whitepoint |
writehex | Write Hexadecimal Color Descriptions |
XYZ | Create XYZ Colors |
XYZ-class | Class "color" |
[-method | Class "color" |