A Toolbox for Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes

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Documentation for package ‘colorspace’ version 1.4-1

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choose_color Graphical User Interface to Pick Colors in HCL Space
choose_palette Graphical User Interface for Choosing HCL Color Palettes
coerce-method Class "color"
color-class Class "color"
coords Extract the Numerical Coordinates of a Color
coords-method Class "color"
cvd Color Vision Deficiency (CVD) Conversion Tables
cvd_emulator Graphical User Interface to Check Images for Color Constraints
cvd_image Convert Colors of an Image
darken Algorithmically Lighten or Darken Colors
demoplot Color Palette Demonstration Plot
desaturate Desaturate Colors by Chroma Removal in HCL Space
deutan Simulate Color Vision Deficiency
deutanomaly_cvd Color Vision Deficiency (CVD) Conversion Tables
divergex_hcl (More) Flexible Diverging HCL Palettes
diverge_hcl HCL Color Palettes
diverge_hsv HCL (and HSV) Color Palettes Corresponding to Base R Palettes
divergingx_hcl (More) Flexible Diverging HCL Palettes
divergingx_palettes (More) Flexible Diverging HCL Palettes
diverging_hcl HCL Color Palettes
diverging_hsv HCL (and HSV) Color Palettes Corresponding to Base R Palettes
HCL Create polarLUV (HCL) Colors
hclcolorpicker Graphical User Interface to Pick Colors in HCL Space
hclplot Palette Plot in HCL Space
hclwizard Graphical User Interface for Choosing HCL Color Palettes
hcl_color_picker Graphical User Interface to Pick Colors in HCL Space
hcl_palettes HCL Color Palettes
hcl_wizard Graphical User Interface for Choosing HCL Color Palettes
heat_hcl HCL (and HSV) Color Palettes Corresponding to Base R Palettes
hex Convert Colors to Hexadecimal Strings
hex2RGB Convert Hexadecimal Color Specifications to sRGB Objects
HLS Create HLS Colors
HLS-class Class "color"
HSV Create HSV Colors
HSV-class Class "color"
interpolate_cvd_transform Simulate Color Vision Deficiency
LAB Create LAB Colors
LAB-class Class "color"
lighten Algorithmically Lighten or Darken Colors
LUV Create LUV Colors
LUV-class Class "color"
max_chroma Compute Maximum Chroma for Given Hue and Luminance in HCL
max_chroma_table Compute Maximum Chroma for Given Hue and Luminance in HCL
mixcolor Compute the Convex Combination of Two Colors
plot-method Class "color"
plot.hcl_palettes HCL Color Palettes
polarLAB Create polarLAB Colors
polarLAB-class Class "color"
polarLUV Create polarLUV (HCL) Colors
polarLUV-class Class "color"
print.hcl_palettes HCL Color Palettes
protan Simulate Color Vision Deficiency
protanomaly_cvd Color Vision Deficiency (CVD) Conversion Tables
qualitative_hcl HCL Color Palettes
rainbow_hcl HCL (and HSV) Color Palettes Corresponding to Base R Palettes
readhex Read Hexadecimal Color Descriptions
readRGB Read RGB Color Descriptions
RGB Create RGB Colors
RGB-class Class "color"
scale_color_continuous_diverging HCL-Based Continuous Diverging Color Scales for ggplot2
scale_color_continuous_divergingx HCL-Based Continuous Flexible Diverging Scales for ggplot2
scale_color_continuous_qualitative HCL-Based Continuous Qualitative Color Scales for ggplot2
scale_color_continuous_sequential HCL-Based Continuous Sequential Color Scales for ggplot2
scale_color_discrete_diverging HCL-Based Discrete Diverging Color Scales for ggplot2
scale_color_discrete_divergingx HCL-Based Discrete Flexible Diverging Scales for ggplot2
scale_color_discrete_qualitative HCL-Based Discrete Qualitative Color Scales for ggplot2
scale_color_discrete_sequential HCL-Based Discrete Sequential Color Scales for ggplot2
scale_colour_continuous_diverging HCL-Based Continuous Diverging Color Scales for ggplot2
scale_colour_continuous_divergingx HCL-Based Continuous Flexible Diverging Scales for ggplot2
scale_colour_continuous_qualitative HCL-Based Continuous Qualitative Color Scales for ggplot2
scale_colour_continuous_sequential HCL-Based Continuous Sequential Color Scales for ggplot2
scale_colour_discrete_diverging HCL-Based Discrete Diverging Color Scales for ggplot2
scale_colour_discrete_divergingx HCL-Based Discrete Flexible Diverging Scales for ggplot2
scale_colour_discrete_qualitative HCL-Based Discrete Qualitative Color Scales for ggplot2
scale_colour_discrete_sequential HCL-Based Discrete Sequential Color Scales for ggplot2
scale_fill_continuous_diverging HCL-Based Continuous Diverging Color Scales for ggplot2
scale_fill_continuous_divergingx HCL-Based Continuous Flexible Diverging Scales for ggplot2
scale_fill_continuous_qualitative HCL-Based Continuous Qualitative Color Scales for ggplot2
scale_fill_continuous_sequential HCL-Based Continuous Sequential Color Scales for ggplot2
scale_fill_discrete_diverging HCL-Based Discrete Diverging Color Scales for ggplot2
scale_fill_discrete_divergingx HCL-Based Discrete Flexible Diverging Scales for ggplot2
scale_fill_discrete_qualitative HCL-Based Discrete Qualitative Color Scales for ggplot2
scale_fill_discrete_sequential HCL-Based Discrete Sequential Color Scales for ggplot2
sequential_hcl HCL Color Palettes
show-method Class "color"
simulate_cvd Simulate Color Vision Deficiency
specplot Color Spectrum Plot
sRGB Create sRGB Colors
sRGB-class Class "color"
summary.hcl_palettes HCL Color Palettes
swatchplot Palette Swatch Plot
terrain_hcl HCL (and HSV) Color Palettes Corresponding to Base R Palettes
tritan Simulate Color Vision Deficiency
tritanomaly_cvd Color Vision Deficiency (CVD) Conversion Tables
USSouthPolygon Polygon for County Map of US South States: Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina
whitepoint Access or Modify the Whitepoint
writehex Write Hexadecimal Color Descriptions
XYZ Create XYZ Colors
XYZ-class Class "color"
[-method Class "color"