Formal Methods and Classes

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Documentation for package ‘methods’ version 3.6.3

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A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T U V W misc

methods-package Formal Methods and Classes

-- A --

activeBindingFunction-class Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style)
anova-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
anova.glm-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
anova.glm.null-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
ANY-class Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types
aov-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
Arith S4 Group Generic Functions
array-class Classes Corresponding to Basic Structures
as Force an Object to Belong to a Class
as<- Force an Object to Belong to a Class

-- B --

body<--method Class MethodsList, Defunct Representation of Methods
builtin-class Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types

-- C --

call-class Classes to Represent Unevaluated Language Objects
callGeneric Call the Current Generic Function from a Method
callNextMethod Call an Inherited Method
canCoerce Can an Object be Coerced to a Certain S4 Class?
cbind2 Combine two Objects by Columns or Rows
cbind2-method Combine two Objects by Columns or Rows
cbind2-methods Combine two Objects by Columns or Rows
character-class Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types
Classes S4 Class Documentation
classesToAM Compute an Adjacency Matrix for Superclasses of Class Definitions
Classes_Details Class Definitions
classGeneratorFunction-class Create a Class Definition
className Class names including the corresponding package
className-class Class names including the corresponding package
classRepresentation-class Class Objects
ClassUnionRepresentation-class Classes Defined as the Union of Other Classes
coerce Methods for Coercing an Object to a Class
coerce-method S4 Classes that Contain S3 Classes
coerce-method Methods for Coercing an Object to a Class
coerce-methods Methods for Coercing an Object to a Class
coerce<- Methods for Coercing an Object to a Class
Compare S4 Group Generic Functions
Complex S4 Group Generic Functions
complex-class Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types

-- D --

data.frame-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
data.frameRowLabels-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
Date-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
defaultBindingFunction-class Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style)
density-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
derivedDefaultMethodWithTrace-class Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing
Documentation Using and Creating On-line Documentation for Classes and Methods
Documentation-class Using and Creating On-line Documentation for Classes and Methods
Documentation-methods Using and Creating On-line Documentation for Classes and Methods
dotsMethods The Use of '...' in Method Signatures
double-class Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types
dump.frames-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
dumpMethod Tools for Managing Generic Functions
dumpMethods Tools for Managing Generic Functions

-- E --

environment-class Class '"environment"'
envRefClass-class Class '"envRefClass"'
evalOnLoad Set Actions For Package Loading
evalqOnLoad Set Actions For Package Loading
evalSource Use Function Definitions from a Source File without Reinstalling a Package
existsMethod Get or Test for the Definition of a Method
expression-class Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types
extends Is an Object from a Class?
externalptr-class Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types
externalRefMethod Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style)
externalRefMethod-class Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style)

-- F --

factor-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
findClass Find Class Definitions
findFunction Tools for Managing Generic Functions
findMethod Get or Test for the Definition of a Method
findMethods Description of the Methods Defined for a Generic Function
findMethodSignatures Description of the Methods Defined for a Generic Function
fixPre1.8 Fix Objects Saved from R Versions Previous to 1.8
for-class Classes to Represent Unevaluated Language Objects
formula-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
function-class Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types
functionWithTrace-class Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing

-- G --

genericFunction-class Generic Function Objects
GenericFunctions Tools for Managing Generic Functions
genericFunctionWithTrace-class Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing
getClass Get Class Definition
getClassDef Get Class Definition
getClasses Find Class Definitions
getGenerics Tools for Managing Generic Functions
getLoadActions Set Actions For Package Loading
getMethod Get or Test for the Definition of a Method
getMethods Description of the Methods Defined for a Generic Function
getPackageName The Name associated with a Given Package
getRefClass Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style)
getSlots The Slots in an Object from a Formal Class
getValidity Test the Validity of an Object
glm-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
glm.null-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
groupGenericFunction-class Generic Function Objects
GroupGenericFunctions S4 Group Generic Functions
groupGenericFunctionWithTrace-class Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing

-- H --

hasArg Look for an Argument in the Call
hasLoadAction Set Actions For Package Loading
hasMethod Get or Test for the Definition of a Method
hasMethods Description of the Methods Defined for a Generic Function
hsearch-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance

-- I --

if-class Classes to Represent Unevaluated Language Objects
implicit generic Manage Implicit Versions of Generic Functions
implicitGeneric Manage Implicit Versions of Generic Functions
inheritedSlotNames Names of Slots Inherited From a Super Class
initFieldArgs Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style)
initialize Generate an Object from a Class
initialize-method Methods to Initialize New Objects from a Class
initialize-method Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
initialize-method Class '"envRefClass"'
initialize-method Classes Corresponding to Basic Structures
initialize-methods Methods to Initialize New Objects from a Class
initRefFields Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style)
insertSource Use Function Definitions from a Source File without Reinstalling a Package
integer-class Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types
integrate-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
Introduction Basic use of S4 Methods and Classes
is Is an Object from a Class?
isClass Find Class Definitions
isClassUnion Classes Defined as the Union of Other Classes
isGeneric Tools for Managing Generic Functions
isGroup Tools for Managing Generic Functions
isSealedClass Check for a Sealed Method or Class
isSealedMethod Check for a Sealed Method or Class
isXS3Class S4 Classes that Contain S3 Classes

-- L --

language-class Classes to Represent Unevaluated Language Objects
libraryIQR-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
LinearMethodsList-class Class "LinearMethodsList"
list-class Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types
listOfMethods-class Description of the Methods Defined for a Generic Function
lm-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
localRefClass-class Localized Objects based on Reference Classes
LocalReferenceClasses Localized Objects based on Reference Classes
Logic S4 Group Generic Functions
logical-class Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types
logLik-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance

-- M --

makeClassRepresentation Create a Class Definition
maov-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
Math S4 Group Generic Functions
Math-method A non-structure S4 Class for basic types
Math-method Classes Corresponding to Basic Structures
Math2 S4 Group Generic Functions
Math2-method A non-structure S4 Class for basic types
matrix-class Classes Corresponding to Basic Structures
method.skeleton Create a Skeleton File for a New Method
MethodDefinition-class Classes to Represent Method Definitions
MethodDefinitionWithTrace-class Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing
Methods S4 Class Documentation
MethodSelectionReport-class Test for and Report about Selection of Inherited Methods
MethodsList-class Class MethodsList, Defunct Representation of Methods
Methods_Details General Information on Methods
Methods_for_Nongenerics Methods for Non-Generic Functions in Other Packages
Methods_for_S3 Methods For S3 and S4 Dispatch
MethodWithNext-class Class MethodWithNext
MethodWithNextWithTrace-class Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing
missing-class Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types
mlm-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
mtable-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
mts-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
multipleClasses Class names including the corresponding package

-- N --

name-class Classes to Represent Unevaluated Language Objects
namedList-class Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types
new Generate an Object from a Class
nonstandardGenericWithTrace-class Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing
nonStructure-class A non-structure S4 Class for basic types
NULL-class Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types
numeric-class Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types

-- O --

ObjectsWithPackage-class A Vector of Object Names, with associated Package Names
oldClass-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
Ops S4 Group Generic Functions
Ops-method A non-structure S4 Class for basic types
Ops-method Classes Corresponding to Basic Structures
ordered-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance

-- P --

packageInfo-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
packageIQR-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
packageSlot The Name associated with a Given Package
packageSlot<- The Name associated with a Given Package
POSIXct-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
POSIXlt-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
POSIXt-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
prohibitGeneric Manage Implicit Versions of Generic Functions
promptClass Generate a Shell for Documentation of a Formal Class
promptMethods Generate a Shell for Documentation of Formal Methods
prototype Construct a Representation or a Prototype for a Class Definition

-- R --

raw-class Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types
rbind2 Combine two Objects by Columns or Rows
rbind2-method Combine two Objects by Columns or Rows
rbind2-methods Combine two Objects by Columns or Rows
recordedplot-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
refClass-class Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style)
refClassRepresentation-class Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style)
ReferenceClasses Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style)
refGeneratorSlot-class Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style)
refMethodDef-class Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style)
refMethodDefWithTrace-class Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style)
refObject-class Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style)
refObjectGenerator-class Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style)
registerImplicitGenerics Manage Implicit Versions of Generic Functions
removeClass Find Class Definitions
removeGeneric Tools for Managing Generic Functions
removeMethod Remove a Method
removeMethods Tools for Managing Generic Functions
repeat-class Classes to Represent Unevaluated Language Objects
representation Construct a Representation or a Prototype for a Class Definition
resetClass Find Class Definitions
rle-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance

-- S --

S3 S4 Classes that Contain S3 Classes
S3-class S4 Classes that Contain S3 Classes
S3Class S4 Classes that Contain S3 Classes
S3Class<- S4 Classes that Contain S3 Classes
S3Part S4 Classes that Contain S3 Classes
S3Part<- S4 Classes that Contain S3 Classes
S4 S4 Classes that Contain S3 Classes
S4-class Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types
S4groupGeneric S4 Group Generic Functions
SClassExtension-class Class to Represent Inheritance (Extension) Relations
sealClass Find Class Definitions
SealedMethodDefinition-class Classes to Represent Method Definitions
selectMethod Get or Test for the Definition of a Method
selectSuperClasses Super Classes (of Specific Kinds) of a Class
setAs Methods for Coercing an Object to a Class
setClass Create a Class Definition
setClassUnion Classes Defined as the Union of Other Classes
setGeneric Create a Generic Version of a Function
setGenericImplicit Manage Implicit Versions of Generic Functions
setGroupGeneric Create a Group Generic Version of a Function
setIs Specify a Superclass Explicitly
setLoadAction Set Actions For Package Loading
setLoadActions Set Actions For Package Loading
setMethod Create and Save a Method
setOldClass Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
setPackageName The Name associated with a Given Package
setRefClass Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style)
setReplaceMethod Tools for Managing Generic Functions
setValidity Test the Validity of an Object
show Show an Object
show-method Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style)
show-method Show an Object
show-method Class '"signature"' For Method Definitions
show-method Classes Corresponding to Basic Structures
show-method Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing
show-methods Show an Object
showMethods Show all the methods for the specified function(s) or class
signature Tools for Managing Generic Functions
signature-class Class '"signature"' For Method Definitions
single-class Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types
slot The Slots in an Object from a Formal Class
slot<- The Slots in an Object from a Formal Class
slotNames The Slots in an Object from a Formal Class
slotsFromS3 S4 Classes that Contain S3 Classes
socket-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
sourceEnvironment-class Use Function Definitions from a Source File without Reinstalling a Package
special-class Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types
structure-class Classes Corresponding to Basic Structures
Summary S4 Group Generic Functions
summary.table-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
summaryDefault-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
SuperClassMethod-class Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style)

-- T --

table-class Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
testInheritedMethods Test for and Report about Selection of Inherited Methods
traceable-class Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing
ts-class Classes Corresponding to Basic Structures

-- U --

uninitializedField-class Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style)

-- V --

validObject Test the Validity of an Object
vector-class Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types
VIRTUAL-class Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types

-- W --

while-class Classes to Represent Unevaluated Language Objects

-- misc --

$-method Class '"envRefClass"'
$<--method Localized Objects based on Reference Classes
$<--method Class '"envRefClass"'
(-class Classes to Represent Unevaluated Language Objects
.BasicFunsList List of Builtin and Special Functions
.doTracePrint Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing
.environment-class Class Definitions
.externalptr-class Class Definitions
.hasSlot The Slots in an Object from a Formal Class
.InitTraceFunctions Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing
.makeTracedFunction Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing
.name-class Class Definitions
.NULL-class Class Definitions
.OldClassesList Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
.Other-class Test for and Report about Selection of Inherited Methods
.S4methods Show all the methods for the specified function(s) or class
.selectSuperClasses Super Classes (of Specific Kinds) of a Class
.setOldIs Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
.slotNames The Slots in an Object from a Formal Class
.untracedFunction Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing
<--class Classes to Represent Unevaluated Language Objects
__ClassMetaData Class Definitions
{-class Classes to Represent Unevaluated Language Objects