addTheme | Add a Custom Editor Theme |
applyTheme | Apply an Editor Theme to RStudio |
as.document_position | Create a Document Position |
as.document_range | Create a Range |
askForPassword | Ask the user for a password interactively |
askForSecret | Show Prompt for Secret Dialog |
bugReport | File an RStudio Bug Report |
build-tools | Build Tools |
buildToolsCheck | Build Tools |
buildToolsExec | Build Tools |
buildToolsInstall | Build Tools |
callFun | Call an RStudio API function |
convertTheme | Convert a tmTheme to an RStudio Theme |
createProjectTemplate | Create a Project Template |
dictionaries | Interact with RStudio's Dictionaries |
dictionariesPath | Interact with RStudio's Dictionaries |
documentClose | Interact with Documents open in RStudio |
documentNew | Interact with Documents open in RStudio |
documentSave | Interact with Documents open in RStudio |
documentSaveAll | Interact with Documents open in RStudio |
document_position | Create a Document Position |
document_range | Create a Range |
executeCommand | Execute Command |
file-dialogs | Select a File / Folder |
findFun | Exists/get for RStudio functions |
getActiveDocumentContext | Retrieve Information about an RStudio Editor |
getActiveProject | Path to Active RStudio Project |
getConsoleEditorContext | Retrieve Information about an RStudio Editor |
getPersistentValue | Persistent Keys and Values |
getRStudioPackageDependencies | Get RStudio Package Dependencies |
getSourceEditorContext | Retrieve Information about an RStudio Editor |
getThemeInfo | Retrieve Themes |
getThemes | Get Theme List |
getVersion | Return the current version of the RStudio API |
hasColorConsole | Check if Console Supports ANSI Color Escapes |
hasFun | Exists/get for RStudio functions |
highlightUi | Highlight UI Elements within the RStudio IDE |
initializeProject | Open a Project in RStudio |
insertText | Interact with Documents open in RStudio |
is.document_position | Create a Document Position |
is.document_range | Create a Range |
isAvailable | Check if RStudio is running. |
jobAdd | Add a Job |
jobAddOutput | Add Job Output |
jobAddProgress | Add Job Progress |
jobRemove | Remove a Job |
jobRunScript | Run R Script As Job |
jobSetProgress | Set Job Progress |
jobSetState | Set Job State |
jobSetStatus | Set Job Status |
launcher | Retrieve Launcher Information |
launcherAvailable | Retrieve Launcher Information |
launcherConfig | Define a Launcher Configuration |
launcherContainer | Define a Launcher Container |
launcherControlJob | Interact with (Control) a Job |
launcherGetInfo | Retrieve Launcher Information |
launcherGetJob | Retrieve Job Information |
launcherGetJobs | Retrieve Launcher Information |
launcherHostMount | Define a Launcher Host Mount |
launcherNfsMount | Define a Launcher NFS Mount |
launcherPlacementConstraint | Define a Launcher Placement Constraint |
launcherResourceLimit | Define a Launcher Resource Limit |
launcherSubmitJob | Submit a Launcher Job |
launcherSubmitR | Execute an R Script as a Launcher Job |
modifyRange | Interact with Documents open in RStudio |
navigateToFile | Navigate to File |
openProject | Open a Project in RStudio |
persistent-values | Persistent Keys and Values |
previewRd | Preview an Rd topic in the Help pane |
previewSql | Preview SQL statement |
primary_selection | Extract the Primary Selection |
projects | Open a Project in RStudio |
readPreference | Read Preference |
readRStudioPreference | Read RStudio Preference |
removeTheme | Remove a custom theme from RStudio. |
restartSession | Restart the R Session |
rstudio-documents | Interact with Documents open in RStudio |
rstudio-editors | Retrieve Information about an RStudio Editor |
savePlotAsImage | Save Active RStudio Plot as an Image |
selectDirectory | Select a File / Folder |
selectFile | Select a File / Folder |
sendToConsole | Send Code to the R Console |
setCursorPosition | Interact with Documents open in RStudio |
setDocumentContents | Interact with Documents open in RStudio |
setPersistentValue | Persistent Keys and Values |
setSelectionRanges | Interact with Documents open in RStudio |
showDialog | Show Dialog Box |
showPrompt | Show Prompt Dialog Box |
showQuestion | Show Question Dialog Box |
sourceMarkers | Display Source Markers |
systemUsername | Get System Username |
terminalActivate | Activate Terminal |
terminalBuffer | Get Terminal Buffer |
terminalBusy | Is Terminal Busy |
terminalClear | Clear Terminal Buffer |
terminalContext | Retrieve Information about RStudio Terminals |
terminalCreate | Create a Terminal |
terminalExecute | Execute Command |
terminalExitCode | Terminal Exit Code |
terminalKill | Kill Terminal |
terminalList | Get All Terminal Ids |
terminalRunning | Is Terminal Running |
terminalSend | Send Text to a Terminal |
terminalVisible | Get Visible Terminal |
translateLocalUrl | Translate Local URL |
updateDialog | Updates a Dialog Box |
userDictionariesPath | Interact with RStudio's Dictionaries |
userIdentity | Get User Identity |
verifyAvailable | Check if RStudio is running. |
versionInfo | RStudio Version Information |
viewer | View local web content within RStudio |
writePreference | Write Preference |
writeRStudioPreference | Write RStudio Preference |