Simple Data Frames

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Documentation for package ‘tibble’ version 3.0.3

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tibble-package tibble: Simple Data Frames
$.tbl_df Subsetting tibbles
$<-.tbl_df Subsetting tibbles
add_case Add rows to a data frame
add_column Add columns to a data frame
add_row Add rows to a data frame
as_tibble Coerce lists, matrices, and more to data frames Coerce lists, matrices, and more to data frames
as_tibble.default Coerce lists, matrices, and more to data frames
as_tibble.list Coerce lists, matrices, and more to data frames
as_tibble.matrix Coerce lists, matrices, and more to data frames
as_tibble.NULL Coerce lists, matrices, and more to data frames
as_tibble.table Coerce lists, matrices, and more to data frames
as_tibble_col Coerce lists, matrices, and more to data frames
as_tibble_row Coerce lists, matrices, and more to data frames
column_to_rownames Tools for working with row names
deframe Converting vectors to data frames, and vice versa
enframe Converting vectors to data frames, and vice versa
format.tbl Printing tibbles
formatting Printing tibbles
frame_matrix Row-wise matrix creation
glimpse Get a glimpse of your data
has_rownames Tools for working with row names
is_tibble Test if the object is a tibble
lst Build a list
new_tibble Tibble constructor and validator
print.tbl Printing tibbles
remove_rownames Tools for working with row names
rowid_to_column Tools for working with row names
rownames Tools for working with row names
rownames_to_column Tools for working with row names
subsetting Subsetting tibbles
tbl_df 'tbl_df' class
tbl_df-class 'tbl_df' class
tbl_sum Provide a succinct summary of an object
tibble Build a data frame
tibble_row Build a data frame
tribble Row-wise tibble creation
trunc_mat Printing tibbles
validate_tibble Tibble constructor and validator
view View an object
[.tbl_df Subsetting tibbles
[<-.tbl_df Subsetting tibbles
[[.tbl_df Subsetting tibbles
[[<-.tbl_df Subsetting tibbles