Run Code 'With' Temporarily Modified Global State

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Documentation for package ‘withr’ version 2.2.0

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withr-package Execute code in temporarily altered environment
defer Defer Evaluation of an Expression
deferred_clear Defer Evaluation of an Expression
deferred_run Defer Evaluation of an Expression
defer_parent Defer Evaluation of an Expression
devices Graphics devices
local_bmp Graphics devices
local_cairo_pdf Graphics devices
local_cairo_ps Graphics devices
local_collate Collation Order
local_connection Connections which close themselves
local_db_connection DBMS Connections which disconnect themselves.
local_dir Working directory
local_environment Execute code with a modified search path
local_envvar Environment variables
local_file Files which delete themselves
local_jpeg Graphics devices
local_libpaths Library paths
local_locale Locale settings
local_message_sink Output redirection
local_namespace Execute code with a modified search path
local_options Options
local_output_sink Output redirection
local_package Execute code with a modified search path
local_par Graphics parameters
local_path PATH environment variable
local_pdf Graphics devices
local_png Graphics devices
local_postscript Graphics devices
local_rng_version RNG version
local_svg Graphics devices
local_tempfile Temporary files
local_temp_libpaths Library paths
local_tiff Graphics devices
local_timezone Time zone
local_xfig Graphics devices
withr Execute code in temporarily altered environment
with_bmp Graphics devices
with_cairo_pdf Graphics devices
with_cairo_ps Graphics devices
with_collate Collation Order
with_connection Connections which close themselves
with_db_connection DBMS Connections which disconnect themselves.
with_dev Graphics devices
with_device Graphics devices
with_dir Working directory
with_environment Execute code with a modified search path
with_envvar Environment variables
with_file Files which delete themselves
with_gctorture2 Torture Garbage Collector
with_jpeg Graphics devices
with_libpaths Library paths
with_locale Locale settings
with_makevars Makevars variables
with_message_sink Output redirection
with_namespace Execute code with a modified search path
with_options Options
with_output_sink Output redirection
with_package Execute code with a modified search path
with_par Graphics parameters
with_path PATH environment variable
with_pdf Graphics devices
with_png Graphics devices
with_postscript Graphics devices
with_preserve_seed Random seed
with_rng_version RNG version
with_seed Random seed
with_sink Output redirection
with_svg Graphics devices
with_tempdir Working directory
with_tempfile Temporary files
with_temp_libpaths Library paths
with_tiff Graphics devices
with_timezone Time zone
with_xfig Graphics devices