{# ####################### includes.html ########################## This is printed in the HTML head section of the report and includes all of the CSS and JavaScript dependencies (plus favicon images). Note - to make the report stand along (not requiring any associated files), it prints the contents of these files into the report. #} {% set included_css = [] %} {%- for m in report.modules_output %}{% if m.css and m.css|length > 0 -%}{% for css_href in m.css.values() %} {% if css_href not in included_css -%} {{ '' if included_css.append( css_href ) }} {% endif %} {%- endfor %}{% endif %}{% endfor %} {% set included_js = [] %} {%- for m in report.modules_output %}{% if m.js and m.js|length > 0 -%}{% for js_href in m.js.values() %} {% if js_href not in included_js -%} {{ '' if included_js.append( js_href ) }} {% endif %} {%- endfor %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}