pepwindowall Wiki The master copies of EMBOSS documentation are available at on the EMBOSS Wiki. Please help by correcting and extending the Wiki pages. Function Draw Kyte-Doolittle hydropathy plot for a protein alignment Description pepwindowall draws a set of superimposed Kyte & Doolittle hydropathy plots for a set of alignedprotein sequences. Algorithm pepwindowall calculates hydropathy in windows of a specified size over the input sequences. Usage Here is a sample session with pepwindowall % pepwindowall globins.msf -gxtitle="Base Number" -gytitle="hydropathy" Draw Kyte-Doolittle hydropathy plot for a protein alignment Graph type [x11]: cps Created Go to the input files for this example Go to the output files for this example Command line arguments Draw Kyte-Doolittle hydropathy plot for a protein alignment Version: EMBOSS: Standard (Mandatory) qualifiers: [-sequences] seqset File containing a sequence alignment [-graph] xygraph [$EMBOSS_GRAPHICS value, or x11] Graph type (ps, hpgl, hp7470, hp7580, meta, cps, x11, tek, tekt, none, data, xterm, png, gif, pdf, svg) Additional (Optional) qualifiers: -datafile datafile [Enakai.dat] AAINDEX entry data file -window integer [19] Window size (Integer 1 or more) -normalize boolean [N] Normalize data values Advanced (Unprompted) qualifiers: (none) Associated qualifiers: "-sequences" associated qualifiers -sbegin1 integer Start of each sequence to be used -send1 integer End of each sequence to be used -sreverse1 boolean Reverse (if DNA) -sask1 boolean Ask for begin/end/reverse -snucleotide1 boolean Sequence is nucleotide -sprotein1 boolean Sequence is protein -slower1 boolean Make lower case -supper1 boolean Make upper case -scircular1 boolean Sequence is circular -squick1 boolean Read id and sequence only -sformat1 string Input sequence format -iquery1 string Input query fields or ID list -ioffset1 integer Input start position offset -sdbname1 string Database name -sid1 string Entryname -ufo1 string UFO features -fformat1 string Features format -fopenfile1 string Features file name "-graph" associated qualifiers -gprompt2 boolean Graph prompting -gdesc2 string Graph description -gtitle2 string Graph title -gsubtitle2 string Graph subtitle -gxtitle2 string Graph x axis title -gytitle2 string Graph y axis title -goutfile2 string Output file for non interactive displays -gdirectory2 string Output directory General qualifiers: -auto boolean Turn off prompts -stdout boolean Write first file to standard output -filter boolean Read first file from standard input, write first file to standard output -options boolean Prompt for standard and additional values -debug boolean Write debug output to program.dbg -verbose boolean Report some/full command line options -help boolean Report command line options and exit. More information on associated and general qualifiers can be found with -help -verbose -warning boolean Report warnings -error boolean Report errors -fatal boolean Report fatal errors -die boolean Report dying program messages -version boolean Report version number and exit Input file format pepwindowall reads aligned protein sequence. The input is a standard EMBOSS sequence query (also known as a 'USA'). Major sequence database sources defined as standard in EMBOSS installations include srs:embl, srs:uniprot and ensembl Data can also be read from sequence output in any supported format written by an EMBOSS or third-party application. The input format can be specified by using the command-line qualifier -sformat xxx, where 'xxx' is replaced by the name of the required format. The available format names are: gff (gff3), gff2, embl (em), genbank (gb, refseq), ddbj, refseqp, pir (nbrf), swissprot (swiss, sw), dasgff and debug. See: for further information on sequence formats. Input files for usage example File: globins.msf !!AA_MULTIPLE_ALIGNMENT 1.0 ../data/globins.msf MSF: 164 Type: P 25/06/01 CompCheck: 4278 .. Name: HBB_HUMAN Len: 164 Check: 6914 Weight: 0.61 Name: HBB_HORSE Len: 164 Check: 6007 Weight: 0.65 Name: HBA_HUMAN Len: 164 Check: 3921 Weight: 0.65 Name: HBA_HORSE Len: 164 Check: 4770 Weight: 0.83 Name: MYG_PHYCA Len: 164 Check: 7930 Weight: 1.00 Name: GLB5_PETMA Len: 164 Check: 1857 Weight: 0.91 Name: LGB2_LUPLU Len: 164 Check: 2879 Weight: 0.43 // 1 50 HBB_HUMAN ~~~~~~~~VHLTPEEKSAVTALWGKVN.VDEVGGEALGR.LLVVYPWTQR HBB_HORSE ~~~~~~~~VQLSGEEKAAVLALWDKVN.EEEVGGEALGR.LLVVYPWTQR HBA_HUMAN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~VLSPADKTNVKAA.WGKVGAHAGEYGAEALERMFLS HBA_HORSE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~VLSAADKTNVKAA.WSKVGGHAGEYGAEALERMFLG MYG_PHYCA ~~~~~~~VLSEGEWQLVLHVWAKVEAD.VAGHGQDILIR.LFKSHPETLE GLB5_PETMA PIVDTGSVAPLSAAEKTKIRSAWAPVYSTYETSGVDILVKFFTSTPAAQE LGB2_LUPLU ~~~~~~~~GALTESQAALVKSSWEEFNANIPKHTHRFFILVLEIAPAAKD 51 100 HBB_HUMAN FFESFGDLSTPDAVMGNPKVKAHGKKVLGAFSDGLAHLDNLKGTFATLSE HBB_HORSE FFDSFGDLSNPGAVMGNPKVKAHGKKVLHSFGEGVHHLDNLKGTFAALSE HBA_HUMAN FPTTKTYFPHFDLSHGSAQVKGHGKKVADALTNAVAHVDDMPNALSALSD HBA_HORSE FPTTKTYFPHFDLSHGSAQVKAHGKKVGDALTLAVGHLDDLPGALSNLSD MYG_PHYCA KFDRFKHLKTEAEMKASEDLKKHGVTVLTALGAILKKKGHHEAELKPLAQ GLB5_PETMA FFPKFKGLTTADQLKKSADVRWHAERIINAVNDAVASMDDTEKMSMKLRD LGB2_LUPLU LFSFLKGTSEVPQNNPELQAHAGKVFKLVYEAAIQLQVTGVVVTDATLKN 101 150 HBB_HUMAN LHCDKLH..VDPENFRLLGNVLVCVLAHHFGKEFTPPVQAAYQKVVAGVA HBB_HORSE LHCDKLH..VDPENFRLLGNVLVVVLARHFGKDFTPELQASYQKVVAGVA HBA_HUMAN LHAHKLR..VDPVNFKLLSHCLLVTLAAHLPAEFTPAVHASLDKFLASVS HBA_HORSE LHAHKLR..VDPVNFKLLSHCLLSTLAVHLPNDFTPAVHASLDKFLSSVS MYG_PHYCA SHATKHK..IPIKYLEFISEAIIHVLHSRHPGDFGADAQGAMNKALELFR GLB5_PETMA LSGKHAK..SFQVDPQYFKVLAAVIADTVAAGDAGFEKLMSMICILLRSA LGB2_LUPLU LGSVHVSKGVADAHFPVVKEAILKTIKEVVGAKWSEELNSAWTIAYDELA 151 164 HBB_HUMAN NALAHKYH~~~~~~ HBB_HORSE NALAHKYH~~~~~~ HBA_HUMAN TVLTSKYR~~~~~~ HBA_HORSE TVLTSKYR~~~~~~ MYG_PHYCA KDIAAKYKELGYQG GLB5_PETMA Y~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LGB2_LUPLU IVIKKEMNDAA~~~ Output file format The output is to the specified graphics device. The results can be output in one of several formats by using the command-line qualifier -graph xxx, where 'xxx' is replaced by the name of the required device. Support depends on the availability of third-party software packages. The device names that output to a file are: ps (postscript), cps (colourps), png, gif, pdf, svg, hpgl, hp7470, hp7580, das, data. The other available device names are: meta, x11 (xwindows), tek (tek4107t), tekt (tektronix), xterm, text. Output can be turned off by specifying none (null). See: for further information on supported devices. Output files for usage example Graphics File: [pepwindowall results] Data files pepwindowall reads the Kyte-Doolittle hydropathy data from the file 'Enakai.dat' EMBOSS data files are distributed with the application and stored in the standard EMBOSS data directory, which is defined by the EMBOSS environment variable EMBOSS_DATA. To see the available EMBOSS data files, run: % embossdata -showall To fetch one of the data files (for example 'Exxx.dat') into your current directory for you to inspect or modify, run: % embossdata -fetch -file Exxx.dat Users can provide their own data files in their own directories. Project specific files can be put in the current directory, or for tidier directory listings in a subdirectory called ".embossdata". Files for all EMBOSS runs can be put in the user's home directory, or again in a subdirectory called ".embossdata". The directories are searched in the following order: * . (your current directory) * .embossdata (under your current directory) * ~/ (your home directory) * ~/.embossdata The EMBOSS data file 'Enakai.dat' contains :- D Hydropathy index (Kyte-Doolittle, 1982) R 0807099 A Kyte, J. and Doolittle, R.F. T A simple method for displaying the hydropathic character of a protein J J. Mol. Biol. 157, 105-132 (1982) C CHOC760103 0.964 JANJ780102 0.922 DESM900102 0.898 EISD860103 0.897 CHOC760104 0.889 WOLR810101 0.885 RADA880101 0.884 MANP780101 0.881 EISD840101 0.878 PONP800103 0.870 NAKH920108 0.868 JANJ790101 0.867 JANJ790102 0.866 PONP800102 0.861 MEIH800103 0.856 PONP800101 0.851 PONP800108 0.850 WARP780101 0.845 RADA880108 0.842 ROSG850102 0.841 DESM900101 0.837 BIOV880101 0.829 RADA880107 0.828 LIFS790102 0.824 KANM800104 0.824 CIDH920104 0.824 MIYS850101 0.821 RADA880104 0.819 NAKH900111 0.817 NISK800101 0.812 FAUJ830101 0.811 ARGP820103 0.806 NAKH920105 0.803 ARGP820102 0.803 KRIW790101 -0.805 CHOC760102 -0.838 GUYH850101 -0.843 RACS770102 -0.844 JANJ780103 -0.845 ROSM880101 -0.845 PRAM900101 -0.850 JANJ780101 -0.852 GRAR740102 -0.859 MEIH800102 -0.871 ROSM880102 -0.878 OOBM770101 -0.899 I A/L R/K N/M D/F C/P Q/S E/T G/W H/Y I/V 1.8 -4.5 -3.5 -3.5 2.5 -3.5 -3.5 -0.4 -3.2 4.5 3.8 -3.9 1.9 2.8 -1.6 -0.8 -0.7 -0.9 -1.3 4.2 // Notes In calculating hydropathy, pepwindowall can use any of the amino acid parameters from the database of "Nakai et al." which are now included in the database AAINDEX. Before running pepwindowall, you must first extract the required data files from AAINDEX (see "Data Files" section). The result of running pepwindowall is the same as running pepwindow on a set of proteins with aligning gaps and superimposing the plots. It is useful for visualising the average hydropathy and its variability along an alignment. References 1. Kyte, J. and Doolittle, R.F. A simple method for displaying the hydropathic character of a protein J. Mol. Biol. 157, 105-132 (1982) Warnings None. Diagnostic Error Messages None. Exit status 0 upon successful completion. Known bugs None. See also Program name Description charge Draw a protein charge plot hmoment Calculate and plot hydrophobic moment for protein sequence(s) iep Calculate the isoelectric point of proteins octanol Draw a White-Wimley protein hydropathy plot pepinfo Plot amino acid properties of a protein sequence in parallel pepstats Calculate statistics of protein properties pepwindow Draw a hydropathy plot for a protein sequence Author(s) Ian Longden formerly at: Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SA, UK. Please report all bugs to the EMBOSS bug team (emboss-bug (c) not to the original author. History Completed 4th June 1999. Target users This program is intended to be used by everyone and everything, from naive users to embedded scripts. Comments None