Manipulation of SQLite-based annotations in Bioconductor

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Documentation for package ‘AnnotationDbi’ version 1.50.0

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A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U X Y misc

-- A --

ACCNUM Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
ACYRTHOSIPHON_PISUM Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
AEDES_AEGYPTI Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
AgiAnnDbMap Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
AgiAnnDbMap-class Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
ALIAS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
AnnDbBimap Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
AnnDbBimap-class Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
AnnDbMap Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
AnnDbMap-class Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
AnnDbObj AnnDbObj objects
AnnDbObj-class AnnDbObj objects
AnnDbObj-objects AnnDbObj objects
AnnDbPkg-checker Check the SQL data contained in an SQLite-based annotation package
AnnotationDb AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
AnnotationDb-class AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
ANOPHELES_GAMBIAE Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
APIS_MELLIFERA Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
ARABIDOPSIS_THALIANA Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
ARACYC Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
ARACYCENZYME Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
as.character-method Formatting a Bimap as a list or character vector Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
as.list Formatting a Bimap as a list or character vector
as.list-method Formatting a Bimap as a list or character vector
as.list.Bimap Formatting a Bimap as a list or character vector
ASPERGILLUS_FUMIGATUS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.

-- B --

BATRACHOCHYTRIUM_DENDROBATIDIS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
Bimap Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
Bimap-class Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
Bimap-direction Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
Bimap-envirAPI Environment-like API for Bimap objects
Bimap-keys Methods for manipulating the keys of a Bimap object
Bimap-toTable Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
BimapFormatting Formatting a Bimap as a list or character vector
BOMBYX_MORI Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
BOS_TAURUS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
BRANCHIOSTOMA_FLORIDAE Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
BRUGIA_MALAYI Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.

-- C --

CAENORHABDITIS_BRENNERI Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
CAENORHABDITIS_BRIGGSAE Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
CAENORHABDITIS_ELEGANS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
CAENORHABDITIS_JAPONICA Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
CAENORHABDITIS_REMANEI Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
CANDIDA_ALBICANS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
CANDIDA_GLABRATA Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
CANIS_FAMILIARIS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
CAPITELLA_SPI Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
CAVIA_PORCELLUS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
checkMAPCOUNTS Check the SQL data contained in an SQLite-based annotation package
ChipDb-class AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
CHLAMYDOMONAS_REINHARDTII Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
CHR Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
CHRLOC Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
CHRLOCEND Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
CIONA_INTESTINALIS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
CIONA_SAVIGNYI Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
class:AgiAnnDbMap Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
class:AnnDbBimap Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
class:AnnDbMap Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
class:AnnDbObj AnnDbObj objects
class:AnnotationDb AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
class:Bimap Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
class:Go3AnnDbBimap Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
class:GOAllFrame GOFrame and GOAllFrame objects
class:GoAnnDbBimap Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
class:GOFrame GOFrame and GOAllFrame objects
class:GOTerms Class "GOTerms"
class:GOTermsAnnDbBimap Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
class:IpiAnnDbMap Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
class:KEGGFrame KEGGFrame objects
class:ProbeAnnDbBimap Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
class:ProbeAnnDbMap Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
class:ProbeGo3AnnDbBimap Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
class:ProbeIpiAnnDbMap Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
COCCIDIOIDES_IMMITIS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
colmetanames Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
colmetanames-method Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
colnames Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
colnames-method Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
cols AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
columns AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
columns-method AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
COMMON Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
contents-method Environment-like API for Bimap objects
COPRINOPSIS_CINEREUS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
count.links Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
count.links-method Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
count.mappedkeys Methods for manipulating the keys of a Bimap object
count.mappedkeys-method Methods for manipulating the keys of a Bimap object
count.mappedLkeys Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
count.mappedLkeys-method Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
count.mappedRkeys Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
count.mappedRkeys-method Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
createSimpleBimap Creates a simple Bimap from a SQLite database in an situation that is external to AnnotationDbi
CRYPTOCOCCUS_NEOFORMANS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
CRYPTOSPORIDIUM_HOMINIS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
CRYPTOSPORIDIUM_PARVUM Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
CULEX_PIPIENS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
CYANIDIOSCHYZON_MEROLAE Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.

-- D --

DANIO_RERIO Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
DAPHNIA_PULEX Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
dbconn AnnDbObj objects
dbconn-method AnnDbObj objects
dbconn-method AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
dbfile AnnDbObj objects
dbfile-method AnnDbObj objects
dbfile-method AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
dbInfo AnnDbObj objects
dbInfo-method AnnDbObj objects
dbmeta AnnDbObj objects
dbmeta-method AnnDbObj objects
dbschema AnnDbObj objects
dbschema-method AnnDbObj objects
DEBARYOMYCES_HANSENII Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
DEFINITION Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for GO.db.
Definition Class "GOTerms"
Definition-method Class "GOTerms"
DESCRIPTION Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
DICTYOSTELIUM_DISCOIDEUM Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
dim-method Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
direction Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
direction-method Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
direction<- Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
direction<--method Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
DROSOPHILA_ANANASSAE Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
DROSOPHILA_GRIMSHAWI Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
DROSOPHILA_MELANOGASTER Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
DROSOPHILA_MOJAVENSIS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
DROSOPHILA_PSEUDOOBSCURA Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
DROSOPHILA_VIRILIS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
DROSOPHILA_WILLISTONI Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.

-- E --

eapply Environment-like API for Bimap objects
eapply-method Environment-like API for Bimap objects
ENSEMBL Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
ENSEMBLPROT Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
ENSEMBLTRANS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
ENTAMOEBA_HISTOLYTICA Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
ENTREZID Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
ENZYME Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
EQUUS_CABALLUS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
ESCHERICHIA_COLIK12 Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
EVIDENCE Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
EVIDENCEALL Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
exists Environment-like API for Bimap objects
exists-method Environment-like API for Bimap objects

-- F --

FUSARIUM_GRAMINEARUM Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.

-- G --

GALLUS_GALLUS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
GASTEROSTEUS_ACULEATUS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
GENENAME Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
get Environment-like API for Bimap objects
get-method Environment-like API for Bimap objects
getBimapFilters Methods for getting/setting the filters on a Bimap object
getBimapFilters-method Methods for getting/setting the filters on a Bimap object
getGOFrameData GOFrame and GOAllFrame objects
getGOFrameData-method GOFrame and GOAllFrame objects
getKEGGFrameData KEGGFrame objects
getKEGGFrameData-method KEGGFrame objects
GIARDIA_LAMBLIA Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
GO Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
Go3AnnDbBimap Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
Go3AnnDbBimap-class Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
GOALL Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
GOAllFrame GOFrame and GOAllFrame objects
GOAllFrame-class GOFrame and GOAllFrame objects
GOAllFrame-method GOFrame and GOAllFrame objects
GoAnnDbBimap Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
GoAnnDbBimap-class Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
GODb-class AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
GOFrame GOFrame and GOAllFrame objects
GOFrame-class GOFrame and GOAllFrame objects
GOFrame-method GOFrame and GOAllFrame objects
GOID Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for GO.db.
GOID-method Class "GOTerms"
GOTerms Class "GOTerms"
GOTerms-class Class "GOTerms"
GOTermsAnnDbBimap Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
GOTermsAnnDbBimap-class Bimap objects and the Bimap interface

-- H --

hasMultiProbes Methods for getting/setting the filters on a Bimap object
hasMultiProbes-method Methods for getting/setting the filters on a Bimap object
hasSingleProbes Methods for getting/setting the filters on a Bimap object
hasSingleProbes-method Methods for getting/setting the filters on a Bimap object
head-method Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
HELOBDELLA_ROBUSTA Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.

-- I --

idConverter Convenience functions for mapping IDs through an appropriate set of annotation packages
initialize-method Class "GOTerms"
InparanoidDb-class AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
inpIDMapper Convenience functions for mapping IDs through an appropriate set of annotation packages
INTERPRO Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
intraIDMapper Convenience functions for mapping IDs through an appropriate set of annotation packages
IPI Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
IpiAnnDbMap Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
IpiAnnDbMap-class Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
isNA Methods for manipulating the keys of a Bimap object
isNA-method Methods for manipulating the keys of a Bimap object
IXODES_SCAPULARIS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.

-- K --

KEGGFrame KEGGFrame objects
KEGGFrame-class KEGGFrame objects
KEGGFrame-method KEGGFrame objects
keyname Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
keyname-method Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
keys AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
keys-method AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
keys-method Methods for manipulating the keys of a Bimap object
keys<- Methods for manipulating the keys of a Bimap object
keys<--method Methods for manipulating the keys of a Bimap object
keytypes AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
keytypes-method AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
KLUYVEROMYCES_LACTIS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.

-- L --

LEISHMANIA_MAJOR Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
length-method Methods for manipulating the keys of a Bimap object
links Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
links-method Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
Lkeyname Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
Lkeyname-method Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
Lkeys Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
Lkeys-method Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
Lkeys<- Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
Lkeys<--method Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
Llength Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
Llength-method Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
loadDb AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
LOTTIA_GIGANTEA Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
ls Environment-like API for Bimap objects
ls-method Environment-like API for Bimap objects

-- M --

MACACA_MULATTA Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
MAGNAPORTHE_GRISEA Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
makeGOGraph A convenience function to generate graphs based on the GO.db package
make_eg_to_go_map Create GO to Entrez Gene maps for chip-based packages
make_go_to_eg_map Create GO to Entrez Gene maps for chip-based packages
MAP Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
mapIds AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
mapIds-method AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
mappedkeys Methods for manipulating the keys of a Bimap object
mappedkeys-method Methods for manipulating the keys of a Bimap object
mappedLkeys Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
mappedLkeys-method Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
mappedRkeys Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
mappedRkeys-method Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
metadata-method AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
mget Environment-like API for Bimap objects
mget-method Environment-like API for Bimap objects
MONODELPHIS_DOMESTICA Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
MONOSIGA_BREVICOLLIS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
MUS_MUSCULUS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.

-- N --

names-method AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
NASONIA_VITRIPENNIS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
ncol Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
ncol-method Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
NEMATOSTELLA_VECTENSIS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
NEUROSPORA_CRASSA Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
nhit Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
nhit-method Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
nrow Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
nrow-method Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style

-- O --

OMIM Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
ONTOLOGY Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for GO.db.
Ontology Class "GOTerms"
Ontology-method Class "GOTerms"
ONTOLOGYALL Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
ORF Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
OrgDb-class AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
orgPackageName Org package contained in annotation object
ORNITHORHYNCHUS_ANATINUS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
ORYZA_SATIVA Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
ORYZIAS_LATIPES Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
OSTREOCOCCUS_TAURI Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.

-- P --

PAN_TROGLODYTES Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
PATH Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
PEDICULUS_HUMANUS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
PFAM Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
PHYSCOMITRELLA_PATENS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
PHYTOPHTHORA_RAMORUM Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
PHYTOPHTHORA_SOJAE Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
PLASMODIUM_FALCIPARUM Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
PLASMODIUM_VIVAX Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
PMID Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
PONGO_PYGMAEUS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
POPULUS_TRICHOCARPA Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
print.probetable Print method for probetable objects
PRISTIONCHUS_PACIFICUS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
ProbeAnnDbBimap Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
ProbeAnnDbBimap-class Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
ProbeAnnDbMap Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
ProbeAnnDbMap-class Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
ProbeGo3AnnDbBimap Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
ProbeGo3AnnDbBimap-class Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
PROBEID Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
ProbeIpiAnnDbMap Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
ProbeIpiAnnDbMap-class Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
PROSITE Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
PUCCINIA_GRAMINIS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.

-- R --

Rattribnames Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
Rattribnames-method Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
Rattribnames<- Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
Rattribnames<--method Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
RATTUS_NORVEGICUS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
ReactomeDb-class AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
REFSEQ Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
revmap Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
revmap-method Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
RHIZOPUS_ORYZAE Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
Rkeyname Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
Rkeyname-method Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
Rkeys Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
Rkeys-method Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
Rkeys<- Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
Rkeys<--method Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
Rlength Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
Rlength-method Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys

-- S --

SACCHAROMYCES_CEREVISIAE Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
sample Environment-like API for Bimap objects
sample-method Environment-like API for Bimap objects
saveDb AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
saveDb-method AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
SCHISTOSOMA_MANSONI Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
SCHIZOSACCHAROMYCES_POMBE Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
SCLEROTINIA_SCLEROTIORUM Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
Secondary Class "GOTerms"
Secondary-method Class "GOTerms"
select AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
select-method AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
setInpBimapFilter Methods for getting/setting the filters on a Bimap object
setInpBimapFilter-method Methods for getting/setting the filters on a Bimap object
SGD Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
show-method AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
show-method Methods for manipulating the keys of a Bimap object
show-method Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
show-method Class "GOTerms"
SMART Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
SORGHUM_BICOLOR Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
species AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
species-method AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
STAGONOSPORA_NODORUM Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
STRONGYLOCENTROTUS_PURPURATUS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
subset-method Methods for getting/setting the direction of a Bimap object, and undirected methods for getting/counting/setting its keys
summary-method Bimap objects and the Bimap interface
SYMBOL Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
Synonym Class "GOTerms"
Synonym-method Class "GOTerms"

-- T --

tagname Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
tagname-method Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
tail-method Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
TAIR Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
TAKIFUGU_RUBRIPES Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
taxonomyId AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
taxonomyId-method AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc.
TERM Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for GO.db.
Term Class "GOTerms"
Term-method Class "GOTerms"
TETRAHYMENA_THERMOPHILA Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
TETRAODON_NIGROVIRIDIS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
THALASSIOSIRA_PSEUDONANA Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
THEILERIA_ANNULATA Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
THEILERIA_PARVA Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
toggleProbes Methods for getting/setting the filters on a Bimap object
toggleProbes-method Methods for getting/setting the filters on a Bimap object
toSQLStringSet Convert a vector to a quoted string for use as a SQL value list
toTable Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
toTable-method Methods for manipulating a Bimap object in a data-frame style
TRIBOLIUM_CASTANEUM Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
TRICHOMONAS_VAGINALIS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
TRICHOPLAX_ADHAERENS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.
TRYPANOSOMA_CRUZI Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.

-- U --

UNIGENE Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
UNIPROT Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes'.
unlist2 A replacement for unlist() that does not mangle the names
USTILAGO_MAYDIS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.

-- X --

XENOPUS_TROPICALIS Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.

-- Y --

YARROWIA_LIPOLYTICA Descriptions of available values for 'columns' and 'keytypes' for inparanpoid packages.

-- misc --

$-method Environment-like API for Bimap objects
[-method Methods for manipulating the keys of a Bimap object
[[-method Environment-like API for Bimap objects