Client to access AnnotationHub resources

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Documentation for package ‘AnnotationHub’ version 2.20.0

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AnnotationHub-package Light-weight AnnotationHub 3.0 Client
$-method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
.db_close AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
.Hub AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
AnnotationHub AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
AnnotationHub-class AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
as.list-method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
as.list.Hub AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
c-method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
cache AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
cache-method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
cache<- AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
cache<--method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
class:AnnotationHub AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
class:Hub AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
convertHub Convert old Hub to new Hub structure
dbconn-method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
dbfile-method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
DispatchClassList Utility function to list currently available dispatchClass.
display AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
display-method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
fileName-method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
getAnnotationHubOption Get and set options for default AnnotationHub behavior.
getInfoOnIds Get information for selected ids
getInfoOnIds-method Get information for selected ids
Hub-class AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
Hub-utils Get information for selected ids
hubCache AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
hubCache-method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
hubDate AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
hubDate-method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
hubUrl AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
hubUrl-method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
isLocalHub AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
isLocalHub-method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
isLocalHub<- AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
isLocalHub<--method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
length-method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
listResources Utility functions for discovering package-specific Hub resources.
loadResources Utility functions for discovering package-specific Hub resources.
mcols-method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
names-method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
package AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
package-method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
possibleDates AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
query AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
query-method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
recordStatus AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
recordStatus-method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
refreshHub AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
removeCache AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
removeResources AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
removeResources-method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
setAnnotationHubOption Get and set options for default AnnotationHub behavior.
show-method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
snapshotDate AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
snapshotDate-method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
snapshotDate<- AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
snapshotDate<--method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
subset-method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
utilities Utility functions for discovering package-specific Hub resources.
utils Utility function to list currently available dispatchClass.
[-method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
[<--method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions
[[-method AnnotationHub objects and their related methods and functions