Bioconductor facilities for parallel evaluation

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Documentation for package ‘BiocParallel’ version 1.22.0

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BiocParallel-package Bioconductor facilities for parallel evaluation

-- B --

BatchJobsParam Enable parallelization on batch systems
BatchJobsParam-class Enable parallelization on batch systems
batchtoolsCluster Enable parallelization on batch systems
BatchtoolsParam Enable parallelization on batch systems
BatchtoolsParam-class Enable parallelization on batch systems
batchtoolsRegistryargs Enable parallelization on batch systems
batchtoolsTemplate Enable parallelization on batch systems
batchtoolsWorkers Enable parallelization on batch systems
BiocParallel Bioconductor facilities for parallel evaluation
BiocParallelParam BiocParallelParam objects
BiocParallelParam-class BiocParallelParam objects
bpaggregate Apply a function on subsets of data frames
bpaggregate-method Apply a function on subsets of data frames
bpbackend BiocParallelParam objects
bpbackend-method Enable parallelization on batch systems
bpbackend-method Enable parallelization on batch systems
bpbackend-method BiocParallelParam objects
bpbackend-method Enable parallel evaluation using registered dopar backend
bpbackend-method Enable multi-core parallel evaluation
bpbackend-method Enable serial evaluation
bpbackend-method Enable simple network of workstations (SNOW)-style parallel evaluation
bpbackend<- BiocParallelParam objects
bpbackend<-,BatchJobsParam Enable parallelization on batch systems
bpbackend<--method BiocParallelParam objects
bpbackend<--method Enable parallel evaluation using registered dopar backend
bpbackend<--method Enable simple network of workstations (SNOW)-style parallel evaluation
bpexportglobals BiocParallelParam objects
bpexportglobals-method BiocParallelParam objects
bpexportglobals<- BiocParallelParam objects
bpexportglobals<--method BiocParallelParam objects
bpisup BiocParallelParam objects
bpisup-method Enable parallelization on batch systems
bpisup-method Enable parallelization on batch systems
bpisup-method BiocParallelParam objects
bpisup-method Enable parallel evaluation using registered dopar backend
bpisup-method Enable multi-core parallel evaluation
bpisup-method Enable serial evaluation
bpisup-method Enable simple network of workstations (SNOW)-style parallel evaluation
bpiterate Parallel iteration over an indeterminate number of data chunks
bpiterate-method Parallel iteration over an indeterminate number of data chunks
bpjobname BiocParallelParam objects
bpjobname-method BiocParallelParam objects
bpjobname<- BiocParallelParam objects
bpjobname<--method BiocParallelParam objects
bplapply Parallel lapply-like functionality
bplapply-method Enable parallelization on batch systems
bplapply-method Parallel lapply-like functionality
bplog BiocParallelParam objects
bplog-method BiocParallelParam objects
bplog-method Enable serial evaluation
bplog-method Enable simple network of workstations (SNOW)-style parallel evaluation
bplog<- BiocParallelParam objects
bplog<--method Enable serial evaluation
bplog<--method Enable simple network of workstations (SNOW)-style parallel evaluation
bplogdir BiocParallelParam objects
bplogdir-method Enable parallelization on batch systems
bplogdir-method BiocParallelParam objects
bplogdir-method Enable serial evaluation
bplogdir<- BiocParallelParam objects
bplogdir<--method Enable parallelization on batch systems
bplogdir<--method BiocParallelParam objects
bplogdir<--method Enable serial evaluation
bploop Internal Functions for SNOW-style Parallel Evaluation
bploop.iterate Internal Functions for SNOW-style Parallel Evaluation
bploop.lapply Internal Functions for SNOW-style Parallel Evaluation
bpmapply Parallel mapply-like functionality
bpmapply-method Parallel mapply-like functionality
bpnworkers BiocParallelParam objects
bpok Resume computation with partial results
bpparam Maintain a global registry of available back-end Params
bpprogressbar BiocParallelParam objects
bpprogressbar-method BiocParallelParam objects
bpprogressbar<- BiocParallelParam objects
bpprogressbar<--method BiocParallelParam objects
bpresultdir BiocParallelParam objects
bpresultdir-method BiocParallelParam objects
bpresultdir<- BiocParallelParam objects
bpresultdir<--method BiocParallelParam objects
bpRNGseed BiocParallelParam objects
bpRNGseed-method Enable parallelization on batch systems
bpRNGseed-method BiocParallelParam objects
bpRNGseed<- BiocParallelParam objects
bpRNGseed<--method Enable parallelization on batch systems
bpRNGseed<--method BiocParallelParam objects
bprunMPIslave Internal Functions for SNOW-style Parallel Evaluation
bpschedule Schedule back-end Params
bpschedule-method Enable parallelization on batch systems
bpschedule-method Enable parallelization on batch systems
bpschedule-method Enable multi-core parallel evaluation
bpschedule-method Schedule back-end Params
bpstart BiocParallelParam objects
bpstart-method Enable parallelization on batch systems
bpstart-method Enable parallelization on batch systems
bpstart-method BiocParallelParam objects
bpstart-method Enable parallel evaluation using registered dopar backend
bpstart-method Enable multi-core parallel evaluation
bpstart-method Enable serial evaluation
bpstart-method Enable simple network of workstations (SNOW)-style parallel evaluation
bpstop BiocParallelParam objects
bpstop-method Enable parallelization on batch systems
bpstop-method Enable parallelization on batch systems
bpstop-method BiocParallelParam objects
bpstop-method Enable parallel evaluation using registered dopar backend
bpstop-method Enable multi-core parallel evaluation
bpstop-method Enable serial evaluation
bpstop-method Enable simple network of workstations (SNOW)-style parallel evaluation
bpstopOnError BiocParallelParam objects
bpstopOnError-method BiocParallelParam objects
bpstopOnError<- BiocParallelParam objects
bpstopOnError<--method BiocParallelParam objects
bptasks BiocParallelParam objects
bptasks-method BiocParallelParam objects
bptasks<- BiocParallelParam objects
bptasks<--method BiocParallelParam objects
bpthreshold BiocParallelParam objects
bpthreshold-method BiocParallelParam objects
bpthreshold-method Enable simple network of workstations (SNOW)-style parallel evaluation
bpthreshold<- BiocParallelParam objects
bpthreshold<--method Enable serial evaluation
bpthreshold<--method Enable simple network of workstations (SNOW)-style parallel evaluation
bptimeout BiocParallelParam objects
bptimeout-method BiocParallelParam objects
bptimeout<- BiocParallelParam objects
bptimeout<--method BiocParallelParam objects
bptry Try expression evaluation, recovering from bperror signals
bpvalidate Tools for developing functions for parallel execution in distributed memory
bpvec Parallel, vectorized evaluation
bpvec-method Parallel, vectorized evaluation
bpvectorize Transform vectorized functions into parallelized, vectorized function
bpvectorize-method Transform vectorized functions into parallelized, vectorized function
bpworkers BiocParallelParam objects
bpworkers-method Enable parallelization on batch systems
bpworkers-method Enable parallelization on batch systems
bpworkers-method BiocParallelParam objects
bpworkers-method Enable parallel evaluation using registered dopar backend
bpworkers-method Enable serial evaluation
bpworkers-method Enable simple network of workstations (SNOW)-style parallel evaluation
bpworkers<- BiocParallelParam objects
bpworkers<--method Enable multi-core parallel evaluation
bpworkers<--method Enable simple network of workstations (SNOW)-style parallel evaluation

-- C --

coerce-method Enable parallel evaluation using registered dopar backend
coerce-method Enable simple network of workstations (SNOW)-style parallel evaluation

-- D --

DoparParam Enable parallel evaluation using registered dopar backend
DoparParam-class Enable parallel evaluation using registered dopar backend

-- I --

ipcid Inter-process locks and counters
ipclock Inter-process locks and counters
ipclocked Inter-process locks and counters
ipcremove Inter-process locks and counters
ipcreset Inter-process locks and counters
ipctrylock Inter-process locks and counters
ipcunlock Inter-process locks and counters
ipcvalue Inter-process locks and counters
ipcyield Inter-process locks and counters

-- L --

length-method Enable multi-core parallel evaluation

-- M --

MulticoreParam Enable multi-core parallel evaluation
MulticoreParam-class Enable multi-core parallel evaluation
multicoreWorkers Enable multi-core parallel evaluation

-- P --

print.remote_error BiocParallelParam objects

-- R --

register Maintain a global registry of available back-end Params
registered Maintain a global registry of available back-end Params

-- S --

SerialParam Enable serial evaluation
SerialParam-class Enable serial evaluation
show-method Enable parallelization on batch systems
show-method Enable parallelization on batch systems
show-method BiocParallelParam objects
show-method Enable parallel evaluation using registered dopar backend
show-method Enable multi-core parallel evaluation
show-method Enable simple network of workstations (SNOW)-style parallel evaluation
SnowParam Enable simple network of workstations (SNOW)-style parallel evaluation
SnowParam-class Enable simple network of workstations (SNOW)-style parallel evaluation
snowWorkers Enable simple network of workstations (SNOW)-style parallel evaluation

-- misc --

.BiocParallelParam_prototype Developer interface
.bpiterate_impl Developer interface
.bplapply_impl Developer interface
.bpstart_impl Developer interface
.bpstop_impl Developer interface
.bpworker_impl Developer interface
.close Developer interface
.close-method Developer interface
.close-method Enable multi-core parallel evaluation
.prototype_update Developer interface
.recv Developer interface
.recv-method Developer interface
.recv-method Enable multi-core parallel evaluation
.recv_all Developer interface
.recv_all-method Developer interface
.recv_all-method Enable multi-core parallel evaluation
.recv_any Developer interface
.recv_any-method Developer interface
.recv_any-method Enable multi-core parallel evaluation
.send Developer interface
.send-method Developer interface
.send-method Enable multi-core parallel evaluation
.send_all Developer interface
.send_all-method Developer interface
.send_to Developer interface
.send_to-method Developer interface
.send_to-method Enable multi-core parallel evaluation