A unified framework for working transparently with on-disk and in-memory array-like datasets

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Documentation for package ‘DelayedArray’ version 0.14.0

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A B C D E G I L M N P Q R S T U W misc

-- A --

acbind Bind arrays along their rows or columns
acbind-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
acbind-method Bind arrays along their rows or columns
anyNA-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
aperm DelayedArray objects
aperm-method ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
aperm-method DelayedArray objects
aperm-method SparseArraySeed objects
aperm.ArbitraryArrayGrid ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
aperm.DelayedArray DelayedArray objects
aperm.RegularArrayGrid ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
aperm.SparseArraySeed SparseArraySeed objects
apply Common operations on DelayedArray objects
apply-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
arbind Bind arrays along their rows or columns
arbind-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
arbind-method Bind arrays along their rows or columns
ArbitraryArrayGrid ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
ArbitraryArrayGrid-class ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
array selection Manipulation of array selections
array selections Manipulation of array selections
ArrayGrid ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
ArrayGrid-class ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
arrayRealizationSink-class RealizationSink objects
ArrayViewport ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
ArrayViewport-class ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
array_selection Manipulation of array selections
array_selections Manipulation of array selections
as.array-method SparseArraySeed objects
as.array.SparseArraySeed SparseArraySeed objects
as.character-method ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
as.character.ArrayGrid ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
as.matrix-method SparseArraySeed objects
as.matrix.SparseArraySeed SparseArraySeed objects

-- B --

bind arrays Bind arrays along their rows or columns
bind-arrays Bind arrays along their rows or columns
bindROWS-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
block processing Block processing of an array-like object
blockApply Block processing of an array-like object
blockGrid Define grids to use in the context of block processing
blockReduce Block processing of an array-like object
block_processing Block processing of an array-like object
BLOCK_write_to_sink Realize a DelayedArray object

-- C --

c-method DelayedArray objects
capped_volume_boxes Utilities to make capped volume boxes
cbind Common operations on DelayedArray objects
cbind-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
ChunkedRleArraySeed RleArraySeed objects
ChunkedRleArraySeed-class RleArraySeed objects
class:ArbitraryArrayGrid ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
class:ArrayGrid ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
class:arrayRealizationSink RealizationSink objects
class:ArrayViewport ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
class:ChunkedRleArraySeed RleArraySeed objects
class:DelayedAbind DelayedOp objects
class:DelayedAperm DelayedOp objects
class:DelayedArray DelayedArray objects
class:DelayedArray1 DelayedArray objects
class:DelayedDimnames DelayedOp objects
class:DelayedMatrix DelayedArray objects
class:DelayedNaryIsoOp DelayedOp objects
class:DelayedNaryOp DelayedOp objects
class:DelayedOp DelayedOp objects
class:DelayedSubassign DelayedOp objects
class:DelayedSubset DelayedOp objects
class:DelayedUnaryIsoOp DelayedOp objects
class:DelayedUnaryIsoOpStack DelayedOp objects
class:DelayedUnaryIsoOpWithArgs DelayedOp objects
class:DelayedUnaryOp DelayedOp objects
class:RealizationSink RealizationSink objects
class:RegularArrayGrid ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
class:RleArray RleArray objects
class:RleArraySeed RleArraySeed objects
class:RleMatrix RleArray objects
class:RleRealizationSink RleArraySeed objects
class:SolidRleArraySeed RleArraySeed objects
class:SparseArraySeed SparseArraySeed objects
close-method RealizationSink objects
coerce-method DelayedArray objects
coerce-method RealizationSink objects
coerce-method RleArray objects
coerce-method RleArraySeed objects
coerce-method SparseArraySeed objects
colGrid Define grids to use in the context of block processing
colMaxs DelayedMatrix row/col summarization
colMaxs-method DelayedMatrix row/col summarization
colMeans DelayedMatrix row/col summarization
colMeans-method DelayedMatrix row/col summarization
colMins DelayedMatrix row/col summarization
colMins-method DelayedMatrix row/col summarization
colRanges DelayedMatrix row/col summarization
colRanges-method DelayedMatrix row/col summarization
colsum Common operations on DelayedMatrix objects
colsum-method Common operations on DelayedMatrix objects
colsum-method Some utilities to operate on dgCMatrix objects
colSums DelayedMatrix row/col summarization
colSums-method DelayedMatrix row/col summarization
contentIsPristine Simplify a tree of delayed operations
currentBlockId Block processing of an array-like object
currentViewport Block processing of an array-like object

-- D --

dbinom Statistical functions on DelayedArray objects
dbinom-method Statistical functions on DelayedArray objects
DelayedAbind DelayedOp objects
DelayedAbind-class DelayedOp objects
DelayedAperm DelayedOp objects
DelayedAperm-class DelayedOp objects
DelayedArray DelayedArray objects
DelayedArray-class DelayedArray objects
DelayedArray-method DelayedArray objects
DelayedArray-method RleArray objects
DelayedArray-stats Statistical functions on DelayedArray objects
DelayedArray-utils Common operations on DelayedArray objects
DelayedArray1 DelayedArray objects
DelayedArray1-class DelayedArray objects
DelayedDimnames DelayedOp objects
DelayedDimnames-class DelayedOp objects
DelayedMatrix DelayedArray objects
DelayedMatrix-class DelayedArray objects
DelayedMatrix-stats DelayedMatrix row/col summarization
DelayedMatrix-utils Common operations on DelayedMatrix objects
DelayedNaryIsoOp DelayedOp objects
DelayedNaryIsoOp-class DelayedOp objects
DelayedNaryOp DelayedOp objects
DelayedNaryOp-class DelayedOp objects
DelayedOp DelayedOp objects
DelayedOp-class DelayedOp objects
DelayedSubassign DelayedOp objects
DelayedSubassign-class DelayedOp objects
DelayedSubset DelayedOp objects
DelayedSubset-class DelayedOp objects
DelayedUnaryIsoOp DelayedOp objects
DelayedUnaryIsoOp-class DelayedOp objects
DelayedUnaryIsoOpStack DelayedOp objects
DelayedUnaryIsoOpStack-class DelayedOp objects
DelayedUnaryIsoOpWithArgs DelayedOp objects
DelayedUnaryIsoOpWithArgs-class DelayedOp objects
DelayedUnaryOp DelayedOp objects
DelayedUnaryOp-class DelayedOp objects
dense2sparse SparseArraySeed objects
dgCMatrix-utils Some utilities to operate on dgCMatrix objects
dim-method ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
dim-method DelayedArray objects
dim-method DelayedOp objects
dim-method RealizationSink objects
dim-method RleArraySeed objects
dim<--method DelayedArray objects
dimnames-method DelayedArray objects
dimnames-method DelayedOp objects
dimnames-method RleArraySeed objects
dimnames<--method DelayedArray objects
dims ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
dims-method ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
dlogis Statistical functions on DelayedArray objects
dlogis-method Statistical functions on DelayedArray objects
dnorm Statistical functions on DelayedArray objects
dnorm-method Statistical functions on DelayedArray objects
downsample ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
downsample-method ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
dpois Statistical functions on DelayedArray objects
dpois-method Statistical functions on DelayedArray objects
drop-method DelayedArray objects

-- E --

effectiveGrid Block processing of an array-like object
end-method ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
extract_array-method DelayedArray objects
extract_array-method DelayedOp objects
extract_array-method RleArraySeed objects
extract_array-method SparseArraySeed objects
extract_sparse_array SparseArraySeed objects
extract_sparse_array-method DelayedOp objects
extract_sparse_array-method SparseArraySeed objects

-- G --

getAutoBlockLength Define grids to use in the context of block processing
getAutoBlockShape Define grids to use in the context of block processing
getAutoBlockSize Define grids to use in the context of block processing
getAutoBPPARAM Block processing of an array-like object
getAutoGridMaker Block processing of an array-like object
getRealizationBackend RealizationSink objects
get_type_size Define grids to use in the context of block processing
grepl-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
gsub-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects

-- I --

is.finite-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
is.infinite-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
is.na-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
is.nan-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
isLinear Utilities to make capped volume boxes
isLinear-method Utilities to make capped volume boxes
isPristine Simplify a tree of delayed operations
is_noop DelayedOp objects
is_noop-method DelayedOp objects
is_sparse Read/write blocks of array data
is_sparse-method DelayedOp objects
is_sparse-method SparseArraySeed objects

-- L --

L-index Manipulation of array selections
lengths-method ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
lengths-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
Lindex Manipulation of array selections
Lindex2Mindex Manipulation of array selections
linearInd Manipulation of array selections

-- M --

M-index Manipulation of array selections
makeCappedVolumeBox Utilities to make capped volume boxes
makeNindexFromArrayViewport ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
makeRegularArrayGridOfCappedLengthViewports Utilities to make capped volume boxes
matrixClass DelayedArray objects
matrixClass-method DelayedArray objects
matrixClass-method RleArray objects
maxlength ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
maxlength-method ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
mean Common operations on DelayedArray objects
mean-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
mean.DelayedArray Common operations on DelayedArray objects
Mindex Manipulation of array selections
Mindex2Lindex Manipulation of array selections
modify_seeds Visualize and access the leaves of a tree of delayed operations

-- N --

N-index Manipulation of array selections
names-method DelayedArray objects
names<--method DelayedArray objects
nchar-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
netSubsetAndAperm Simplify a tree of delayed operations
netSubsetAndAperm-method Simplify a tree of delayed operations
new_DelayedArray DelayedArray objects
Nindex Manipulation of array selections
nseed Visualize and access the leaves of a tree of delayed operations
nseed-method Visualize and access the leaves of a tree of delayed operations
nzdata SparseArraySeed objects
nzdata-method SparseArraySeed objects
nzindex SparseArraySeed objects
nzindex-method SparseArraySeed objects

-- P --

path Visualize and access the leaves of a tree of delayed operations
path-method Visualize and access the leaves of a tree of delayed operations
path<--method Visualize and access the leaves of a tree of delayed operations
pbinom Statistical functions on DelayedArray objects
pbinom-method Statistical functions on DelayedArray objects
plogis Statistical functions on DelayedArray objects
plogis-method Statistical functions on DelayedArray objects
pmax2 Common operations on DelayedArray objects
pmax2-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
pmin2 Common operations on DelayedArray objects
pmin2-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
pnorm Statistical functions on DelayedArray objects
pnorm-method Statistical functions on DelayedArray objects
ppois Statistical functions on DelayedArray objects
ppois-method Statistical functions on DelayedArray objects

-- Q --

qbinom Statistical functions on DelayedArray objects
qbinom-method Statistical functions on DelayedArray objects
qlogis Statistical functions on DelayedArray objects
qlogis-method Statistical functions on DelayedArray objects
qnorm Statistical functions on DelayedArray objects
qnorm-method Statistical functions on DelayedArray objects
qpois Statistical functions on DelayedArray objects
qpois-method Statistical functions on DelayedArray objects

-- R --

range Common operations on DelayedArray objects
range-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
range.DelayedArray Common operations on DelayedArray objects
ranges-method ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
rbind Common operations on DelayedArray objects
rbind-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
read_block Read/write blocks of array data
read_block-method Read/write blocks of array data
read_sparse_block Read/write blocks of array data
read_sparse_block-method Read/write blocks of array data
RealizationSink RealizationSink objects
RealizationSink-class RealizationSink objects
realize Realize a DelayedArray object
realize-method Realize a DelayedArray object
refdim ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
refdim-method ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
RegularArrayGrid ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
RegularArrayGrid-class ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
RleArray RleArray objects
RleArray-class RleArray objects
RleArraySeed RleArraySeed objects
RleArraySeed-class RleArraySeed objects
RleMatrix RleArray objects
RleMatrix-class RleArray objects
RleRealizationSink RleArraySeed objects
RleRealizationSink-class RleArraySeed objects
round-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
rowGrid Define grids to use in the context of block processing
rowMaxs DelayedMatrix row/col summarization
rowMaxs-method DelayedMatrix row/col summarization
rowMeans DelayedMatrix row/col summarization
rowMeans-method DelayedMatrix row/col summarization
rowMins DelayedMatrix row/col summarization
rowMins-method DelayedMatrix row/col summarization
rowRanges DelayedMatrix row/col summarization
rowRanges-method DelayedMatrix row/col summarization
rowsum Common operations on DelayedMatrix objects
rowsum-method Common operations on DelayedMatrix objects
rowsum-method Some utilities to operate on dgCMatrix objects
rowsum.DelayedMatrix Common operations on DelayedMatrix objects
rowsum.dgCMatrix Some utilities to operate on dgCMatrix objects
rowSums DelayedMatrix row/col summarization
rowSums-method DelayedMatrix row/col summarization

-- S --

seed Visualize and access the leaves of a tree of delayed operations
seed-method Visualize and access the leaves of a tree of delayed operations
seed<- Visualize and access the leaves of a tree of delayed operations
seed<--method Visualize and access the leaves of a tree of delayed operations
seedApply Visualize and access the leaves of a tree of delayed operations
setAutoBlockShape Define grids to use in the context of block processing
setAutoBlockSize Define grids to use in the context of block processing
setAutoBPPARAM Block processing of an array-like object
setAutoGridMaker Block processing of an array-like object
setRealizationBackend RealizationSink objects
show-method ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
show-method DelayedArray objects
show-method Visualize and access the leaves of a tree of delayed operations
showtree Visualize and access the leaves of a tree of delayed operations
signif-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
simplify Simplify a tree of delayed operations
simplify-method Simplify a tree of delayed operations
SolidRleArraySeed RleArraySeed objects
SolidRleArraySeed-class RleArraySeed objects
sparse2dense SparseArraySeed objects
SparseArraySeed SparseArraySeed objects
SparseArraySeed-class SparseArraySeed objects
sparsity SparseArraySeed objects
sparsity-method SparseArraySeed objects
split-method DelayedArray objects
split.DelayedArray DelayedArray objects
splitAsList-method DelayedArray objects
start-method ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
sub-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
summary-method DelayedOp objects
summary.DelayedAbind DelayedOp objects
summary.DelayedAperm DelayedOp objects
summary.DelayedDimnames DelayedOp objects
summary.DelayedNaryIsoOp DelayedOp objects
summary.DelayedOp DelayedOp objects
summary.DelayedSubassign DelayedOp objects
summary.DelayedSubset DelayedOp objects
summary.DelayedUnaryIsoOpStack DelayedOp objects
summary.DelayedUnaryIsoOpWithArgs DelayedOp objects
supportedRealizationBackends RealizationSink objects
sweep Common operations on DelayedArray objects
sweep-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects

-- T --

t Common operations on DelayedMatrix objects
table Common operations on DelayedArray objects
table-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
tolower-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
toupper-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
type DelayedArray objects
type-method RleArraySeed objects
type<--method Common operations on DelayedArray objects

-- U --

unique Common operations on DelayedArray objects
unique-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
unique.DelayedArray Common operations on DelayedArray objects
updateObject-method DelayedArray objects
updateObject-method DelayedOp objects

-- W --

which-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
width-method ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects
write_block Read/write blocks of array data
write_block-method RealizationSink objects
write_block-method RleArray objects
write_block-method Read/write blocks of array data
write_sparse_block Read/write blocks of array data
write_sparse_block-method Read/write blocks of array data

-- misc --

!-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
%*% Common operations on DelayedMatrix objects
%*%-method Common operations on DelayedMatrix objects
+-method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
--method Common operations on DelayedArray objects
[-method DelayedArray objects
[<--method DelayedArray objects
[[-method DelayedArray objects