Representation and manipulation of short genomic alignments

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Documentation for package ‘GenomicAlignments’ version 1.24.0

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A B C E F G I J L M N O P Q R S U V W misc

-- A --

alphabetFrequencyFromBam Stack the read sequences stored in a GAlignments object or a BAM file GAlignmentPairs objects GAlignments objects OverlapEncodings objects OverlapEncodings objects

-- B --

bindROWS-method GAlignmentPairs objects
bindROWS-method GAlignments objects

-- C --

c-method (Legacy) GappedReads objects
cigar GAlignments objects
cigar-method GAlignments objects
cigar-method GAlignmentsList objects
cigar-utils CIGAR utility functions
cigarNarrow CIGAR utility functions
cigarOpTable CIGAR utility functions
cigarQNarrow CIGAR utility functions
cigarRangesAlongPairwiseSpace CIGAR utility functions
cigarRangesAlongQuerySpace CIGAR utility functions
cigarRangesAlongReferenceSpace CIGAR utility functions
cigarToRleList CIGAR utility functions
cigarWidthAlongPairwiseSpace CIGAR utility functions
cigarWidthAlongQuerySpace CIGAR utility functions
cigarWidthAlongReferenceSpace CIGAR utility functions
CIGAR_OPS CIGAR utility functions
class:GAlignmentPairs GAlignmentPairs objects
class:GAlignments GAlignments objects
class:GAlignmentsList GAlignmentsList objects
class:GappedReads (Legacy) GappedReads objects
class:OverlapEncodings OverlapEncodings objects
coerce-method GAlignmentPairs objects
coerce-method GAlignments objects
coerce-method GAlignmentsList objects
coordinate-mapping-methods Map range coordinates between reads and genome space using CIGAR alignments
countCompatibleOverlaps Finding hits between reads and transcripts that are _compatible_ with the splicing of the transcript
countDumpedAlignments Pairing the elements of a GAlignments object
coverage Coverage of a GAlignments, GAlignmentPairs, or GAlignmentsList object
coverage-method Coverage of a GAlignments, GAlignmentPairs, or GAlignmentsList object
coverage-methods Coverage of a GAlignments, GAlignmentPairs, or GAlignmentsList object

-- E --

elementMetadata-method GAlignmentsList objects
elementMetadata<--method GAlignmentsList objects
encodeOverlaps Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model
encodeOverlaps-method Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model
encodeOverlaps-methods Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model
encodeOverlaps1 Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model
encoding-method OverlapEncodings objects
encodingHalves OverlapEncodings objects
encodingHalves-method OverlapEncodings objects
explodeCigarOpLengths CIGAR utility functions
explodeCigarOps CIGAR utility functions
extractAlignmentRangesOnReference CIGAR utility functions
extractQueryStartInTranscript Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model
extractSkippedExonRanks Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model
extractSkippedExonRanks-method Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model
extractSpannedExonRanks Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model
extractSpannedExonRanks-method Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model
extractSteppedExonRanks Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model
extractSteppedExonRanks-method Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model

-- F --

findCompatibleOverlaps Finding hits between reads and transcripts that are _compatible_ with the splicing of the transcript
findCompatibleOverlaps-method Finding hits between reads and transcripts that are _compatible_ with the splicing of the transcript
findCompatibleOverlaps-methods Finding hits between reads and transcripts that are _compatible_ with the splicing of the transcript
findMateAlignment Pairing the elements of a GAlignments object
findOverlaps Finding overlapping genomic alignments
findOverlaps-method Finding overlapping genomic alignments
findOverlaps-methods Finding overlapping genomic alignments
findSpliceOverlaps Classify ranges (reads) as compatible with existing genomic annotations or as having novel splice events
findSpliceOverlaps-method Classify ranges (reads) as compatible with existing genomic annotations or as having novel splice events
findSpliceOverlaps-methods Classify ranges (reads) as compatible with existing genomic annotations or as having novel splice events
first GAlignmentPairs objects
first-method GAlignmentPairs objects
flippedQuery OverlapEncodings objects
flippedQuery-method OverlapEncodings objects
flipQuery Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model
flushDumpedAlignments Pairing the elements of a GAlignments object

-- G --

GAlignmentPairs GAlignmentPairs objects
GAlignmentPairs-class GAlignmentPairs objects
GAlignments GAlignments objects
GAlignments-class GAlignments objects
GAlignmentsList GAlignmentsList objects
GAlignmentsList-class GAlignmentsList objects
GappedReads (Legacy) GappedReads objects
GappedReads-class (Legacy) GappedReads objects
getDumpedAlignments Pairing the elements of a GAlignments object
getListElement-method GAlignments objects
granges-method GAlignmentPairs objects
granges-method GAlignments objects
granges-method GAlignmentsList objects
grglist-method GAlignmentPairs objects
grglist-method GAlignments objects
grglist-method GAlignmentsList objects

-- I --

IntersectionNotEmpty Perform overlap queries between reads and genomic features
IntersectionStrict Perform overlap queries between reads and genomic features
intra-range-methods Intra range transformations of a GAlignments or GAlignmentsList object
invertStrand-method GAlignmentPairs objects
is.unsorted-method GAlignments objects
isCompatibleWithSkippedExons Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model
isCompatibleWithSkippedExons-method Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model
isCompatibleWithSplicing OverlapEncodings objects
isCompatibleWithSplicing-method OverlapEncodings objects
isProperPair GAlignmentPairs objects
isProperPair-method GAlignmentPairs objects

-- J --

junctions Extract junctions from genomic alignments
junctions-method Extract junctions from genomic alignments
junctions-methods Extract junctions from genomic alignments

-- L --

last GAlignmentPairs objects
last-method GAlignmentPairs objects
Lencoding OverlapEncodings objects
levels-method OverlapEncodings objects
levels.OverlapEncodings OverlapEncodings objects
Lnjunc OverlapEncodings objects
Loffset OverlapEncodings objects
Loffset-method OverlapEncodings objects

-- M --

makeGAlignmentPairs Pairing the elements of a GAlignments object
mapFromAlignments Map range coordinates between reads and genome space using CIGAR alignments
mapFromAlignments-method Map range coordinates between reads and genome space using CIGAR alignments
mapToAlignments Map range coordinates between reads and genome space using CIGAR alignments
mapToAlignments-method Map range coordinates between reads and genome space using CIGAR alignments

-- N --

names-method GAlignmentPairs objects
names-method GAlignments objects
names-method GAlignmentsList objects
names<--method GAlignmentPairs objects
names<--method GAlignments objects
names<--method GAlignmentsList objects
narrow-method Intra range transformations of a GAlignments or GAlignmentsList object
NATURAL_INTRON_MOTIFS Extract junctions from genomic alignments
njunc GAlignments objects
njunc-method GAlignmentPairs objects
njunc-method GAlignments objects
njunc-method GAlignmentsList objects
njunc-method OverlapEncodings objects

-- O --

order-method GAlignments objects
OverlapEncodings OverlapEncodings objects
OverlapEncodings-class OverlapEncodings objects

-- P --

pcompare-method GAlignments objects
pileLettersAt Pile the letters of a set of aligned reads on top of a set of genomic positions
pintersect Set operations on GAlignments objects
pintersect-method Set operations on GAlignments objects
pmapFromAlignments Map range coordinates between reads and genome space using CIGAR alignments
pmapFromAlignments-method Map range coordinates between reads and genome space using CIGAR alignments
pmapToAlignments Map range coordinates between reads and genome space using CIGAR alignments
pmapToAlignments-method Map range coordinates between reads and genome space using CIGAR alignments

-- Q --

qnarrow Intra range transformations of a GAlignments or GAlignmentsList object
qnarrow-method Intra range transformations of a GAlignments or GAlignmentsList object
qseq (Legacy) GappedReads objects
qseq-method (Legacy) GappedReads objects
queryLoc2refLoc CIGAR utility functions
queryLocs2refLocs CIGAR utility functions
qwidth GAlignments objects
qwidth-method GAlignments objects
qwidth-method GAlignmentsList objects
qwidth-method (Legacy) GappedReads objects

-- R --

ranges-method GAlignmentPairs objects
ranges-method GAlignments objects
ranges-method GAlignmentsList objects
rank-method GAlignments objects
readGAlignmentPairs Reading genomic alignments from a file
readGAlignmentPairs-method Reading genomic alignments from a file
readGAlignments Reading genomic alignments from a file
readGAlignments-method Reading genomic alignments from a file
readGAlignmentsList Reading genomic alignments from a file
readGAlignmentsList-method Reading genomic alignments from a file
readGappedReads Reading genomic alignments from a file
readGappedReads-method Reading genomic alignments from a file
readSTARJunctions Extract junctions from genomic alignments
readTopHatJunctions Extract junctions from genomic alignments
relistToClass-method GAlignmentsList objects
Rencoding OverlapEncodings objects
rglist-method GAlignments objects
rglist-method GAlignmentsList objects
rname GAlignments objects
rname-method GAlignments objects
rname-method GAlignmentsList objects
rname<- GAlignments objects
rname<--method GAlignments objects
rname<--method GAlignmentsList objects
Rnjunc OverlapEncodings objects
Roffset OverlapEncodings objects
Roffset-method OverlapEncodings objects

-- S --

second GAlignmentPairs objects
second-method GAlignmentPairs objects
selectEncodingWithCompatibleStrand Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model
seqinfo-method GAlignmentPairs objects
seqinfo-method GAlignments objects
seqinfo-method GAlignmentsList objects
seqinfo<--method GAlignmentPairs objects
seqinfo<--method GAlignments objects
seqinfo<--method GAlignmentsList objects
seqlevelsInUse-method GAlignmentPairs objects
seqnames-method GAlignmentPairs objects
seqnames-method GAlignments objects
seqnames-method GAlignmentsList objects
seqnames<--method GAlignments objects
seqnames<--method GAlignmentsList objects
sequenceLayer Lay read sequences alongside the reference space, using their CIGARs
setops-methods Set operations on GAlignments objects
show-method GAlignmentPairs objects
show-method GAlignments objects
show-method GAlignmentsList objects
show-method OverlapEncodings objects
sort-method GAlignments objects
stackStringsFromBam Stack the read sequences stored in a GAlignments object or a BAM file
stackStringsFromGAlignments Stack the read sequences stored in a GAlignments object or a BAM file
start-method GAlignments objects
strand-method GAlignmentPairs objects
strand-method GAlignments objects
strand-method GAlignmentsList objects
strand<--method GAlignments objects
strand<--method GAlignmentsList objects
strandMode GAlignmentPairs objects
strandMode-method GAlignmentPairs objects
strandMode<- GAlignmentPairs objects
strandMode<--method GAlignmentPairs objects
summarizeJunctions Extract junctions from genomic alignments
summarizeOverlaps Perform overlap queries between reads and genomic features
summarizeOverlaps-method Perform overlap queries between reads and genomic features
summarizeOverlaps-methods Perform overlap queries between reads and genomic features

-- U --

Union Perform overlap queries between reads and genomic features
unlist-method GAlignmentPairs objects
update-method GAlignments objects
updateObject-method GAlignments objects

-- V --

validCigar CIGAR utility functions
vertical_slot_names-method GAlignmentPairs objects
vertical_slot_names-method GAlignments objects
vertical_slot_names-method OverlapEncodings objects

-- W --

width-method GAlignments objects
windows-method Intra range transformations of a GAlignments or GAlignmentsList object

-- misc --

[[-method GAlignmentPairs objects