A B C E F G I J L M N O P Q R S U V W misc
alphabetFrequencyFromBam | Stack the read sequences stored in a GAlignments object or a BAM file |
as.data.frame-method | GAlignmentPairs objects |
as.data.frame-method | GAlignments objects |
as.data.frame-method | OverlapEncodings objects |
as.data.frame.OverlapEncodings | OverlapEncodings objects |
bindROWS-method | GAlignmentPairs objects |
bindROWS-method | GAlignments objects |
c-method | (Legacy) GappedReads objects |
cigar | GAlignments objects |
cigar-method | GAlignments objects |
cigar-method | GAlignmentsList objects |
cigar-utils | CIGAR utility functions |
cigarNarrow | CIGAR utility functions |
cigarOpTable | CIGAR utility functions |
cigarQNarrow | CIGAR utility functions |
cigarRangesAlongPairwiseSpace | CIGAR utility functions |
cigarRangesAlongQuerySpace | CIGAR utility functions |
cigarRangesAlongReferenceSpace | CIGAR utility functions |
cigarToRleList | CIGAR utility functions |
cigarWidthAlongPairwiseSpace | CIGAR utility functions |
cigarWidthAlongQuerySpace | CIGAR utility functions |
cigarWidthAlongReferenceSpace | CIGAR utility functions |
CIGAR_OPS | CIGAR utility functions |
class:GAlignmentPairs | GAlignmentPairs objects |
class:GAlignments | GAlignments objects |
class:GAlignmentsList | GAlignmentsList objects |
class:GappedReads | (Legacy) GappedReads objects |
class:OverlapEncodings | OverlapEncodings objects |
coerce-method | GAlignmentPairs objects |
coerce-method | GAlignments objects |
coerce-method | GAlignmentsList objects |
coordinate-mapping-methods | Map range coordinates between reads and genome space using CIGAR alignments |
countCompatibleOverlaps | Finding hits between reads and transcripts that are _compatible_ with the splicing of the transcript |
countDumpedAlignments | Pairing the elements of a GAlignments object |
coverage | Coverage of a GAlignments, GAlignmentPairs, or GAlignmentsList object |
coverage-method | Coverage of a GAlignments, GAlignmentPairs, or GAlignmentsList object |
coverage-methods | Coverage of a GAlignments, GAlignmentPairs, or GAlignmentsList object |
elementMetadata-method | GAlignmentsList objects |
elementMetadata<--method | GAlignmentsList objects |
encodeOverlaps | Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model |
encodeOverlaps-method | Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model |
encodeOverlaps-methods | Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model |
encodeOverlaps1 | Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model |
encoding-method | OverlapEncodings objects |
encodingHalves | OverlapEncodings objects |
encodingHalves-method | OverlapEncodings objects |
explodeCigarOpLengths | CIGAR utility functions |
explodeCigarOps | CIGAR utility functions |
extractAlignmentRangesOnReference | CIGAR utility functions |
extractQueryStartInTranscript | Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model |
extractSkippedExonRanks | Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model |
extractSkippedExonRanks-method | Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model |
extractSpannedExonRanks | Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model |
extractSpannedExonRanks-method | Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model |
extractSteppedExonRanks | Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model |
extractSteppedExonRanks-method | Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model |
findCompatibleOverlaps | Finding hits between reads and transcripts that are _compatible_ with the splicing of the transcript |
findCompatibleOverlaps-method | Finding hits between reads and transcripts that are _compatible_ with the splicing of the transcript |
findCompatibleOverlaps-methods | Finding hits between reads and transcripts that are _compatible_ with the splicing of the transcript |
findMateAlignment | Pairing the elements of a GAlignments object |
findOverlaps | Finding overlapping genomic alignments |
findOverlaps-method | Finding overlapping genomic alignments |
findOverlaps-methods | Finding overlapping genomic alignments |
findSpliceOverlaps | Classify ranges (reads) as compatible with existing genomic annotations or as having novel splice events |
findSpliceOverlaps-method | Classify ranges (reads) as compatible with existing genomic annotations or as having novel splice events |
findSpliceOverlaps-methods | Classify ranges (reads) as compatible with existing genomic annotations or as having novel splice events |
first | GAlignmentPairs objects |
first-method | GAlignmentPairs objects |
flippedQuery | OverlapEncodings objects |
flippedQuery-method | OverlapEncodings objects |
flipQuery | Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model |
flushDumpedAlignments | Pairing the elements of a GAlignments object |
GAlignmentPairs | GAlignmentPairs objects |
GAlignmentPairs-class | GAlignmentPairs objects |
GAlignments | GAlignments objects |
GAlignments-class | GAlignments objects |
GAlignmentsList | GAlignmentsList objects |
GAlignmentsList-class | GAlignmentsList objects |
GappedReads | (Legacy) GappedReads objects |
GappedReads-class | (Legacy) GappedReads objects |
getDumpedAlignments | Pairing the elements of a GAlignments object |
getListElement-method | GAlignments objects |
granges-method | GAlignmentPairs objects |
granges-method | GAlignments objects |
granges-method | GAlignmentsList objects |
grglist-method | GAlignmentPairs objects |
grglist-method | GAlignments objects |
grglist-method | GAlignmentsList objects |
IntersectionNotEmpty | Perform overlap queries between reads and genomic features |
IntersectionStrict | Perform overlap queries between reads and genomic features |
intra-range-methods | Intra range transformations of a GAlignments or GAlignmentsList object |
invertStrand-method | GAlignmentPairs objects |
is.unsorted-method | GAlignments objects |
isCompatibleWithSkippedExons | Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model |
isCompatibleWithSkippedExons-method | Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model |
isCompatibleWithSplicing | OverlapEncodings objects |
isCompatibleWithSplicing-method | OverlapEncodings objects |
isProperPair | GAlignmentPairs objects |
isProperPair-method | GAlignmentPairs objects |
junctions | Extract junctions from genomic alignments |
junctions-method | Extract junctions from genomic alignments |
junctions-methods | Extract junctions from genomic alignments |
last | GAlignmentPairs objects |
last-method | GAlignmentPairs objects |
Lencoding | OverlapEncodings objects |
levels-method | OverlapEncodings objects |
levels.OverlapEncodings | OverlapEncodings objects |
Lnjunc | OverlapEncodings objects |
Loffset | OverlapEncodings objects |
Loffset-method | OverlapEncodings objects |
makeGAlignmentPairs | Pairing the elements of a GAlignments object |
mapFromAlignments | Map range coordinates between reads and genome space using CIGAR alignments |
mapFromAlignments-method | Map range coordinates between reads and genome space using CIGAR alignments |
mapToAlignments | Map range coordinates between reads and genome space using CIGAR alignments |
mapToAlignments-method | Map range coordinates between reads and genome space using CIGAR alignments |
names-method | GAlignmentPairs objects |
names-method | GAlignments objects |
names-method | GAlignmentsList objects |
names<--method | GAlignmentPairs objects |
names<--method | GAlignments objects |
names<--method | GAlignmentsList objects |
narrow-method | Intra range transformations of a GAlignments or GAlignmentsList object |
NATURAL_INTRON_MOTIFS | Extract junctions from genomic alignments |
njunc | GAlignments objects |
njunc-method | GAlignmentPairs objects |
njunc-method | GAlignments objects |
njunc-method | GAlignmentsList objects |
njunc-method | OverlapEncodings objects |
order-method | GAlignments objects |
OverlapEncodings | OverlapEncodings objects |
OverlapEncodings-class | OverlapEncodings objects |
pcompare-method | GAlignments objects |
pileLettersAt | Pile the letters of a set of aligned reads on top of a set of genomic positions |
pintersect | Set operations on GAlignments objects |
pintersect-method | Set operations on GAlignments objects |
pmapFromAlignments | Map range coordinates between reads and genome space using CIGAR alignments |
pmapFromAlignments-method | Map range coordinates between reads and genome space using CIGAR alignments |
pmapToAlignments | Map range coordinates between reads and genome space using CIGAR alignments |
pmapToAlignments-method | Map range coordinates between reads and genome space using CIGAR alignments |
qnarrow | Intra range transformations of a GAlignments or GAlignmentsList object |
qnarrow-method | Intra range transformations of a GAlignments or GAlignmentsList object |
qseq | (Legacy) GappedReads objects |
qseq-method | (Legacy) GappedReads objects |
queryLoc2refLoc | CIGAR utility functions |
queryLocs2refLocs | CIGAR utility functions |
qwidth | GAlignments objects |
qwidth-method | GAlignments objects |
qwidth-method | GAlignmentsList objects |
qwidth-method | (Legacy) GappedReads objects |
ranges-method | GAlignmentPairs objects |
ranges-method | GAlignments objects |
ranges-method | GAlignmentsList objects |
rank-method | GAlignments objects |
readGAlignmentPairs | Reading genomic alignments from a file |
readGAlignmentPairs-method | Reading genomic alignments from a file |
readGAlignments | Reading genomic alignments from a file |
readGAlignments-method | Reading genomic alignments from a file |
readGAlignmentsList | Reading genomic alignments from a file |
readGAlignmentsList-method | Reading genomic alignments from a file |
readGappedReads | Reading genomic alignments from a file |
readGappedReads-method | Reading genomic alignments from a file |
readSTARJunctions | Extract junctions from genomic alignments |
readTopHatJunctions | Extract junctions from genomic alignments |
relistToClass-method | GAlignmentsList objects |
Rencoding | OverlapEncodings objects |
rglist-method | GAlignments objects |
rglist-method | GAlignmentsList objects |
rname | GAlignments objects |
rname-method | GAlignments objects |
rname-method | GAlignmentsList objects |
rname<- | GAlignments objects |
rname<--method | GAlignments objects |
rname<--method | GAlignmentsList objects |
Rnjunc | OverlapEncodings objects |
Roffset | OverlapEncodings objects |
Roffset-method | OverlapEncodings objects |
second | GAlignmentPairs objects |
second-method | GAlignmentPairs objects |
selectEncodingWithCompatibleStrand | Encode the overlaps between RNA-seq reads and the transcripts of a gene model |
seqinfo-method | GAlignmentPairs objects |
seqinfo-method | GAlignments objects |
seqinfo-method | GAlignmentsList objects |
seqinfo<--method | GAlignmentPairs objects |
seqinfo<--method | GAlignments objects |
seqinfo<--method | GAlignmentsList objects |
seqlevelsInUse-method | GAlignmentPairs objects |
seqnames-method | GAlignmentPairs objects |
seqnames-method | GAlignments objects |
seqnames-method | GAlignmentsList objects |
seqnames<--method | GAlignments objects |
seqnames<--method | GAlignmentsList objects |
sequenceLayer | Lay read sequences alongside the reference space, using their CIGARs |
setops-methods | Set operations on GAlignments objects |
show-method | GAlignmentPairs objects |
show-method | GAlignments objects |
show-method | GAlignmentsList objects |
show-method | OverlapEncodings objects |
sort-method | GAlignments objects |
stackStringsFromBam | Stack the read sequences stored in a GAlignments object or a BAM file |
stackStringsFromGAlignments | Stack the read sequences stored in a GAlignments object or a BAM file |
start-method | GAlignments objects |
strand-method | GAlignmentPairs objects |
strand-method | GAlignments objects |
strand-method | GAlignmentsList objects |
strand<--method | GAlignments objects |
strand<--method | GAlignmentsList objects |
strandMode | GAlignmentPairs objects |
strandMode-method | GAlignmentPairs objects |
strandMode<- | GAlignmentPairs objects |
strandMode<--method | GAlignmentPairs objects |
summarizeJunctions | Extract junctions from genomic alignments |
summarizeOverlaps | Perform overlap queries between reads and genomic features |
summarizeOverlaps-method | Perform overlap queries between reads and genomic features |
summarizeOverlaps-methods | Perform overlap queries between reads and genomic features |
Union | Perform overlap queries between reads and genomic features |
unlist-method | GAlignmentPairs objects |
update-method | GAlignments objects |
updateObject-method | GAlignments objects |
validCigar | CIGAR utility functions |
vertical_slot_names-method | GAlignmentPairs objects |
vertical_slot_names-method | GAlignments objects |
vertical_slot_names-method | OverlapEncodings objects |
width-method | GAlignments objects |
windows-method | Intra range transformations of a GAlignments or GAlignmentsList object |
[[-method | GAlignmentPairs objects |