as.list-method | TxDb objects |
asBED-method | Coerce to file format structures |
asGFF-method | Coerce to file format structures |
browseUCSCtrack | Make a TxDb object from annotations available at the UCSC Genome Browser |
cds | Extract genomic features from a TxDb-like object |
cds-method | Extract genomic features from a TxDb-like object |
cdsBy | Extract and group genomic features of a given type from a TxDb-like object |
cdsBy-method | Extract and group genomic features of a given type from a TxDb-like object |
cdsByOverlaps | Extract genomic features from a TxDb-like object based on their genomic location |
cdsByOverlaps-method | Extract genomic features from a TxDb-like object based on their genomic location |
class:FeatureDb | FeatureDb objects |
class:TxDb | TxDb objects |
columns-method | Using the "select" interface on TxDb objects |
coordinate-mapping | Map range coordinates between transcripts and genome space |
coverageByTranscript | Compute coverage by transcript (or CDS) of a set of ranges |
disjointExons | Extract non-overlapping exon parts from an object |
disjointExons-method | Extract non-overlapping exon parts from an object |
distance-method | Finding the nearest genomic range neighbor in a TxDb |
exonicParts | Extract non-overlapping exonic or intronic parts from a TxDb-like object |
exons | Extract genomic features from a TxDb-like object |
exons-method | Extract genomic features from a TxDb-like object |
exonsBy | Extract and group genomic features of a given type from a TxDb-like object |
exonsBy-method | Extract and group genomic features of a given type from a TxDb-like object |
exonsByOverlaps | Extract genomic features from a TxDb-like object based on their genomic location |
exonsByOverlaps-method | Extract genomic features from a TxDb-like object based on their genomic location |
extractTranscriptSeqs | Extract transcript (or CDS) sequences from chromosome sequences |
extractTranscriptSeqs-method | Extract transcript (or CDS) sequences from chromosome sequences |
extractUpstreamSeqs | Extract sequences upstream of a set of genes or transcripts |
extractUpstreamSeqs-method | Extract sequences upstream of a set of genes or transcripts |
FeatureDb | FeatureDb objects |
FeatureDb-class | FeatureDb objects |
features | Extract simple features from a FeatureDb object |
features-method | Extract simple features from a FeatureDb object |
fiveUTRsByTranscript | Extract and group genomic features of a given type from a TxDb-like object |
fiveUTRsByTranscript-method | Extract and group genomic features of a given type from a TxDb-like object |
genes | Extract genomic features from a TxDb-like object |
genes-method | Extract genomic features from a TxDb-like object |
getChromInfoFromBiomart | Make a TxDb object from annotations available on a BioMart database |
getPromoterSeq | Get gene promoter sequences |
getPromoterSeq-method | Get gene promoter sequences |
id2name | Map internal ids to external names for a given feature type |
intronicParts | Extract non-overlapping exonic or intronic parts from a TxDb-like object |
intronsByTranscript | Extract and group genomic features of a given type from a TxDb-like object |
intronsByTranscript-method | Extract and group genomic features of a given type from a TxDb-like object |
isActiveSeq | TxDb objects |
isActiveSeq-method | TxDb objects |
isActiveSeq<- | TxDb objects |
isActiveSeq<--method | TxDb objects |
keys-method | Using the "select" interface on TxDb objects |
keytypes-method | Using the "select" interface on TxDb objects |
makeFDbPackageFromUCSC | Making a TxDb package from annotations available at the UCSC Genome Browser, biomaRt or from another source. |
makeFeatureDbFromUCSC | Making a FeatureDb object from annotations available at the UCSC Genome Browser |
makePackageName | Making a TxDb package from annotations available at the UCSC Genome Browser, biomaRt or from another source. |
makeTxDb | Making a TxDb object from user supplied annotations |
makeTxDbFromBiomart | Make a TxDb object from annotations available on a BioMart database |
makeTxDbFromEnsembl | Make a TxDb object from an Ensembl database |
makeTxDbFromGFF | Make a TxDb object from annotations available as a GFF3 or GTF file |
makeTxDbFromGRanges | Make a TxDb object from a GRanges object |
makeTxDbFromUCSC | Make a TxDb object from annotations available at the UCSC Genome Browser |
makeTxDbPackage | Making a TxDb package from annotations available at the UCSC Genome Browser, biomaRt or from another source. |
makeTxDbPackageFromBiomart | Making a TxDb package from annotations available at the UCSC Genome Browser, biomaRt or from another source. |
makeTxDbPackageFromUCSC | Making a TxDb package from annotations available at the UCSC Genome Browser, biomaRt or from another source. |
mapFromTranscripts | Map range coordinates between transcripts and genome space |
mapFromTranscripts-method | Map range coordinates between transcripts and genome space |
mapIdsToRanges | Map IDs to Genomic Ranges |
mapIdsToRanges-method | Map IDs to Genomic Ranges |
mapRangesToIds | Map Genomic Ranges to IDs |
mapRangesToIds-method | Map Genomic Ranges to IDs |
mapToTranscripts | Map range coordinates between transcripts and genome space |
mapToTranscripts-method | Map range coordinates between transcripts and genome space |
microRNAs | Extract microRNA or tRNA genomic ranges from an object |
microRNAs-method | Extract microRNA or tRNA genomic ranges from an object |
nearest-methods | Finding the nearest genomic range neighbor in a TxDb |
organism-method | TxDb objects |
pcoverageByTranscript | Compute coverage by transcript (or CDS) of a set of ranges |
pmapFromTranscripts | Map range coordinates between transcripts and genome space |
pmapFromTranscripts-method | Map range coordinates between transcripts and genome space |
pmapToTranscripts | Map range coordinates between transcripts and genome space |
pmapToTranscripts-method | Map range coordinates between transcripts and genome space |
promoters | Extract genomic features from a TxDb-like object |
promoters-method | Extract genomic features from a TxDb-like object |
select-method | Using the "select" interface on TxDb objects |
select-methods | Using the "select" interface on TxDb objects |
seqinfo-method | TxDb objects |
seqlevels0-method | TxDb objects |
seqlevels<--method | TxDb objects |
show-method | TxDb objects |
species-method | TxDb objects |
supportedMiRBaseBuildValues | Making a TxDb package from annotations available at the UCSC Genome Browser, biomaRt or from another source. |
supportedUCSCFeatureDbTables | Making a FeatureDb object from annotations available at the UCSC Genome Browser |
supportedUCSCFeatureDbTracks | Making a FeatureDb object from annotations available at the UCSC Genome Browser |
supportedUCSCtables | Make a TxDb object from annotations available at the UCSC Genome Browser |
threeUTRsByTranscript | Extract and group genomic features of a given type from a TxDb-like object |
threeUTRsByTranscript-method | Extract and group genomic features of a given type from a TxDb-like object |
tidyExons | Extract non-overlapping exonic or intronic parts from a TxDb-like object |
tidyIntrons | Extract non-overlapping exonic or intronic parts from a TxDb-like object |
tidyTranscripts | Extract non-overlapping exonic or intronic parts from a TxDb-like object |
transcriptLengths | Extract the transcript lengths (and other metrics) from a TxDb object |
transcriptLocs2refLocs | Converting transcript-based locations into reference-based locations |
transcripts | Extract genomic features from a TxDb-like object |
transcripts-method | Extract genomic features from a TxDb-like object |
transcriptsBy | Extract and group genomic features of a given type from a TxDb-like object |
transcriptsBy-method | Extract and group genomic features of a given type from a TxDb-like object |
transcriptsByOverlaps | Extract genomic features from a TxDb-like object based on their genomic location |
transcriptsByOverlaps-method | Extract genomic features from a TxDb-like object based on their genomic location |
transcriptWidths | Converting transcript-based locations into reference-based locations |
tRNAs | Extract microRNA or tRNA genomic ranges from an object |
tRNAs-method | Extract microRNA or tRNA genomic ranges from an object |
TxDb | TxDb objects |
TxDb-class | TxDb objects |
UCSCFeatureDbTableSchema | Making a FeatureDb object from annotations available at the UCSC Genome Browser |