Tools for Parsing and Generating XML Within R and S-Plus

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Documentation for package ‘XML’ version 3.99-0.3

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A C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T U X misc

-- A --

addAttributes Add child nodes to an XML node
addAttributes-method Add child nodes to an XML node
addChildren Add child nodes to an XML node
addChildren-method Add child nodes to an XML node
addNode Add a node to a tree
addNode.XMLHashTree Add a node to a tree
addSibling Manipulate sibling XML nodes
append.XMLNode Add children to an XML node
append.xmlNode Add children to an XML node
asXMLNode Converts non-XML node objects to XMLTextNode objects
asXMLTreeNode Convert a regular XML node to one for use in a "flat" tree

-- C --

catalogAdd Manipulate XML catalog contents
catalogClearTable Manipulate XML catalog contents
catalogDump Manipulate XML catalog contents
catalogLoad Manipulate XML catalog contents
catalogResolve Look up an element via the XML catalog mechanism
coerce-method Constructor for DTD reference
coerce-method Simple classes for identifying an XML document containing R code
coerce-method Class to represent reference to C-level data structure for an XML document
coerce-method Classes to describe an XML node object.
coerce-method Converts non-XML node objects to XMLTextNode objects
coerce-method Transform between XML representations
coerce-method Create internal XML node or document object
coerce-method Parse a URI string into its elements
coerce-method Read data from one or more HTML tables
coerce-method Output internal XML Tree
coerce-method Classes for working with XML Schema
coerce-method Get definitions of any namespaces defined in this XML node
coerce-method Find a namespace definition object by searching ancestor nodes
coerce-method Extract or set the contents of a leaf XML node
comment.SAX Generic Methods for SAX callbacks
comment.SAX-method Generic Methods for SAX callbacks
COMPACT Parse an XML document with options controlling the parser.
compareXMLDocs Indicate differences between two XML documents

-- D --

docName Accessors for name of XML document
docName-method Accessors for name of XML document
docName<- Accessors for name of XML document
docName<--method Accessors for name of XML document
Doctype Constructor for DTD reference
Doctype-class Class to describe a reference to an XML DTD
DTDATTR Parse an XML document with options controlling the parser.
dtdElement Gets the definition of an element or entity from a DTD.
dtdElementValidEntry Determines whether an XML element allows a particular type of sub-element.
dtdElementValidEntry.character Determines whether an XML element allows a particular type of sub-element.
dtdElementValidEntry.XMLElementContent Determines whether an XML element allows a particular type of sub-element.
dtdElementValidEntry.XMLElementDef Determines whether an XML element allows a particular type of sub-element.
dtdElementValidEntry.XMLOrContent Determines whether an XML element allows a particular type of sub-element.
dtdElementValidEntry.XMLSequenceContent Determines whether an XML element allows a particular type of sub-element.
dtdEntity Gets the definition of an element or entity from a DTD.
dtdIsAttribute Query if a name is a valid attribute of a DTD element.
DTDLOAD Parse an XML document with options controlling the parser.
DTDVALID Parse an XML document with options controlling the parser.
dtdValidElement Determines whether an XML tag is valid within another.

-- E --

endElement.SAX Generic Methods for SAX callbacks
endElement.SAX-method Generic Methods for SAX callbacks
ensureNamespace Ensure that the node has a definition for particular XML namespaces
entityDeclaration.SAX Generic Methods for SAX callbacks
entityDeclaration.SAX-method Generic Methods for SAX callbacks
ExternalReference-class Classes for working with XML Schema

-- F --

findXInclude Find the XInclude node associated with an XML node
FormattedInteger-class Read data from one or more HTML tables
FormattedNumber-class Read data from one or more HTML tables
free Release the specified object and clean up its memory usage
free-method Release the specified object and clean up its memory usage

-- G --

genericSAXHandlers SAX generic callback handler list
getChildrenStrings Get the individual
getDefaultNamespace Get definitions of any namespaces defined in this XML node
getEncoding Determines the encoding for an XML document or node
getEncoding-method Determines the encoding for an XML document or node
getHTMLExternalFiles Get links or names of external files in HTML document
getHTMLLinks Get links or names of external files in HTML document
getLineNumber Determine the location - file & line number of an (internal) XML node
getNodeLocation Determine the location - file & line number of an (internal) XML node
getNodePosition Determine the location - file & line number of an (internal) XML node
getNodeSet Find matching nodes in an internal XML tree/DOM
getRelativeURL Compute name of URL relative to a base URL
getSibling Manipulate sibling XML nodes
getXIncludes Find the documents that are XInclude'd in an XML document
getXMLErrors Get XML/HTML document parse errors

-- H --

HTMLInternalDocument-class Class to represent reference to C-level data structure for an XML document
htmlParse XML Parser
htmlTreeParse XML Parser
HUGE Parse an XML document with options controlling the parser.

-- I --

isXMLString Facilities for working with XML strings

-- L --

length.XMLNode Determine the number of children in an XMLNode object.
libxmlFeatures Query the version and available features of the libxml library.
libxmlTypeTable-class Classes for working with XML Schema
libxmlVersion Query the version and available features of the libxml library.

-- M --

makeClassTemplate Create S4 class definition based on XML node(s)
matchNamespaces Find matching nodes in an internal XML tree/DOM

-- N --

names-method Classes for working with XML Schema
names.XMLNode Get the names of an XML nodes children.
newHTMLDoc Create internal XML node or document object
newXMLCDataNode Create internal XML node or document object
newXMLCommentNode Create internal XML node or document object
newXMLDoc Create internal XML node or document object
newXMLDTDNode Create internal XML node or document object
newXMLNamespace Add a namespace definition to an XML node
newXMLNode Create internal XML node or document object
newXMLPINode Create internal XML node or document object
newXMLTextNode Create internal XML node or document object
NOBASEFIX Parse an XML document with options controlling the parser.
NOBLANKS Parse an XML document with options controlling the parser.
NOCDATA Parse an XML document with options controlling the parser.
NODICT Parse an XML document with options controlling the parser.
NOENT Parse an XML document with options controlling the parser.
NOERROR Parse an XML document with options controlling the parser.
NONET Parse an XML document with options controlling the parser.
NOWARNING Parse an XML document with options controlling the parser.
NOXINCNODE Parse an XML document with options controlling the parser.
NSCLEAN Parse an XML document with options controlling the parser.

-- O --

OLD10 Parse an XML document with options controlling the parser.
OLDSAX Parse an XML document with options controlling the parser.

-- P --

parseDTD Read a Document Type Definition (DTD)
parseURI Parse a URI string into its elements
parseXMLAndAdd Parse XML content and add it to a node
PEDANTIC Parse an XML document with options controlling the parser.
Percent-class Read data from one or more HTML tables
print.XMLAttributeDef Methods for displaying XML objects
print.XMLCDataNode Methods for displaying XML objects
print.XMLComment Methods for displaying XML objects
print.XMLElementContent Methods for displaying XML objects
print.XMLElementDef Methods for displaying XML objects
print.XMLEntity Methods for displaying XML objects
print.XMLEntityRef Methods for displaying XML objects
print.XMLNode Methods for displaying XML objects
print.XMLOrContent Methods for displaying XML objects
print.XMLProcessingInstruction Methods for displaying XML objects
print.XMLSequenceContent Methods for displaying XML objects
print.XMLTextNode Methods for displaying XML objects
processingInstruction.SAX Generic Methods for SAX callbacks
processingInstruction.SAX-method Generic Methods for SAX callbacks
processXInclude Perform the XInclude substitutions
processXInclude.list Perform the XInclude substitutions
processXInclude.XMLInternalDocument Perform the XInclude substitutions
processXInclude.XMLInternalElement Perform the XInclude substitutions

-- R --

readHTMLList Read data in an HTML list or all lists in a document
readHTMLList-method Read data in an HTML list or all lists in a document
readHTMLTable Read data from one or more HTML tables
readHTMLTable-method Read data from one or more HTML tables
readKeyValueDB Read an XML property-list style document
readKeyValueDB-method Read an XML property-list style document
readSolrDoc Read the data from a Solr document
readSolrDoc-method Read the data from a Solr document
RECOVER Parse an XML document with options controlling the parser.
removeAttributes Add child nodes to an XML node
removeAttributes-method Add child nodes to an XML node
removeChildren Add child nodes to an XML node
removeNodes Add child nodes to an XML node
removeNodes.list Add child nodes to an XML node
removeNodes.XMLInternalNode Add child nodes to an XML node
removeNodes.XMLNodeList Add child nodes to an XML node
removeNodes.XMLNodeSet Add child nodes to an XML node
removeXMLNamespaces Remove namespace definitions from a XML node or document
removeXMLNamespaces-method Remove namespace definitions from a XML node or document
replaceNodes Add child nodes to an XML node
replaceNodeWithChildren Replace an XML node with it child nodes
RXMLNode-class Classes to describe an XML node object.

-- S --

saveXML Output internal XML Tree
saveXML-method Output internal XML Tree
saveXML.XMLInternalDocument Output internal XML Tree
saveXML.XMLInternalDOM Output internal XML Tree
saveXML.XMLInternalNode Output internal XML Tree
saveXML.XMLNode Output internal XML Tree
saveXML.XMLOutputStream Output internal XML Tree
SAX1 Parse an XML document with options controlling the parser.
SAXState-class A virtual base class defining methods for SAX parsing
SchemaAttributeGroupTable-class Classes for working with XML Schema
SchemaAttributeTable-class Classes for working with XML Schema
SchemaElementTable-class Classes for working with XML Schema
SchemaNotationTable-class Classes for working with XML Schema
SchemaTypeTable-class Classes for working with XML Schema
schemaValidationErrorHandler Validate an XML document relative to an XML schema
setXMLNamespace Set the name space on a node
show-method Class '"XMLAttributes"'
show-method Classes for working with XML Schema
source-method Simple classes for identifying an XML document containing R code
startElement.SAX Generic Methods for SAX callbacks
startElement.SAX-method Generic Methods for SAX callbacks
supportsExpat Determines which native XML parsers are being used.
supportsLibxml Determines which native XML parsers are being used.

-- T --

text.SAX Generic Methods for SAX callbacks
text.SAX-method Generic Methods for SAX callbacks
toHTML Create an HTML representation of the given R object, using internal C-level nodes
toHTML-method Create an HTML representation of the given R object, using internal C-level nodes
toString.XMLNode Creates string representation of XML node

-- U --

URI-class Parse a URI string into its elements

-- X --

XINCLUDE Parse an XML document with options controlling the parser.
xml Facilities for working with XML strings
XMLAbstractDocument-class Class to represent reference to C-level data structure for an XML document
XMLAbstractNode-class Classes to describe an XML node object.
xmlAncestors Get parent node of XMLInternalNode or ancestor nodes
xmlApply Applies a function to each of the children of an XMLNode
xmlApply.XMLDocument Applies a function to each of the children of an XMLNode
xmlApply.XMLDocumentContent Applies a function to each of the children of an XMLNode
xmlApply.XMLNode Applies a function to each of the children of an XMLNode
XMLAttributeDeclNode-class Classes to describe an XML node object.
XMLAttributes-class Class '"XMLAttributes"'
xmlAttributeType The type of an XML attribute for element from the DTD
xmlAttrs Get the list of attributes of an XML node.
xmlAttrs.XMLElementDef Get the list of attributes of an XML node.
xmlAttrs.XMLInternalNode Get the list of attributes of an XML node.
xmlAttrs.XMLNode Get the list of attributes of an XML node.
xmlAttrs<- Get the list of attributes of an XML node.
xmlAttrs<-,XMLInternalNode Get the list of attributes of an XML node.
xmlAttrs<-,XMLNode Get the list of attributes of an XML node.
xmlAttrs<--method Get the list of attributes of an XML node.
xmlCDataNode Create an XML node
xmlChildren Gets the sub-nodes within an XMLNode object.
xmlChildren.XMLInternalDocument Gets the sub-nodes within an XMLNode object.
xmlChildren.XMLInternalNode Gets the sub-nodes within an XMLNode object.
xmlChildren.XMLNode Gets the sub-nodes within an XMLNode object.
xmlChildren<- Gets the sub-nodes within an XMLNode object.
xmlChildren<--method Gets the sub-nodes within an XMLNode object.
xmlCleanNamespaces Remove redundant namespaces on an XML document
xmlClone Create a copy of an internal XML document or node
xmlClone-method Create a copy of an internal XML document or node
XMLCodeDoc-class Simple classes for identifying an XML document containing R code
xmlCodeFile Simple classes for identifying an XML document containing R code
XMLCodeFile-class Simple classes for identifying an XML document containing R code
xmlCommentNode Create an XML node
xmlContainsElement Checks if an entity is defined within a DTD.
xmlContainsEntity Checks if an entity is defined within a DTD.
xmlDeserializeHook Functions that help serialize and deserialize XML internal objects
xmlDoc Create internal XML node or document object
XMLDocumentFragNode-class Classes to describe an XML node object.
XMLDocumentNode-class Classes to describe an XML node object.
XMLDocumentTypeNode-class Classes to describe an XML node object.
xmlDOMApply Apply function to nodes in an XML tree/DOM.
XMLDTDNode-class Classes to describe an XML node object.
xmlElementsByTagName Retrieve the children of an XML node with a specific tag name
xmlElementSummary Frequency table of names of elements and attributes in XML content
XMLEntityDeclNode-class Classes to describe an XML node object.
xmlErrorCumulator Condition/error handler functions for XML parsing
xmlEventHandler Default handlers for the SAX-style event XML parser
xmlEventParse XML Event/Callback element-wise Parser
xmlGetAttr Get the value of an attribute in an XML node
xmlHandler Example XML Event Parser Handler Functions
xmlHashTree Constructors for trees stored as flat list of nodes with information about parents and children.
XMLInternalCDataNode-class Classes to describe an XML node object.
XMLInternalCommentNode-class Classes to describe an XML node object.
XMLInternalDocument-class Class to represent reference to C-level data structure for an XML document
XMLInternalElementNode-class Classes to describe an XML node object.
XMLInternalNode-class Classes to describe an XML node object.
XMLInternalPINode-class Classes to describe an XML node object.
XMLInternalTextNode-class Classes to describe an XML node object.
xmlInternalTreeParse XML Parser
xmlName Extraces the tag name of an XMLNode object.
xmlName.XMLComment Extraces the tag name of an XMLNode object.
xmlName.XMLInternalNode Extraces the tag name of an XMLNode object.
xmlName.XMLNode Extraces the tag name of an XMLNode object.
xmlName<- Extraces the tag name of an XMLNode object.
xmlNamespace Retrieve the namespace value of an XML node.
XMLNamespace-class Retrieve the namespace value of an XML node.
xmlNamespace.character Retrieve the namespace value of an XML node.
xmlNamespace.XMLInternalNode Retrieve the namespace value of an XML node.
xmlNamespace.XMLNode Retrieve the namespace value of an XML node.
xmlNamespace<- Retrieve the namespace value of an XML node.
xmlNamespace<--method Retrieve the namespace value of an XML node.
XMLNamespaceDeclNode-class Classes to describe an XML node object.
xmlNamespaceDefinitions Get definitions of any namespaces defined in this XML node
XMLNamespaceDefinitions-class Classes to describe an XML node object.
xmlNamespaces Get definitions of any namespaces defined in this XML node
xmlNamespaces<- Get definitions of any namespaces defined in this XML node
xmlNamespaces<--method Get definitions of any namespaces defined in this XML node
xmlNativeTreeParse XML Parser
xmlNode Create an XML node
XMLNode-class Classes to describe an XML node object.
xmlOutputBuffer XML output streams
xmlOutputDOM XML output streams
xmlParent Get parent node of XMLInternalNode or ancestor nodes
xmlParent-method Get parent node of XMLInternalNode or ancestor nodes
xmlParent.XMLInternalNode Get parent node of XMLInternalNode or ancestor nodes
xmlParent<- Add child nodes to an XML node
xmlParse XML Parser
xmlParseDoc Parse an XML document with options controlling the parser.
xmlParserContextFunction Identifies function as expecting an xmlParserContext argument
xmlParseString Facilities for working with XML strings
xmlPINode Create an XML node
xmlRoot Get the top-level XML node.
xmlRoot.HTMLDocument Get the top-level XML node.
xmlRoot.XMLDocument Get the top-level XML node.
xmlRoot.XMLDocumentContent Get the top-level XML node.
xmlRoot.XMLDocumentRoot Get the top-level XML node.
xmlRoot.XMLInternalDocument Get the top-level XML node.
xmlRoot.XMLInternalDOM Get the top-level XML node.
xmlSApply Applies a function to each of the children of an XMLNode
xmlSApply.XMLDocument Applies a function to each of the children of an XMLNode
xmlSApply.XMLDocumentContent Applies a function to each of the children of an XMLNode
xmlSApply.XMLNode Applies a function to each of the children of an XMLNode
xmlSchemaAttributeGroupRef-class Classes for working with XML Schema
xmlSchemaAttributeRef-class Classes for working with XML Schema
xmlSchemaElementRef-class Classes for working with XML Schema
xmlSchemaNotationRef-class Classes for working with XML Schema
xmlSchemaParse XML Parser
xmlSchemaRef-class Classes for working with XML Schema
xmlSchemaTypeRef-class Classes for working with XML Schema
xmlSchemaValidate Validate an XML document relative to an XML schema
xmlSearchNs Find a namespace definition object by searching ancestor nodes
xmlSerializeHook Functions that help serialize and deserialize XML internal objects
xmlSize The number of sub-elements within an XML node.
xmlSize.default The number of sub-elements within an XML node.
xmlSize.XMLDocument The number of sub-elements within an XML node.
xmlSize.XMLNode The number of sub-elements within an XML node.
xmlSource Source the R code, examples, etc. from an XML document
xmlSource-method Source the R code, examples, etc. from an XML document
xmlSourceFunctions Source the R code, examples, etc. from an XML document
xmlSourceFunctions-method Source the R code, examples, etc. from an XML document
xmlSourceSection Source the R code, examples, etc. from an XML document
xmlSourceSection-method Source the R code, examples, etc. from an XML document
xmlSourceThread Source the R code, examples, etc. from an XML document
xmlSourceThread-method Source the R code, examples, etc. from an XML document
xmlStopParser Terminate an XML parser
XMLString-class Facilities for working with XML strings
xmlStructuredStop Condition/error handler functions for XML parsing
xmlTextNode Create an XML node
xmlToDataFrame Extract data from a simple XML document
xmlToDataFrame-method Extract data from a simple XML document
xmlToList Convert an XML node/document to a more R-like list
xmlToS4 General mechanism for mapping an XML node to an S4 object
xmlToS4-method General mechanism for mapping an XML node to an S4 object
xmlTree An internal, updatable DOM object for building XML trees
XMLTreeNode-class Classes to describe an XML node object.
xmlTreeParse XML Parser
xmlValue Extract or set the contents of a leaf XML node
xmlValue.XMLCDataNode Extract or set the contents of a leaf XML node
xmlValue.XMLComment Extract or set the contents of a leaf XML node
xmlValue.XMLNode Extract or set the contents of a leaf XML node
xmlValue.XMLProcessingInstruction Extract or set the contents of a leaf XML node
xmlValue.XMLTextNode Extract or set the contents of a leaf XML node
xmlValue<- Extract or set the contents of a leaf XML node
xmlValue<--method Extract or set the contents of a leaf XML node
XMLXIncludeEndNode-class Classes to describe an XML node object.
xmlXIncludes Find the documents that are XInclude'd in an XML document
XMLXIncludeStartNode-class Classes to describe an XML node object.
xpathApply Find matching nodes in an internal XML tree/DOM
xpathSApply Find matching nodes in an internal XML tree/DOM

-- misc --

$-method Classes for working with XML Schema
$<--method Classes for working with XML Schema
.InitSAXMethods Generic Methods for SAX callbacks
[-method Class '"XMLAttributes"'
[.XMLNode Convenience accessors for the children of XMLNode objects.
[<-.XMLNode Assign sub-nodes to an XML node
[[-method Simple classes for identifying an XML document containing R code
[[.XMLDocumentContent Convenience accessors for the children of XMLNode objects.
[[.XMLInternalElementNode Convenience accessors for the children of XMLNode objects.
[[.XMLNode Convenience accessors for the children of XMLNode objects.
[[<-.XMLNode Assign sub-nodes to an XML node