Foundation of external vector representation and manipulation in Bioconductor

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Documentation for package ‘XVector’ version 0.28.0

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<=-method Comparing and ordering the list elements of XRawList objects
==-method The XDoubleViews class
==-method The XIntegerViews class
==-method Comparing and ordering the list elements of XRawList objects
==-method XVector objects XVectorList objects
as.integer-method XVector objects
as.numeric-method XVector objects
as.raw-method XVector objects
as.vector-method XVector objects
bindROWS-method XVector objects
bindROWS-method XVectorList objects
class:GroupedIRanges XVectorList objects
class:OnDiskRaw OnDiskRaw objects
class:XDouble XVector objects
class:XDoubleViews The XDoubleViews class
class:XInteger XVector objects
class:XIntegerViews The XIntegerViews class
class:XRaw XVector objects
class:XRawList XRawList objects
class:XVector XVector objects
class:XVectorList XVectorList objects
coerce-method XVector objects
compact Object compaction
compact-method Object compaction
duplicated-method Comparing and ordering the list elements of XRawList objects
duplicated.XRawList Comparing and ordering the list elements of XRawList objects
elementNROWS-method XVectorList objects
GroupedIRanges XVectorList objects
GroupedIRanges-class XVectorList objects
intra-range-methods Intra range transformations of an XVectorList object
is.unsorted-method Comparing and ordering the list elements of XRawList objects
length-method OnDiskRaw objects
length-method XVector objects
match-method Comparing and ordering the list elements of XRawList objects
names-method XVectorList objects
names<--method XVectorList objects
narrow Intra range transformations of an XVectorList object
narrow-method Intra range transformations of an XVectorList object
OnDiskRaw OnDiskRaw objects
OnDiskRaw-class OnDiskRaw objects
order-method Comparing and ordering the list elements of XRawList objects
pcompare Comparing and ordering the list elements of XRawList objects
pcompare-method Comparing and ordering the list elements of XRawList objects
rank-method Comparing and ordering the list elements of XRawList objects
rev-method Reverse an XVector or XVectorList object
reverse-method Reverse an XVector or XVectorList object
reverse-methods Reverse an XVector or XVectorList object
show-method The XDoubleViews class
show-method The XIntegerViews class
show-method XVector objects
show-method XVectorList objects
showAsCell-method XVectorList objects
slice-method Slice an XInteger or XDouble object
slice-methods Slice an XInteger or XDouble object
subseq XVector objects
subseq-method XVector objects
subseq-method XVectorList objects
subseq<- XVector objects
subseq<--method XVector objects
threebands Intra range transformations of an XVectorList object
threebands-method Intra range transformations of an XVectorList object
unsplit_list_of_XVectorList XVectorList objects
updateObject-method Update an object of a class defined in the XVector package to its current class definition
updateObject-methods Update an object of a class defined in the XVector package to its current class definition
vertical_slot_names-method XVectorList objects
view-summarization-methods Summarize views on an XInteger or XDouble object
viewMaxs-method Summarize views on an XInteger or XDouble object
viewMeans-method Summarize views on an XInteger or XDouble object
viewMins-method Summarize views on an XInteger or XDouble object
Views-method The XDoubleViews class
Views-method The XIntegerViews class
viewSums-method Summarize views on an XInteger or XDouble object
viewWhichMaxs-method Summarize views on an XInteger or XDouble object
viewWhichMins-method Summarize views on an XInteger or XDouble object
width-method XVectorList objects
windows-method Intra range transformations of an XVectorList object
XDouble XVector objects
XDouble-class XVector objects
XDoubleViews The XDoubleViews class
XDoubleViews-class The XDoubleViews class
XInteger XVector objects
XInteger-class XVector objects
XIntegerViews The XIntegerViews class
XIntegerViews-class The XIntegerViews class
XNumeric XVector objects
XRaw XVector objects
XRaw-class XVector objects
XRawList XRawList objects
XRawList-class XRawList objects
XRawList-comparison Comparing and ordering the list elements of XRawList objects
xvcopy Object compaction
xvcopy-method Object compaction
XVector XVector objects
XVector-class XVector objects
XVectorList XVectorList objects
XVectorList-class XVectorList objects
[-method XVectorList objects