Extension of `data.frame`

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Documentation for package ‘data.table’ version 1.13.6

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W Y misc

data.table-package Enhanced data.frame

-- A --

address Address in RAM of a variable
all.equal Equality Test Between Two Data Tables
all.equal.data.table Equality Test Between Two Data Tables
alloc.col Over-allocation access
anyDuplicated Determine Duplicate Rows
anyDuplicated.data.table Determine Duplicate Rows
as.character.ITime Integer based date class
as.data.table Coerce to data.table
as.data.table.array Coerce to data.table
as.data.table.character Coerce to data.table
as.data.table.data.frame Coerce to data.table
as.data.table.data.table Coerce to data.table
as.data.table.Date Coerce to data.table
as.data.table.factor Coerce to data.table
as.data.table.integer Coerce to data.table
as.data.table.list Coerce to data.table
as.data.table.logical Coerce to data.table
as.data.table.matrix Coerce to data.table
as.data.table.numeric Coerce to data.table
as.data.table.ordered Coerce to data.table
as.data.table.xts Efficient xts to as.data.table conversion
as.Date.IDate Integer based date class
as.IDate Integer based date class
as.IDate.Date Integer based date class
as.IDate.default Integer based date class
as.ITime Integer based date class
as.ITime.character Integer based date class
as.ITime.default Integer based date class
as.ITime.POSIXlt Integer based date class
as.ITime.times Integer based date class
as.list.IDate Integer based date class
as.matrix Convert a data.table to a matrix
as.matrix.data.table Convert a data.table to a matrix
as.POSIXct.IDate Integer based date class
as.POSIXct.ITime Integer based date class
as.POSIXlt.ITime Integer based date class
as.xts.data.table Efficient data.table to xts conversion
auto-index Optimisations in data.table
auto-indexing Optimisations in data.table
autoindex Optimisations in data.table
autoindexing Optimisations in data.table

-- B --

between Convenience functions for range subsets.

-- C --

c.IDate Integer based date class
c.ITime Integer based date class
cdatatable data.table exported C routines
chgroup Faster match of character vectors
chmatch Faster match of character vectors
chorder Faster match of character vectors
CJ Creates a join 'data.table'
class:data.table S4 Definition for data.table
copy Copy an entire object
cube Grouping Set aggregation for data tables
cube.data.table Grouping Set aggregation for data tables

-- D --

data.table Enhanced data.frame
data.table-class S4 Definition for data.table
data.table-optimize Optimisations in data.table
data.table.optimize Optimisations in data.table
datatable-optimize Optimisations in data.table
datatable-symbols Special symbols
datatable.optimize Optimisations in data.table
dcast Fast dcast for data.table
dcast.data.table Fast dcast for data.table
duplicated Determine Duplicate Rows
duplicated.data.table Determine Duplicate Rows

-- E --

except Set operations for data tables

-- F --

fastorder Fast row reordering of a data.table by reference
fcase fcase
fcoalesce Coalescing missing values
fexcept Set operations for data tables
fifelse Fast ifelse
fill Fill missing values
fintersect Set operations for data tables
first First/last item of an object
forder Fast row reordering of a data.table by reference
forderv Fast row reordering of a data.table by reference
format.ITime Integer based date class
foverlaps Fast overlap joins
frank Fast rank
frankv Fast rank
fread Fast and friendly file finagler
froll Rolling functions
frollapply Rolling functions
frollmean Rolling functions
frollsum Rolling functions
fsetdiff Set operations for data tables
fsetequal Set operations for data tables
fsort Fast parallel sort
funion Set operations for data tables
fwrite Fast CSV writer

-- G --

getDTthreads Set or get number of threads that data.table should use
getNumericRounding Change or turn off numeric rounding
GForce Optimisations in data.table
gforce Optimisations in data.table
groupingsets Grouping Set aggregation for data tables
groupingsets.data.table Grouping Set aggregation for data tables

-- H --

haskey Create key on a data.table
hour Integer based date class

-- I --

IDate Integer based date class
IDate-class Integer based date class
IDateTime Integer based date class
IDateTime.default Integer based date class
ifelse Fast ifelse
indices Create key on a data.table
inrange Convenience functions for range subsets.
intersect Set operations for data tables
is.data.table Coerce to data.table
is.na.data.table Enhanced data.frame
isoweek Integer based date class
ITime Integer based date class
ITime-class Integer based date class

-- J --

J Creates a join 'data.table'

-- K --

key Create key on a data.table

-- L --

lag Fast lead/lag for vectors and lists
last First/last item of an object
Last.updated Number of rows affected by last update
lead Fast lead/lag for vectors and lists
like Convenience function for calling grep.
locf Fill missing values

-- M --

mday Integer based date class
mean.IDate Integer based date class
mean.ITime Integer based date class
melt Fast melt for data.table
melt.data.table Fast melt for data.table
merge Merge two data.tables
merge.data.table Merge two data.tables
minute Integer based date class
month Integer based date class
moving Rolling functions

-- N --

na.fill Fill missing values
na.omit Remove rows with missing values on columns specified
na.omit.data.table Remove rows with missing values on columns specified
nafill Fill missing values
nocb Fill missing values

-- O --

openMP Set or get number of threads that data.table should use
openmp Set or get number of threads that data.table should use
Ops.data.table Enhanced data.frame
order Fast row reordering of a data.table by reference

-- P --

patterns Obtain matching indices corresponding to patterns
print.data.table data.table Printing Options
print.ITime Integer based date class

-- Q --

quarter Integer based date class

-- R --

rank Fast rank
rbind Makes one data.table from a list of many
rbind.data.table Makes one data.table from a list of many
rbindlist Makes one data.table from a list of many
rep.IDate Integer based date class
rep.ITime Integer based date class
rleid Generate run-length type group id
rleidv Generate run-length type group id
roll Rolling functions
rollapply Rolling functions
rolling Rolling functions
rollmean Rolling functions
rollsum Rolling functions
rollup Grouping Set aggregation for data tables
rollup.data.table Grouping Set aggregation for data tables
round.IDate Integer based date class
round.ITime Integer based date class
rounding Optimisations in data.table
rowid Generate unique row ids within each group
rowidv Generate unique row ids within each group

-- S --

second Integer based date class
seq.IDate Integer based date class
seq.ITime Integer based date class
set Assignment by reference
setalloccol Over-allocation access
setattr Set attributes of objects by reference
setcoalesce Coalescing missing values
setcolorder Fast column reordering of a data.table by reference
setDF Coerce a data.table to data.frame by reference
setdiff Set operations for data tables
setDT Coerce lists and data.frames to data.table by reference
setDTthreads Set or get number of threads that data.table should use
setequal Set operations for data tables
setindex Create key on a data.table
setindexv Create key on a data.table
setkey Create key on a data.table
setkeyv Create key on a data.table
setnafill Fill missing values
setnames Set attributes of objects by reference
setNumericRounding Change or turn off numeric rounding
setops Set operations for data tables
setorder Fast row reordering of a data.table by reference
setorderv Fast row reordering of a data.table by reference
shift Fast lead/lag for vectors and lists
shouldPrint For use by packages that mimic/divert auto printing e.g. IRkernel and knitr
SJ Creates a join 'data.table'
sliding Rolling functions
special-symbols Special symbols
split Split data.table into chunks in a list
split.data.table Split data.table into chunks in a list
strsplit strsplit and transpose the resulting list efficiently
subset Subsetting data.tables
subset.data.table Subsetting data.tables

-- T --

tables Display 'data.table' metadata
test Test assertions for equality, exceptions and console output
test.data.table Runs a set of tests.
timetaken Pretty print of time taken
transpose Efficient transpose of list
truelength Over-allocation access
trunc.ITime Integer based date class
tstrsplit strsplit and transpose the resulting list efficiently

-- U --

union Set operations for data tables
unique Determine Duplicate Rows
unique.data.table Determine Duplicate Rows
uniqueN Determine Duplicate Rows
update Perform update of development version of a package
update.dev.pkg Perform update of development version of a package

-- W --

wday Integer based date class
week Integer based date class

-- Y --

yday Integer based date class
year Integer based date class

-- misc --

%between% Convenience functions for range subsets.
%chin% Faster match of character vectors
%flike% Convenience function for calling grep.
%ilike% Convenience function for calling grep.
%inrange% Convenience functions for range subsets.
%like% Convenience function for calling grep.
.BY Special symbols
.EACHI Special symbols
.GRP Special symbols
.I Special symbols
.Last.updated Number of rows affected by last update
.N Special symbols
.NGRP Special symbols
.SD Special symbols
:= Assignment by reference
[.data.table Enhanced data.frame