Support Functions and Data for "Ecological Models and Data"

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emdbook-package Support Functions and Data for "Ecological Models and Data"
apply2d Apply a function to a combination of vectors
as.mcmc.bugs Convert WinBUGS output to CODA format
axis.scinot Scientific notation as LaTeX/expression()
BetaBinomial Beta-binomial distribution
calcslice Negative log-likelihood slice
contour3d Superimpose contour lines on a 3D plot
curve3d Plot a 3D surface representing a 2D curve
Damselfish Reef fish (damselfish) data
DamselRecruitment Reef fish (damselfish) data
DamselRecruitment_sum Reef fish (damselfish) data
DamselSettlement Reef fish (damselfish) data
dbetabinom Beta-binomial distribution
dchibarsq Mixed chi-squared distributions
deltamethod Delta method functions
deltavar Delta method functions
dmvnorm Multivariate normal distribution density function
dzinbinom Zero-inflated negative binomial distribution
emdbook Support Functions and Data for "Ecological Models and Data"
Fir Data on fir (Abies) life history
FirDBHFec Data on fir (Abies) life history
FirDBHFec_sum Data on fir (Abies) life history
get.emdbook.packages install and update auxiliary packages
GobySurvival Goby (reef fish) survivorship data
gridsearch2d Graphical grid search in 2D
HPDregionplot Plot highest posterior density region
lambertW Lambert W function
lambertW_base Lambert W function
Lily Glacier lily occurrence and fecundity data
Lily_sum Glacier lily occurrence and fecundity data
lseq Log-spaced sequence
lump.mcmc.list Utility functions for mcmc objects
lWasymp Lambert W function
metropSB Metropolis-Szymura-Barton algorithm
Myxo Myxomatosis titer data
MyxoTiter_sum Myxomatosis titer data
ncredint Calculate Bayesian credible intervals
pchibarsq Mixed chi-squared distributions
perturb.params Create a list of perturbed parameters
qchibarsq Mixed chi-squared distributions
rbetabinom Beta-binomial distribution
rchibarsq Mixed chi-squared distributions
Reedfrog Data on reed frog predation experiments
ReedfrogFuncresp Data on reed frog predation experiments
ReedfrogPred Data on reed frog predation experiments
ReedfrogSizepred Data on reed frog predation experiments
rzinbinom Zero-inflated negative binomial distribution
scinot Scientific notation as LaTeX/expression()
SeedPred Seed predation data set from Duncan and Duncan 2000
SeedPred_mass Seed predation data set from Duncan and Duncan 2000
SeedPred_wide Seed predation data set from Duncan and Duncan 2000
tcredint Calculate Bayesian credible intervals
traceplot.mcmc Deprecated (obsolete) functions
trcoef Transform coefficients
update.bmb.packages install and update auxiliary packages