calcGseaStat |
Calculates GSEA statistics for a given query gene set |
calcGseaStatBatchCpp |
Calculates GSEA statistic valus for all gene sets in 'selectedStats' list. |
collapsePathways |
Collapse list of enriched pathways to independent ones. |
collapsePathwaysORA |
Collapse list of enriched pathways to independent ones. Version for ORA hypergeometric test. |
examplePathways |
Example list of mouse Reactome pathways. |
exampleRanks |
Example vector of gene-level statistics obtained for Th1 polarization. |
fgsea |
Wrapper to run methods for preranked gene set enrichment analysis. |
fgseaLabel |
Runs label-permuring gene set enrichment analysis. |
fgseaMultilevel |
Runs preranked gene set enrichment analysis. |
fgseaSimple |
Runs preranked gene set enrichment analysis. |
fgseaSimpleImpl |
Runs preranked gene set enrichment analysis for preprocessed input data. |
fora |
Simple overrepresentation analysis based on hypergeometric test |
gmtPathways |
Returns a list of pathways from a GMT file. |
mapIdsList |
Effeciently converts collection of pathways using AnnotationDbi::mapIds function. Parameters are the sames as for mapIds except for keys, which is assumed to be a list of vectors. |
multilevelError |
Calculates the expected error for the standard deviation of the P-value logarithm. |
multilevelImpl |
Calculates P-values for preprocessed data. |
plotEnrichment |
Plots GSEA enrichment plot. |
plotGseaTable |
Plots table of enrichment graphs using ggplot and gridExtra. |
reactomePathways |
Returns a list of Reactome pathways for given Entrez gene IDs |
writeGmtPathways |
Write collection of pathways (list of vectors) to a gmt file |