Graphics related functions for Bioconductor

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Documentation for package ‘geneplotter’ version 1.66.0

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alongChrom A function for plotting expression data from an ExpressionSet for a given chromosome.
amplicon.plot Create an amplicon plot
buildACMainLabel A function for plotting expression data from an ExpressionSet for a given chromosome.
cColor A function for marking specific probes on a cPlot.
closeHtmlPage Open and close an HTML file for writing.
cPlot A plotting function for chromosomes.
cScale A function for mapping chromosome length to a number of points.
cullACXPoints A function for plotting expression data from an ExpressionSet for a given chromosome.
dChip.colors A function to get the Red-Blue color scheme used by dChip
defMapFun A function to plot a graph colored by expression data
dispACXaxis A function for plotting expression data from an ExpressionSet for a given chromosome.
doACCumPlot A function for plotting expression data from an ExpressionSet for a given chromosome.
doACImagePlot A function for plotting expression data from an ExpressionSet for a given chromosome.
doACLocalPlot A function for plotting expression data from an ExpressionSet for a given chromosome.
doACMatPlot A function for plotting expression data from an ExpressionSet for a given chromosome.
emptyACPlot A function for plotting expression data from an ExpressionSet for a given chromosome.
expressionSet133a A small dataset for testing
fixACPhysPoints A function for plotting expression data from an ExpressionSet for a given chromosome.
getACClosestPos A function for plotting expression data from an ExpressionSet for a given chromosome.
getACDataEnv A function for plotting expression data from an ExpressionSet for a given chromosome.
getACExprs A function for plotting expression data from an ExpressionSet for a given chromosome.
getACGeneSyms A function for plotting expression data from an ExpressionSet for a given chromosome.
getACPlotLabs A function for plotting expression data from an ExpressionSet for a given chromosome.
getACStrandVals A function for plotting expression data from an ExpressionSet for a given chromosome.
GetColor A function to get the Red-Blue color scheme used by dChip
getPlotExpressionColors A function to plot a graph colored by expression data
greenred.colors A function to get the Red-Blue color scheme used by dChip
groupedHeatmap Heatmap of a matrix with grouped rows and columns
highlightACDups A function for plotting expression data from an ExpressionSet for a given chromosome.
histStack Stacked histogram
imageMap Write an HTML IMG tag together with a MAP image map.
imageMap-method Write an HTML IMG tag together with a MAP image map.
imageMap-methods Write an HTML IMG tag together with a MAP image map.
IMCAEntrezLink A function to plot a graph colored by expression data
limitACXRange A function for plotting expression data from an ExpressionSet for a given chromosome.
make.chromOrd Make a chromOrd object
Makesense Produce Smoothed Sense/Anti-sense For All Chromosomes
Makesense-method Produce Smoothed Sense/Anti-sense For All Chromosomes
multidensity Multiple empirical cumulative distribution functions (ecdf) and densities
multidensity.formula Multiple empirical cumulative distribution functions (ecdf) and densities
multidensity.list Multiple empirical cumulative distribution functions (ecdf) and densities
multidensity.matrix Multiple empirical cumulative distribution functions (ecdf) and densities
multiecdf Multiple empirical cumulative distribution functions (ecdf) and densities
multiecdf.formula Multiple empirical cumulative distribution functions (ecdf) and densities
multiecdf.list Multiple empirical cumulative distribution functions (ecdf) and densities
multiecdf.matrix Multiple empirical cumulative distribution functions (ecdf) and densities
openHtmlPage Open and close an HTML file for writing.
plotChr Plot Smoothed Sense/Anti-sense of Specified Chromosomes
plotExpressionGraph A function to plot a graph colored by expression data
plotMA Generate an MA plot
plotMA-method Generate an MA plot
plotMA-methods Generate an MA plot
saveeps Save the contents of the current graphics device to a file
savepdf Save the contents of the current graphics device to a file
savepng Save the contents of the current graphics device to a file
savetiff Save the contents of the current graphics device to a file
scaleACData A function for plotting expression data from an ExpressionSet for a given chromosome.