The R Graphics Devices and Support for Colours and Fonts

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Documentation for package ‘grDevices’ version 4.0.2

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A B C D E F G H I J M N O P Q R S T U W X misc

grDevices-package The R Graphics Devices and Support for Colours and Fonts

-- A --

adjustcolor Adjust Colors in One or More Directions Conveniently.
as.graphicsAnnot Coerce an Object for Graphics Annotation
as.raster Create a Raster Object
as.raster.array Create a Raster Object
as.raster.character Create a Raster Object
as.raster.logical Create a Raster Object
as.raster.matrix Create a Raster Object
as.raster.numeric Create a Raster Object
as.raster.raw Create a Raster Object
atop Mathematical Annotation in R
axisTicks Compute Pretty Axis Tick Scales

-- B --

bar Mathematical Annotation in R
bgroup Mathematical Annotation in R
bitmap Graphics Device for Bitmap Files via Ghostscript
blues9 Colors for Smooth Density Plots
bmp BMP, JPEG, PNG and TIFF graphics devices
bold Mathematical Annotation in R
bolditalic Mathematical Annotation in R
boxplot.stats Box Plot Statistics
bringToTop Assign Focus to a Window

-- C --

cairoSymbolFont Specify a Symbol Font
cairo_pdf Cairographics-based SVG, PDF and PostScript Graphics Devices
cairo_ps Cairographics-based SVG, PDF and PostScript Graphics Devices
check.options Set Options with Consistency Checks
chull Compute Convex Hull of a Set of Points
CIDFont Type 1 and CID Fonts
cm Unit Transformation
cm.colors Color Palettes
col2rgb Color to RGB Conversion
colorConverter Create colour spaces
colorRamp Color interpolation
colorRampPalette Color interpolation
colors Color Names
colorspaces Convert between Colour Spaces
colours Color Names
contourLines Calculate Contour Lines
convertColor Convert between Colour Spaces

-- D --

densCols Colors for Smooth Density Plots
dev.capabilities Query Capabilities of the Current Graphics Device
dev.capture Capture device output as a raster image
dev.control Copy Graphics Between Multiple Devices
dev.copy Copy Graphics Between Multiple Devices
dev.copy2eps Copy Graphics Between Multiple Devices
dev.copy2pdf Copy Graphics Between Multiple Devices
dev.cur Control Multiple Devices
dev.flush Hold or Flush Output on an On-Screen Graphics Device.
dev.hold Hold or Flush Output on an On-Screen Graphics Device.
dev.interactive Is the Current Graphics Device Interactive?
dev.list Control Multiple Devices Control Multiple Devices Control Multiple Devices Control Multiple Devices
dev.prev Control Multiple Devices
dev.print Copy Graphics Between Multiple Devices
dev.set Control Multiple Devices
dev.size Find Size of Device Surface
dev2bitmap Graphics Device for Bitmap Files via Ghostscript
devAskNewPage Prompt before New Page
device List of Graphical Devices
deviceIsInteractive Is the Current Graphics Device Interactive?
Devices List of Graphical Devices
displaystyle Mathematical Annotation in R
dot Mathematical Annotation in R

-- E --

embedFonts Embed Fonts in PostScript and PDF
extendrange Extend a Numerical Range by a Small Percentage

-- F --

frac Mathematical Annotation in R

-- G --

getGraphicsEvent Wait for a mouse or keyboard event from a graphics window
getGraphicsEventEnv Wait for a mouse or keyboard event from a graphics window Control Multiple Devices
gray Gray Level Specification
gray.colors Gray Color Palette
grDevices The R Graphics Devices and Support for Colours and Fonts
grey Gray Level Specification
grey.colors Gray Color Palette
group Mathematical Annotation in R
grSoftVersion Report Versions of Graphics Software

-- H --

hat Mathematical Annotation in R
hcl HCL Color Specification
hcl.colors Color Palettes
hcl.pals Color Palettes
heat.colors Color Palettes
Hershey Hershey Vector Fonts in R
hsv HSV Color Specification

-- I --

inf Mathematical Annotation in R
integral Mathematical Annotation in R
is.raster Create a Raster Object
italic Mathematical Annotation in R

-- J --

Japanese Japanese characters in R
jpeg BMP, JPEG, PNG and TIFF graphics devices

-- M --

make.rgb Create colour spaces
msgWindow Manipulate a Window

-- N --

n2mfrow Compute Default 'mfrow' From Number of Plots
nclass.FD Compute the Number of Classes for a Histogram
nclass.scott Compute the Number of Classes for a Histogram
nclass.Sturges Compute the Number of Classes for a Histogram

-- O --

over Mathematical Annotation in R

-- P --

palette Set or View the Graphics Palette
palette.colors Set or View the Graphics Palette
palette.pals Set or View the Graphics Palette
pdf PDF Graphics Device
pdf.options Auxiliary Function to Set/View Defaults for Arguments of pdf
pdfFonts PostScript and PDF Font Families
phantom Mathematical Annotation in R
pictex A PicTeX Graphics Driver
plain Mathematical Annotation in R
plotmath Mathematical Annotation in R
png BMP, JPEG, PNG and TIFF graphics devices
postscript PostScript Graphics
postscriptFonts PostScript and PDF Font Families
pretty.Date Pretty Breakpoints for Date-Time Classes
pretty.POSIXt Pretty Breakpoints for Date-Time Classes
print.recordedplot Record and Replay Plots
print.SavedPlots Windows Graphics Devices
ps.options Auxiliary Function to Set/View Defaults for Arguments of postscript

-- Q --

quartz macOS Quartz Device
quartz.options macOS Quartz Device macOS Quartz Device
quartzFont Quartz Fonts Setup
quartzFonts Quartz Fonts Setup

-- R --

rainbow Color Palettes
recordGraphics Record Graphics Operations
recordPlot Record and Replay Plots
replayPlot Record and Replay Plots
rgb RGB Color Specification
rgb2hsv RGB to HSV Conversion
ring Mathematical Annotation in R

-- S --

savePlot Save Cairo X11 Plot to File
scriptscriptstyle Mathematical Annotation in R
scriptstyle Mathematical Annotation in R
setEPS Auxiliary Function to Set/View Defaults for Arguments of postscript
setGraphicsEventEnv Wait for a mouse or keyboard event from a graphics window
setGraphicsEventHandlers Wait for a mouse or keyboard event from a graphics window
setPS Auxiliary Function to Set/View Defaults for Arguments of postscript
stayOnTop Assign Focus to a Window
sup Mathematical Annotation in R
svg Cairographics-based SVG, PDF and PostScript Graphics Devices
symbol Mathematical Annotation in R

-- T --

terrain.colors Color Palettes
textstyle Mathematical Annotation in R
tiff BMP, JPEG, PNG and TIFF graphics devices
topo.colors Color Palettes
trans3d 3D to 2D Transformation for Perspective Plots
Type1Font Type 1 and CID Fonts

-- U --

underline Mathematical Annotation in R

-- W --

widehat Mathematical Annotation in R
widetilde Mathematical Annotation in R
win.graph Windows Graphics Devices
win.metafile Windows Graphics Devices
win.print Windows Graphics Devices
windows Windows Graphics Devices
windows.options Auxiliary Function to Set/View Defaults for Arguments of windows()
windowsFont Windows Fonts
windowsFonts Windows Fonts

-- X --

X11 X Window System Graphics (X11)
x11 X Window System Graphics (X11)
X11.options X Window System Graphics (X11)
X11Font X11 Fonts
X11Fonts X11 Fonts
xfig XFig Graphics Device
xy.coords Extracting Plotting Structures
xyTable Multiplicities of (x,y) Points, e.g., for a Sunflower Plot
xyz.coords Extracting Plotting Structures

-- misc --

.axisPars Compute Pretty Axis Tick Scales
.ps.prolog PostScript Graphics
[.SavedPlots Windows Graphics Devices