The Grid Graphics Package

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Documentation for package ‘grid’ version 4.0.2

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grid-package The Grid Graphics Package

-- A --

absolute.size Absolute Size of a Grob
addGrob Add a Grid Graphical Object
applyEdit Create and Apply Edit Objects
applyEdits Create and Apply Edit Objects
arcCurvature Draw a Curve Between Locations
arrow Describe arrows to add to a line.
ascentDetails Width and Height of a grid grob

-- B --

bezierGrob Draw a Bezier Curve
bezierPoints Return the points that would be used to draw an Xspline (or a Bezier curve).

-- C --

calcStringMetric Calculate Metric Information for Text
childNames Create Grid Graphical Objects, aka "Grob"s
circleGrob Draw a Circle
clipGrob Set the Clipping Region
convertHeight Convert Between Different grid Coordinate Systems
convertUnit Convert Between Different grid Coordinate Systems
convertWidth Convert Between Different grid Coordinate Systems
convertX Convert Between Different grid Coordinate Systems
convertY Convert Between Different grid Coordinate Systems
current.parent Get the Current Grid Viewport (Tree)
current.rotation Get the Current Grid Viewport (Tree)
current.transform Get the Current Grid Viewport (Tree)
current.viewport Get the Current Grid Viewport (Tree)
current.vpPath Get the Current Grid Viewport (Tree)
current.vpTree Get the Current Grid Viewport (Tree)
curveGrob Draw a Curve Between Locations

-- D --

dataViewport Create a Viewport with Scales based on Data
delayGrob Encapsulate calculations and generating a grob
depth Determine the number of levels in an object.
depth.path Determine the number of levels in an object.
depth.viewport Determine the number of levels in an object.
descentDetails Width and Height of a grid grob
deviceDim Convert Viewport Location to Device Location
deviceLoc Convert Viewport Location to Device Location
downViewport Maintaining and Navigating the Grid Viewport Tree
drawDetails Customising grid Drawing

-- E --

editDetails Customising grid Editing
editGrob Edit the Description of a Grid Graphical Object
emptyCoords Calculate Points on the Perimeter of a Grob
engine.display.list Control the Grid Display List
explode Explode a path into its components.
explode.character Explode a path into its components.
explode.path Explode a path into its components.

-- F --

forceGrob Force a grob into its components
frameGrob Create a Frame for Packing Objects
functionGrob Draw a curve representing a function

-- G --

gEdit Create and Apply Edit Objects
gEditList Create and Apply Edit Objects
get.gpar Handling Grid Graphical Parameters
getGrob Get a Grid Graphical Object
getNames List the names of grobs on the display list
gList Create Grid Graphical Objects, aka "Grob"s
gpar Handling Grid Graphical Parameters
gPath Concatenate Grob Names
Grid Grid Graphics
grid.abline Draw a curve representing a function
grid.add Add a Grid Graphical Object
grid.bezier Draw a Bezier Curve
grid.cap Capture a raster image Draw a Circle
grid.clip Set the Clipping Region
grid.copy Make a Copy of a Grid Graphical Object
grid.curve Draw a Curve Between Locations
grid.delay Encapsulate calculations and generating a grob
grid.display.list Control the Grid Display List
grid.DLapply Modify the Grid Display List
grid.draw Draw a grid grob
grid.edit Edit the Description of a Grid Graphical Object
grid.force Force a grob into its components
grid.force.default Force a grob into its components
grid.force.gPath Force a grob into its components
grid.force.grob Force a grob into its components
grid.frame Create a Frame for Packing Objects
grid.function Draw a curve representing a function
grid.gedit Edit the Description of a Grid Graphical Object
grid.get Get a Grid Graphical Object
grid.gget Get a Grid Graphical Object
grid.grab Grab the current grid output
grid.grabExpr Grab the current grid output
grid.gremove Remove a Grid Graphical Object
grid.grep Search for grobs
grid.grill Draw a Grill
grid.layout Create a Grid Layout
grid.legend Constructing a Legend Grob Move or Draw to a Specified Position
grid.lines Draw Lines in a Grid Viewport
grid.locator Capture a Mouse Click List the names of grobs or viewports Move or Draw to a Specified Position
grid.newpage Move to a New Page on a Grid Device
grid.null Null Graphical Object
grid.pack Pack an Object within a Frame
grid.path Draw a Path Place an Object within a Frame
grid.plot.and.legend A Simple Plot and Legend Demo
grid.points Draw Data Symbols
grid.polygon Draw a Polygon
grid.polyline Draw Lines in a Grid Viewport
grid.pretty Generate a Sensible Set of Breakpoints
grid.raster Render a raster object
grid.record Encapsulate calculations and drawing
grid.rect Draw rectangles
grid.refresh Refresh the current grid scene
grid.remove Remove a Grid Graphical Object
grid.reorder Reorder the children of a gTree
grid.revert Force a grob into its components
grid.revert.gPath Force a grob into its components
grid.revert.grob Force a grob into its components
grid.roundrect Draw a rectangle with rounded corners
grid.segments Draw Line Segments
grid.set Set a Grid Graphical Object Draw a Diagram of a Grid Layout Draw a Diagram of a Grid Viewport
grid.text Draw Text
grid.xaxis Draw an X-Axis
grid.xspline Draw an Xspline
grid.yaxis Draw a Y-Axis
grob Create Grid Graphical Objects, aka "Grob"s
grobAscent Create a Unit Describing the Width of a Grob
grobCoords Calculate Points on the Perimeter of a Grob
grobDescent Create a Unit Describing the Width of a Grob
grobHeight Create a Unit Describing the Width of a Grob
grobName Generate a Name for a Grob
grobPathListing List the names of grobs or viewports
grobPoints Calculate Points on the Perimeter of a Grob
grobTree Create Grid Graphical Objects, aka "Grob"s
grobWidth Create a Unit Describing the Width of a Grob
grobX Create a Unit Describing a Grob Boundary Location
grobY Create a Unit Describing a Grob Boundary Location
gTree Create Grid Graphical Objects, aka "Grob"s

-- H --

heightDetails Width and Height of a grid grob

-- I --

is.grob Create Grid Graphical Objects, aka "Grob"s
isEmptyCoords Calculate Points on the Perimeter of a Grob

-- L --

legendGrob Constructing a Legend Grob
linesGrob Draw Lines in a Grid Viewport
lineToGrob Move or Draw to a Specified Position

-- M --

makeContent Customised grid Grobs
makeContext Customised grid Grobs
moveToGrob Move or Draw to a Specified Position

-- N --

nestedListing List the names of grobs or viewports
nullGrob Null Graphical Object

-- P --

packGrob Pack an Object within a Frame
pathGrob Draw a Path
pathListing List the names of grobs or viewports
placeGrob Place an Object within a Frame
plotViewport Create a Viewport with a Standard Plot Layout
pointsGrob Draw Data Symbols
polygonGrob Draw a Polygon
polylineGrob Draw Lines in a Grid Viewport
popViewport Maintaining and Navigating the Grid Viewport Tree
postDrawDetails Customising grid Drawing
preDrawDetails Customising grid Drawing
pushViewport Maintaining and Navigating the Grid Viewport Tree

-- R --

rasterGrob Render a raster object
recordGrob Encapsulate calculations and drawing
rectGrob Draw rectangles
removeGrob Remove a Grid Graphical Object
reorderGrob Reorder the children of a gTree
resolveHJust Validate a Justification
resolveRasterSize Utility function to resolve the size of a raster grob
resolveVJust Validate a Justification
roundrect Draw a rectangle with rounded corners
roundrectGrob Draw a rectangle with rounded corners

-- S --

seekViewport Maintaining and Navigating the Grid Viewport Tree
segmentsGrob Draw Line Segments
setChildren Add a Grid Graphical Object
setGrob Set a Grid Graphical Object
showGrob Label grid grobs.
showViewport Display grid viewports.
stringAscent Create a Unit Describing the Width and Height of a String or Math Expression
stringDescent Create a Unit Describing the Width and Height of a String or Math Expression
stringHeight Create a Unit Describing the Width and Height of a String or Math Expression
stringWidth Create a Unit Describing the Width and Height of a String or Math Expression

-- T --

textGrob Draw Text

-- U --

unit Function to Create a Unit Object
unit.c Combine Unit Objects
unit.length Length of a Unit Object
unit.pmax Parallel Unit Minima and Maxima
unit.pmin Parallel Unit Minima and Maxima
unit.psum Parallel Unit Minima and Maxima
unit.rep Replicate Elements of Unit Objects
unitType Return the Units of a Unit Object
upViewport Maintaining and Navigating the Grid Viewport Tree

-- V --

valid.just Validate a Justification
validDetails Customising grid grob Validation
viewport Create a Grid Viewport
vpList Create a Grid Viewport
vpPath Concatenate Viewport Names
vpStack Create a Grid Viewport
vpTree Create a Grid Viewport

-- W --

widthDetails Width and Height of a grid grob

-- X --

xaxisGrob Draw an X-Axis
xDetails Boundary of a grid grob
xsplineGrob Draw an Xspline
xsplinePoints Return the points that would be used to draw an Xspline (or a Bezier curve).

-- Y --

yaxisGrob Draw a Y-Axis
yDetails Boundary of a grid grob