addLast |
Defunct Functions in package 'gtools' |
asc |
Convert between characters and ASCII codes |
Convert Characters to ASCII |
ask |
Display a prompt and collect the user's response |
assert |
Defunct Functions in package 'gtools' |
assignEdgewise |
Convert a Byte-Code Function to an Interpreted-Code Function |
badDend |
Dataset That Crashes Base:::Plot.Dendrogram with 'Node Stack Overflow' |
baseOf |
Transform an integer to an array of base-n digits |
binsearch |
Binary Search |
capture |
Defunct Functions in package 'gtools' |
capwords |
Capitalize Words for Titles |
checkRVersion |
Check if a newer version of R is available |
chr |
Convert between characters and ASCII codes |
combinations |
Enumerate the Combinations or Permutations of the Elements of a Vector |
ddirichlet |
Functions for the Dirichlet Distribution |
defmacro |
Define a macro |
Data from an ELISA assay |
even |
Detect odd/even integers |
foldchange |
Compute fold-change or convert between log-ratio and fold-change. |
foldchange2logratio |
Compute fold-change or convert between log-ratio and fold-change. |
getDependencies |
Get package dependencies |
gtools-defunct |
Defunct Functions in package 'gtools' |
gtools-deprecated |
Deprecated Functions in the gtools package |
inv.logit |
Generalized logit and inverse logit function |
invalid |
Test if a value is missing, empty, or contains only NA or NULL values |
keywords |
List valid keywords for R man pages |
lastAdd |
Non-destructively construct a .Last function to be executed when R exits. |
loadedPackages |
Provide Name, Version, and Path of Loaded Package Namespaces |
logit |
Generalized logit and inverse logit function |
logratio2foldchange |
Compute fold-change or convert between log-ratio and fold-change. |
mixedorder |
Order or Sort strings with embedded numbers so that the numbers are in the correct order |
mixedsort |
Order or Sort strings with embedded numbers so that the numbers are in the correct order |
na.replace |
Replace Missing Values |
odd |
Detect odd/even integers |
permutations |
Enumerate the Combinations or Permutations of the Elements of a Vector |
permute |
Randomly Permute the Elements of a Vector |
quantcut |
Create a Factor Variable Using the Quantiles of a Continuous Variable |
rdirichlet |
Functions for the Dirichlet Distribution |
roman2int |
Convert Roman Numerals to Integers |
running |
Apply a Function Over Adjacent Subsets of a Vector |
scat |
Display debugging text |
setTCPNoDelay |
Modify the TCP\_NODELAY ('de-Nagle') flag for socket objects |
smartbind |
Efficient rbind of data frames, even if the column names don't match |
split_path |
Split a File Path into Components |
sprint |
Defunct Functions in package 'gtools' |
stars.pval |
Generate significance stars from p-values |
strmacro |
Define a macro |
unByteCode |
Convert a Byte-Code Function to an Interpreted-Code Function |
unByteCodeAssign |
Convert a Byte-Code Function to an Interpreted-Code Function |