Safely Access the RStudio API

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Documentation for package ‘rstudioapi’ version 0.11

Help Pages


-- A --

addTheme Add a Custom Editor Theme
applyTheme Apply an Editor Theme to RStudio
as.document_position Create a Document Position
as.document_range Create a Range
askForPassword Ask the user for a password interactively
askForSecret Show Prompt for Secret Dialog

-- B --

bugReport File an RStudio Bug Report
build-tools Build Tools
buildToolsCheck Build Tools
buildToolsExec Build Tools
buildToolsInstall Build Tools

-- C --

callFun Call an RStudio API function
convertTheme Convert a tmTheme to an RStudio Theme
createProjectTemplate Create a Project Template

-- D --

dictionaries Interact with RStudio's Dictionaries
dictionariesPath Interact with RStudio's Dictionaries
documentClose Interact with Documents open in RStudio
documentNew Interact with Documents open in RStudio
documentSave Interact with Documents open in RStudio
documentSaveAll Interact with Documents open in RStudio
document_position Create a Document Position
document_range Create a Range

-- E --

executeCommand Execute Command

-- F --

file-dialogs Select a File / Folder
findFun Exists/get for RStudio functions

-- G --

getActiveDocumentContext Retrieve Information about an RStudio Editor
getActiveProject Path to Active RStudio Project
getConsoleEditorContext Retrieve Information about an RStudio Editor
getPersistentValue Persistent Keys and Values
getRStudioPackageDependencies Get RStudio Package Dependencies
getSourceEditorContext Retrieve Information about an RStudio Editor
getThemeInfo Retrieve Themes
getThemes Get Theme List
getVersion Return the current version of the RStudio API

-- H --

hasColorConsole Check if Console Supports ANSI Color Escapes
hasFun Exists/get for RStudio functions
highlightUi Highlight UI Elements within the RStudio IDE

-- I --

initializeProject Open a Project in RStudio
insertText Interact with Documents open in RStudio
is.document_position Create a Document Position
is.document_range Create a Range
isAvailable Check if RStudio is running.

-- J --

jobAdd Add a Job
jobAddOutput Add Job Output
jobAddProgress Add Job Progress
jobRemove Remove a Job
jobRunScript Run R Script As Job
jobSetProgress Set Job Progress
jobSetState Set Job State
jobSetStatus Set Job Status

-- L --

launcher Retrieve Launcher Information
launcherAvailable Retrieve Launcher Information
launcherConfig Define a Launcher Configuration
launcherContainer Define a Launcher Container
launcherControlJob Interact with (Control) a Job
launcherGetInfo Retrieve Launcher Information
launcherGetJob Retrieve Job Information
launcherGetJobs Retrieve Launcher Information
launcherHostMount Define a Launcher Host Mount
launcherNfsMount Define a Launcher NFS Mount
launcherPlacementConstraint Define a Launcher Placement Constraint
launcherResourceLimit Define a Launcher Resource Limit
launcherSubmitJob Submit a Launcher Job
launcherSubmitR Execute an R Script as a Launcher Job

-- M --

modifyRange Interact with Documents open in RStudio

-- N --

navigateToFile Navigate to File

-- O --

openProject Open a Project in RStudio

-- P --

persistent-values Persistent Keys and Values
previewRd Preview an Rd topic in the Help pane
previewSql Preview SQL statement
primary_selection Extract the Primary Selection
projects Open a Project in RStudio

-- R --

readPreference Read Preference
readRStudioPreference Read RStudio Preference
removeTheme Remove a custom theme from RStudio.
restartSession Restart the R Session
rstudio-documents Interact with Documents open in RStudio
rstudio-editors Retrieve Information about an RStudio Editor

-- S --

savePlotAsImage Save Active RStudio Plot as an Image
selectDirectory Select a File / Folder
selectFile Select a File / Folder
sendToConsole Send Code to the R Console
setCursorPosition Interact with Documents open in RStudio
setDocumentContents Interact with Documents open in RStudio
setPersistentValue Persistent Keys and Values
setSelectionRanges Interact with Documents open in RStudio
showDialog Show Dialog Box
showPrompt Show Prompt Dialog Box
showQuestion Show Question Dialog Box
sourceMarkers Display Source Markers
systemUsername Get System Username

-- T --

terminalActivate Activate Terminal
terminalBuffer Get Terminal Buffer
terminalBusy Is Terminal Busy
terminalClear Clear Terminal Buffer
terminalContext Retrieve Information about RStudio Terminals
terminalCreate Create a Terminal
terminalExecute Execute Command
terminalExitCode Terminal Exit Code
terminalKill Kill Terminal
terminalList Get All Terminal Ids
terminalRunning Is Terminal Running
terminalSend Send Text to a Terminal
terminalVisible Get Visible Terminal
translateLocalUrl Translate Local URL

-- U --

updateDialog Updates a Dialog Box
userDictionariesPath Interact with RStudio's Dictionaries
userIdentity Get User Identity

-- V --

verifyAvailable Check if RStudio is running.
versionInfo RStudio Version Information
viewer View local web content within RStudio

-- W --

writePreference Write Preference
writeRStudioPreference Write RStudio Preference