shiny-package | Web Application Framework for R |
absolutePanel | Panel with absolute positioning |
actionButton | Action button/link |
actionLink | Action button/link |
addResourcePath | Resource Publishing |
animationOptions | Slider Input Widget |
appendTab | Dynamically insert/remove a tabPanel |
basicPage | Create a Bootstrap page |
bookmarkButton | Create a button for bookmarking/sharing |
bootstrapLib | Bootstrap libraries |
bootstrapPage | Create a Bootstrap page |
browserViewer | Viewer options |
brushedPoints | Find rows of data selected on an interactive plot. |
brushOpts | Create an object representing brushing options |
callModule | Invoke a Shiny module |
checkboxGroupInput | Checkbox Group Input Control |
checkboxInput | Checkbox Input Control |
clickOpts | Create an object representing click options |
column | Create a column within a UI definition |
conditionalPanel | Conditional Panel |
createRenderFunction | Implement render functions |
createWebDependency | Create a web dependency |
dataTableOutput | Create a table output element |
dateInput | Create date input |
dateRangeInput | Create date range input |
dblclickOpts | Create an object representing double-click options |
debounce | Slow down a reactive expression with debounce/throttle |
dialogViewer | Viewer options |
diskCache | Create a disk cache object |
domains | Reactive domains |
downloadButton | Create a download button or link |
downloadHandler | File Downloads |
downloadLink | Create a download button or link |
enableBookmarking | Enable bookmarking for a Shiny application |
eventReactive | Event handler |
exportTestValues | Register expressions for export in test mode |
exprToFunction | Convert an expression to a function |
fileInput | File Upload Control |
fillCol | Flex Box-based row/column layouts |
fillPage | Create a page that fills the window |
fillRow | Flex Box-based row/column layouts |
fixedPage | Create a page with a fixed layout |
fixedPanel | Panel with absolute positioning |
fixedRow | Create a page with a fixed layout |
flowLayout | Flow layout |
fluidPage | Create a page with fluid layout |
fluidRow | Create a page with fluid layout |
freezeReactiveVal | Freeze a reactive value |
freezeReactiveValue | Freeze a reactive value |
getCurrentOutputInfo | Get output information |
getDefaultReactiveDomain | Reactive domains |
getQueryString | Get the query string / hash component from the URL |
getShinyOption | Get or set Shiny options |
getUrlHash | Get the query string / hash component from the URL |
helpText | Create a help text element |
hideTab | Dynamically hide/show a tabPanel |
hoverOpts | Create an object representing hover options |
htmlOutput | Create an HTML output element |
icon | Create an icon |
imageOutput | Create an plot or image output element |
incProgress | Reporting progress (functional API) |
inputPanel | Input panel |
insertTab | Dynamically insert/remove a tabPanel |
insertUI | Insert and remove UI objects |
installExprFunction | Install an expression as a function |
invalidateLater | Scheduled Invalidation |
is.reactive | Create a reactive expression |
is.reactivevalues | Checks whether an object is a reactivevalues object |
isolate | Create a non-reactive scope for an expression |
isRunning | Check whether a Shiny application is running |
isTruthy | Check for required values |
knitr_methods | Knitr S3 methods |
knit_print.reactive | Knitr S3 methods |
knit_print.shiny.appobj | Knitr S3 methods |
knit_print.shiny.render.function | Knitr S3 methods |
loadSupport | Load an app's supporting R files |
mainPanel | Layout a sidebar and main area |
makeReactiveBinding | Make a reactive variable |
markdown | Insert inline Markdown |
markRenderFunction | Mark a function as a render function |
maskReactiveContext | Evaluate an expression without a reactive context |
memoryCache | Create a memory cache object |
MockShinySession | Mock Shiny Session |
modalButton | Create a button for a modal dialog |
modalDialog | Create a modal dialog UI |
moduleServer | Shiny modules |
navbarMenu | Create a page with a top level navigation bar |
navbarPage | Create a page with a top level navigation bar |
navlistPanel | Create a navigation list panel |
nearPoints | Find rows of data selected on an interactive plot. |
need | Validate input values and other conditions |
NS | Namespaced IDs for inputs/outputs |
ns.sep | Namespaced IDs for inputs/outputs |
numericInput | Create a numeric input control |
observe | Create a reactive observer |
observeEvent | Event handler |
onBookmark | Add callbacks for Shiny session bookmarking events |
onBookmarked | Add callbacks for Shiny session bookmarking events |
onFlush | Add callbacks for Shiny session events |
onFlushed | Add callbacks for Shiny session events |
onReactiveDomainEnded | Reactive domains |
onRestore | Add callbacks for Shiny session bookmarking events |
onRestored | Add callbacks for Shiny session bookmarking events |
onSessionEnded | Add callbacks for Shiny session events |
onStop | Run code after an application or session ends |
outputOptions | Set options for an output object. |
paneViewer | Viewer options |
parseQueryString | Parse a GET query string from a URL |
passwordInput | Create a password input control |
plotOutput | Create an plot or image output element |
plotPNG | Run a plotting function and save the output as a PNG |
prependTab | Dynamically insert/remove a tabPanel |
Progress | Reporting progress (object-oriented API) |
radioButtons | Create radio buttons |
reactive | Create a reactive expression |
reactiveFileReader | Reactive file reader |
reactivePoll | Reactive polling |
reactiveTimer | Timer |
reactiveVal | Create a (single) reactive value |
reactiveValues | Create an object for storing reactive values |
reactiveValuesToList | Convert a reactivevalues object to a list |
reactlog | Reactive Log Visualizer |
reactlogReset | Reactive Log Visualizer |
reactlogShow | Reactive Log Visualizer |
registerInputHandler | Register an Input Handler |
removeInputHandler | Deregister an Input Handler |
removeModal | Show or remove a modal dialog |
removeNotification | Show or remove a notification |
removeResourcePath | Resource Publishing |
removeTab | Dynamically insert/remove a tabPanel |
removeUI | Insert and remove UI objects |
renderCachedPlot | Plot output with cached images |
renderDataTable | Table output with the JavaScript library DataTables |
renderImage | Image file output |
renderPlot | Plot Output |
renderPrint | Printable Output |
renderTable | Table Output |
renderText | Text Output |
renderUI | UI Output |
repeatable | Make a random number generator repeatable |
req | Check for required values |
resourcePaths | Resource Publishing |
restoreInput | Restore an input value |
runApp | Run Shiny Application |
runExample | Run Shiny Example Applications |
runGadget | Run a gadget |
runGist | Run a Shiny application from a URL |
runGitHub | Run a Shiny application from a URL |
runTests | Runs the tests associated with this Shiny app |
runUrl | Run a Shiny application from a URL |
safeError | Declare an error safe for the user to see |
selectInput | Create a select list input control |
selectizeInput | Create a select list input control |
serverInfo | Collect information about the Shiny Server environment |
session | Session object |
setBookmarkExclude | Exclude inputs from bookmarking |
setProgress | Reporting progress (functional API) |
shiny | Web Application Framework for R |
shiny-options | Get or set Shiny options |
shinyApp | Create a Shiny app object |
shinyAppDir | Create a Shiny app object |
shinyAppFile | Create a Shiny app object |
shinyAppTemplate | Generate a Shiny application from a template |
shinyOptions | Get or set Shiny options |
showBookmarkUrlModal | Display a modal dialog for bookmarking |
showModal | Show or remove a modal dialog |
showNotification | Show or remove a notification |
showReactLog | Reactive Log Visualizer |
showTab | Dynamically hide/show a tabPanel |
sidebarLayout | Layout a sidebar and main area |
sidebarPanel | Layout a sidebar and main area |
sizeGrowthRatio | Create a sizing function that grows at a given ratio |
sliderInput | Slider Input Widget |
snapshotExclude | Mark an output to be excluded from test snapshots |
snapshotPreprocessInput | Add a function for preprocessing an input before taking a test snapshot |
snapshotPreprocessOutput | Add a function for preprocessing an output before taking a test snapshot |
splitLayout | Split layout |
stopApp | Stop the currently running Shiny app |
submitButton | Create a submit button |
tableOutput | Create a table output element |
tabPanel | Create a tab panel |
tabPanelBody | Create a tab panel |
tabsetPanel | Create a tabset panel |
testServer | Reactive testing for Shiny server functions and modules |
textAreaInput | Create a textarea input control |
textInput | Create a text input control |
textOutput | Create a text output element |
throttle | Slow down a reactive expression with debounce/throttle |
titlePanel | Create a panel containing an application title. |
uiOutput | Create an HTML output element |
updateActionButton | Change the label or icon of an action button on the client |
updateActionLink | Change the label or icon of an action button on the client |
updateCheckboxGroupInput | Change the value of a checkbox group input on the client |
updateCheckboxInput | Change the value of a checkbox input on the client |
updateDateInput | Change the value of a date input on the client |
updateDateRangeInput | Change the start and end values of a date range input on the client |
updateNavbarPage | Change the selected tab on the client |
updateNavlistPanel | Change the selected tab on the client |
updateNumericInput | Change the value of a number input on the client |
updateQueryString | Update URL in browser's location bar |
updateRadioButtons | Change the value of a radio input on the client |
updateSelectInput | Change the value of a select input on the client |
updateSelectizeInput | Change the value of a select input on the client |
updateSliderInput | Update Slider Input Widget |
updateTabsetPanel | Change the selected tab on the client |
updateTextAreaInput | Change the value of a textarea input on the client |
updateTextInput | Change the value of a text input on the client |
updateVarSelectInput | Change the value of a select input on the client |
updateVarSelectizeInput | Change the value of a select input on the client |
urlModal | Generate a modal dialog that displays a URL |
validate | Validate input values and other conditions |
varSelectInput | Select variables from a data frame |
varSelectizeInput | Select variables from a data frame |
verbatimTextOutput | Create a text output element |
verticalLayout | Lay out UI elements vertically |
viewer | Viewer options |
wellPanel | Create a well panel |
withMathJax | Load the MathJax library and typeset math expressions |
withProgress | Reporting progress (functional API) |
withReactiveDomain | Reactive domains |