Web Application Framework for R

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Documentation for package ‘shiny’ version 1.5.0

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shiny-package Web Application Framework for R

-- A --

absolutePanel Panel with absolute positioning
actionButton Action button/link
actionLink Action button/link
addResourcePath Resource Publishing
animationOptions Slider Input Widget
appendTab Dynamically insert/remove a tabPanel

-- B --

basicPage Create a Bootstrap page
bookmarkButton Create a button for bookmarking/sharing
bootstrapLib Bootstrap libraries
bootstrapPage Create a Bootstrap page
browserViewer Viewer options
brushedPoints Find rows of data selected on an interactive plot.
brushOpts Create an object representing brushing options

-- C --

callModule Invoke a Shiny module
checkboxGroupInput Checkbox Group Input Control
checkboxInput Checkbox Input Control
clickOpts Create an object representing click options
column Create a column within a UI definition
conditionalPanel Conditional Panel
createRenderFunction Implement render functions
createWebDependency Create a web dependency

-- D --

dataTableOutput Create a table output element
dateInput Create date input
dateRangeInput Create date range input
dblclickOpts Create an object representing double-click options
debounce Slow down a reactive expression with debounce/throttle
dialogViewer Viewer options
diskCache Create a disk cache object
domains Reactive domains
downloadButton Create a download button or link
downloadHandler File Downloads
downloadLink Create a download button or link

-- E --

enableBookmarking Enable bookmarking for a Shiny application
eventReactive Event handler
exportTestValues Register expressions for export in test mode
exprToFunction Convert an expression to a function

-- F --

fileInput File Upload Control
fillCol Flex Box-based row/column layouts
fillPage Create a page that fills the window
fillRow Flex Box-based row/column layouts
fixedPage Create a page with a fixed layout
fixedPanel Panel with absolute positioning
fixedRow Create a page with a fixed layout
flowLayout Flow layout
fluidPage Create a page with fluid layout
fluidRow Create a page with fluid layout
freezeReactiveVal Freeze a reactive value
freezeReactiveValue Freeze a reactive value

-- G --

getCurrentOutputInfo Get output information
getDefaultReactiveDomain Reactive domains
getQueryString Get the query string / hash component from the URL
getShinyOption Get or set Shiny options
getUrlHash Get the query string / hash component from the URL

-- H --

helpText Create a help text element
hideTab Dynamically hide/show a tabPanel
hoverOpts Create an object representing hover options
htmlOutput Create an HTML output element

-- I --

icon Create an icon
imageOutput Create an plot or image output element
incProgress Reporting progress (functional API)
inputPanel Input panel
insertTab Dynamically insert/remove a tabPanel
insertUI Insert and remove UI objects
installExprFunction Install an expression as a function
invalidateLater Scheduled Invalidation
is.reactive Create a reactive expression
is.reactivevalues Checks whether an object is a reactivevalues object
isolate Create a non-reactive scope for an expression
isRunning Check whether a Shiny application is running
isTruthy Check for required values

-- K --

knitr_methods Knitr S3 methods
knit_print.reactive Knitr S3 methods
knit_print.shiny.appobj Knitr S3 methods
knit_print.shiny.render.function Knitr S3 methods

-- L --

loadSupport Load an app's supporting R files

-- M --

mainPanel Layout a sidebar and main area
makeReactiveBinding Make a reactive variable
markdown Insert inline Markdown
markRenderFunction Mark a function as a render function
maskReactiveContext Evaluate an expression without a reactive context
memoryCache Create a memory cache object
MockShinySession Mock Shiny Session
modalButton Create a button for a modal dialog
modalDialog Create a modal dialog UI
moduleServer Shiny modules

-- N --

navbarMenu Create a page with a top level navigation bar
navbarPage Create a page with a top level navigation bar
navlistPanel Create a navigation list panel
nearPoints Find rows of data selected on an interactive plot.
need Validate input values and other conditions
NS Namespaced IDs for inputs/outputs
ns.sep Namespaced IDs for inputs/outputs
numericInput Create a numeric input control

-- O --

observe Create a reactive observer
observeEvent Event handler
onBookmark Add callbacks for Shiny session bookmarking events
onBookmarked Add callbacks for Shiny session bookmarking events
onFlush Add callbacks for Shiny session events
onFlushed Add callbacks for Shiny session events
onReactiveDomainEnded Reactive domains
onRestore Add callbacks for Shiny session bookmarking events
onRestored Add callbacks for Shiny session bookmarking events
onSessionEnded Add callbacks for Shiny session events
onStop Run code after an application or session ends
outputOptions Set options for an output object.

-- P --

paneViewer Viewer options
parseQueryString Parse a GET query string from a URL
passwordInput Create a password input control
plotOutput Create an plot or image output element
plotPNG Run a plotting function and save the output as a PNG
prependTab Dynamically insert/remove a tabPanel
Progress Reporting progress (object-oriented API)

-- R --

radioButtons Create radio buttons
reactive Create a reactive expression
reactiveFileReader Reactive file reader
reactivePoll Reactive polling
reactiveTimer Timer
reactiveVal Create a (single) reactive value
reactiveValues Create an object for storing reactive values
reactiveValuesToList Convert a reactivevalues object to a list
reactlog Reactive Log Visualizer
reactlogReset Reactive Log Visualizer
reactlogShow Reactive Log Visualizer
registerInputHandler Register an Input Handler
removeInputHandler Deregister an Input Handler
removeModal Show or remove a modal dialog
removeNotification Show or remove a notification
removeResourcePath Resource Publishing
removeTab Dynamically insert/remove a tabPanel
removeUI Insert and remove UI objects
renderCachedPlot Plot output with cached images
renderDataTable Table output with the JavaScript library DataTables
renderImage Image file output
renderPlot Plot Output
renderPrint Printable Output
renderTable Table Output
renderText Text Output
renderUI UI Output
repeatable Make a random number generator repeatable
req Check for required values
resourcePaths Resource Publishing
restoreInput Restore an input value
runApp Run Shiny Application
runExample Run Shiny Example Applications
runGadget Run a gadget
runGist Run a Shiny application from a URL
runGitHub Run a Shiny application from a URL
runTests Runs the tests associated with this Shiny app
runUrl Run a Shiny application from a URL

-- S --

safeError Declare an error safe for the user to see
selectInput Create a select list input control
selectizeInput Create a select list input control
serverInfo Collect information about the Shiny Server environment
session Session object
setBookmarkExclude Exclude inputs from bookmarking
setProgress Reporting progress (functional API)
shiny Web Application Framework for R
shiny-options Get or set Shiny options
shinyApp Create a Shiny app object
shinyAppDir Create a Shiny app object
shinyAppFile Create a Shiny app object
shinyAppTemplate Generate a Shiny application from a template
shinyOptions Get or set Shiny options
showBookmarkUrlModal Display a modal dialog for bookmarking
showModal Show or remove a modal dialog
showNotification Show or remove a notification
showReactLog Reactive Log Visualizer
showTab Dynamically hide/show a tabPanel
sidebarLayout Layout a sidebar and main area
sidebarPanel Layout a sidebar and main area
sizeGrowthRatio Create a sizing function that grows at a given ratio
sliderInput Slider Input Widget
snapshotExclude Mark an output to be excluded from test snapshots
snapshotPreprocessInput Add a function for preprocessing an input before taking a test snapshot
snapshotPreprocessOutput Add a function for preprocessing an output before taking a test snapshot
splitLayout Split layout
stopApp Stop the currently running Shiny app
submitButton Create a submit button

-- T --

tableOutput Create a table output element
tabPanel Create a tab panel
tabPanelBody Create a tab panel
tabsetPanel Create a tabset panel
testServer Reactive testing for Shiny server functions and modules
textAreaInput Create a textarea input control
textInput Create a text input control
textOutput Create a text output element
throttle Slow down a reactive expression with debounce/throttle
titlePanel Create a panel containing an application title.

-- U --

uiOutput Create an HTML output element
updateActionButton Change the label or icon of an action button on the client
updateActionLink Change the label or icon of an action button on the client
updateCheckboxGroupInput Change the value of a checkbox group input on the client
updateCheckboxInput Change the value of a checkbox input on the client
updateDateInput Change the value of a date input on the client
updateDateRangeInput Change the start and end values of a date range input on the client
updateNavbarPage Change the selected tab on the client
updateNavlistPanel Change the selected tab on the client
updateNumericInput Change the value of a number input on the client
updateQueryString Update URL in browser's location bar
updateRadioButtons Change the value of a radio input on the client
updateSelectInput Change the value of a select input on the client
updateSelectizeInput Change the value of a select input on the client
updateSliderInput Update Slider Input Widget
updateTabsetPanel Change the selected tab on the client
updateTextAreaInput Change the value of a textarea input on the client
updateTextInput Change the value of a text input on the client
updateVarSelectInput Change the value of a select input on the client
updateVarSelectizeInput Change the value of a select input on the client
urlModal Generate a modal dialog that displays a URL

-- V --

validate Validate input values and other conditions
varSelectInput Select variables from a data frame
varSelectizeInput Select variables from a data frame
verbatimTextOutput Create a text output element
verticalLayout Lay out UI elements vertically
viewer Viewer options

-- W --

wellPanel Create a well panel
withMathJax Load the MathJax library and typeset math expressions
withProgress Reporting progress (functional API)
withReactiveDomain Reactive domains