statmod-package | Introduction to the StatMod Package |
canonic.digamma | Digamma generalized linear model family |
compareGrowthCurves | Compare Groups of Growth Curves |
compareTwoGrowthCurves | Compare Groups of Growth Curves |
cumulant.digamma | Digamma generalized linear model family |
d2cumulant.digamma | Digamma generalized linear model family |
Digamma | Digamma generalized linear model family |
dinvgauss | Inverse Gaussian Distribution |
elda | Extreme Limiting Dilution Analysis |
eldaOneGroup | Extreme Limiting Dilution Analysis |
fitNBP | Negative Binomial Model for SAGE Libraries with Pearson Estimation of Dispersion |
forward | Forward Selection of Covariates for Multiple Regression |
gauss.quad | Gaussian Quadrature |
gauss.quad.prob | Gaussian Quadrature with Probability Distributions |
glm.scoretest | Score Test for Adding a Covariate to a GLM | | Fit Gamma Generalized Linear Model by Fisher Scoring with Identity Link | | Fit Negative Binomial Generalized Linear Model with Log-Link |
hommel.test | Test Multiple Comparisons Using Hommel's Method |
InverseGaussian | Inverse Gaussian Distribution |
limdil | Extreme Limiting Dilution Analysis |
limdil.class | Extreme Limiting Dilution Analysis |
logmdigamma | Log Minus Digamma Function |
matvec | Multiply a Matrix by a Vector |
meanT | Mean t-Statistic Between Two Groups of Growth Curves |
meanval.digamma | Digamma generalized linear model family |
mixedModel2 | Fit Mixed Linear Model with 2 Error Components |
mixedModel2Fit | Fit Mixed Linear Model with 2 Error Components |
mscale | M Scale Estimation |
permp | Exact permutation p-values |
pinvgauss | Inverse Gaussian Distribution |
plot.limdil | Plot or print an object of class limdil |
plotGrowthCurves | Compare Groups of Growth Curves |
power.fisher.test | Power of Fisher's Exact Test for Comparing Proportions |
print.limdil | Plot or print an object of class limdil |
qinvgauss | Inverse Gaussian Distribution |
qres.binom | Randomized Quantile Residuals |
qres.default | Randomized Quantile Residuals |
qres.gamma | Randomized Quantile Residuals |
qres.invgauss | Randomized Quantile Residuals |
qres.nbinom | Randomized Quantile Residuals |
qres.pois | Randomized Quantile Residuals |
qres.tweedie | Randomized Quantile Residuals |
qresid | Randomized Quantile Residuals |
qresiduals | Randomized Quantile Residuals |
randomizedBlock | Fit Mixed Linear Model with 2 Error Components |
randomizedBlockFit | Fit Mixed Linear Model with 2 Error Components |
remlscore | REML for Heteroscedastic Regression |
remlscoregamma | Approximate REML for Gamma Regression with Structured Dispersion |
rinvgauss | Inverse Gaussian Distribution |
sage.test | Exact Binomial Tests For Comparing Two SAGE Libraries (Obsolete) |
statmod | Introduction to the StatMod Package |
tweedie | Tweedie Generalized Linear Models |
unitdeviance.digamma | Digamma generalized linear model family |
varfun.digamma | Digamma generalized linear model family |
vecmat | Multiply a Matrix by a Vector |
welding | Data: Tensile Strength of Welds |