R Interface to 'TensorFlow'

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Documentation for package ‘tensorflow’ version 2.2.0

Help Pages

all_dims All dims
evaluate Evaluate a Model
export_savedmodel Export a Saved Model
install_tensorflow Install TensorFlow and its dependencies
install_tensorflow_extras Install additional Python packages alongside TensorFlow
parse_arguments Parse Command Line Arguments
parse_flags Parse Configuration Flags for a TensorFlow Application
shape Tensor shape
tensorboard TensorBoard Visualization Tool
tensorflow TensorFlow for R
tf Main TensorFlow module
tfe_enable_eager_execution Enables, for the rest of the lifetime of this program, eager execution.
tf_extract_opts Tensor extract options
tf_function Creates a callable TensorFlow graph from an R function.
tf_probability TensorFlow Probability Module
train Train a Model
train_and_evaluate Simultaneously Train and Evaluate a Model
use_compat Use Compatibility
use_session_with_seed Use a session with a random seed
view_savedmodel View a Saved Model
[.tensorflow.tensor Subset tensors with '['