auto_test | Watches code and tests for changes, rerunning tests as appropriate. |
auto_test_package | Watches a package for changes, rerunning tests as appropriate. |
CheckReporter | Check reporter: 13 line summary of problems |
comparison-expectations | Expectation: is returned value less or greater than specified value? |
DebugReporter | Test reporter: start recovery. |
describe | describe: a BDD testing language |
equality-expectations | Expectation: is the object equal to a value? |
expect | The building block of all 'expect_' functions |
expect_condition | Expectation: does code throw error or other condition? |
expect_equal | Expectation: is the object equal to a value? |
expect_equivalent | Expectation: is the object equal to a value? |
expect_error | Expectation: does code throw error or other condition? |
expect_false | Expectation: is the object true/false? |
expect_gt | Expectation: is returned value less or greater than specified value? |
expect_gte | Expectation: is returned value less or greater than specified value? |
expect_identical | Expectation: is the object equal to a value? |
expect_invisible | Expectation: does expression return visibily or invisibly? |
expect_length | Expectation: does a vector have the specified length? |
expect_lt | Expectation: is returned value less or greater than specified value? |
expect_lte | Expectation: is returned value less or greater than specified value? |
expect_mapequal | Expectation: do two vectors contain the same values? |
expect_match | Expectation: does string match a regular expression? |
expect_message | Expectation: does code produce warnings or messages? |
expect_named | Expectation: does object have names? |
expect_null | Expectation: is an object 'NULL'? |
expect_output | Expectation: does code print output to the console? |
expect_reference | Expectation: is the object equal to a value? |
expect_s3_class | Expectation: does the object inherit from a S3 or S4 class, or is it a base type? |
expect_s4_class | Expectation: does the object inherit from a S3 or S4 class, or is it a base type? |
expect_setequal | Expectation: do two vectors contain the same values? |
expect_silent | Expectation: is the code silent? |
expect_true | Expectation: is the object true/false? |
expect_type | Expectation: does the object inherit from a S3 or S4 class, or is it a base type? |
expect_vector | Expectation: does the object have vctr properties? |
expect_visible | Expectation: does expression return visibily or invisibly? |
expect_warning | Expectation: does code produce warnings or messages? |
fail | Default expectations that always succeed or fail. |
FailReporter | Test reporter: fail at end. |
inheritance-expectations | Expectation: does the object inherit from a S3 or S4 class, or is it a base type? |
is_testing | Run all tests in directory or package |
JunitReporter | Test reporter: summary of errors in jUnit XML format. |
ListReporter | List reporter: gather all test results along with elapsed time and file information. |
LocationReporter | Test reporter: location |
logical-expectations | Expectation: is the object true/false? |
MinimalReporter | Test reporter: minimal. |
MultiReporter | Multi reporter: combine several reporters in one. |
ProgressReporter | Test reporter: interactive progress bar of errors. |
RstudioReporter | Test reporter: RStudio |
setup | Run code on setup/teardown |
SilentReporter | Test reporter: gather all errors silently. |
skip | Skip a test. |
skip_if | Skip a test. |
skip_if_not | Skip a test. |
skip_if_not_installed | Skip a test. |
skip_if_offline | Skip a test. |
skip_if_translated | Skip a test. |
skip_on_appveyor | Skip a test. |
skip_on_bioc | Skip a test. |
skip_on_ci | Skip a test. |
skip_on_covr | Skip a test. |
skip_on_cran | Skip a test. |
skip_on_os | Skip a test. |
skip_on_travis | Skip a test. |
StopReporter | Test reporter: stop on error. |
succeed | Default expectations that always succeed or fail. |
SummaryReporter | Test reporter: summary of errors. |
TapReporter | Test reporter: TAP format. |
TeamcityReporter | Test reporter: Teamcity format. |
teardown | Run code on setup/teardown |
testing_package | Run all tests in directory or package |
test_check | Run all tests in directory or package |
test_dir | Run all tests in directory or package |
test_file | Run all tests in specified file |
test_package | Run all tests in directory or package |
test_path | Locate file in testing directory. |
test_that | Create a test. |
use_catch | Use Catch for C++ Unit Testing |
verify_output | Verify output |