Transcript Quantification Import with Automatic Metadata

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Documentation for package ‘tximeta’ version 1.6.2

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tximeta-package Import transcript-level quantification data with automatic metadata
addExons Add exons to rowRanges of a transcript-level SummarizedExperiment
addIds Add IDs to rowRanges of a SummarizedExperiment
getTximetaBFC Get or set the directory of the BiocFileCache used by tximeta
linkedTxome Make and load linked transcriptomes ("linkedTxome")
loadLinkedTxome Make and load linked transcriptomes ("linkedTxome")
makeDGEList Make a DGEList from tximeta output
makeLinkedTxome Make and load linked transcriptomes ("linkedTxome")
retrieveDb Retrieve the TxDb or EnsDb associated with a SummarizedExperiment
setTximetaBFC Get or set the directory of the BiocFileCache used by tximeta
splitSE Split SummarizedExperiment by gene categories
summarizeToGene-method Summarize estimated quantitites to gene-level
tximeta tximeta: Transcript quantification import with automatic metadata