A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Z misc
utils-package | The R Utils Package |
adist | Approximate String Distances |
alarm | Alert the User |
apropos | Find Objects by (Partial) Name |
aregexec | Approximate String Match Positions |
argsAnywhere | Retrieve an R Object, Including from a Namespace |
arrangeWindows | Rearrange Windows on MS Windows |
as.character.person | Persons |
as.person | Persons |
as.personList | Persons |
as.relistable | Allow Re-Listing an unlist()ed Object |
as.roman | Roman Numerals |
asDateBuilt | Package Description |
askYesNo | Ask a Yes/No Question |
aspell | Spell Check Interface |
aspell-utils | Spell Check Utilities |
aspell_package_C_files | Spell Check Utilities |
aspell_package_Rd_files | Spell Check Utilities |
aspell_package_R_files | Spell Check Utilities |
aspell_package_vignettes | Spell Check Utilities |
aspell_write_personal_dictionary_file | Spell Check Utilities |
assignInMyNamespace | Utility Functions for Developing Namespaces |
assignInNamespace | Utility Functions for Developing Namespaces |
available.packages | List Available Packages at CRAN-like Repositories |
BATCH | Batch Execution of R |
bibentry | Bibliography Entries |
browseEnv | Browse Objects in Environment |
browseURL | Load URL into an HTML Browser |
browseVignettes | List Vignettes in an HTML Browser |
bug.report | Send a Bug Report |
build | Utilities for Building and Checking Add-on Packages |
c.person | Persons |
capture.output | Send Output to a Character String or File |
changedFiles | Detect which Files Have Changed |
check | Utilities for Building and Checking Add-on Packages |
checkCRAN | Managing Repository Mirrors |
choose.dir | Choose a Folder Interactively on MS Windows |
choose.files | Choose a List of Files Interactively on MS Windows |
chooseBioCmirror | Select a Bioconductor Mirror |
chooseCRANmirror | Select a CRAN Mirror |
CITATION | Citing R and R Packages in Publications |
citation | Citing R and R Packages in Publications |
cite | Cite a Bibliography Entry |
citeNatbib | Cite a Bibliography Entry |
citEntry | Bibliography Entries (Older Interface) |
citFooter | Bibliography Entries (Older Interface) |
citHeader | Bibliography Entries (Older Interface) |
clipboard | Read/Write to/from the Clipboard in MS Windows |
close.socket | Close a Socket |
close.txtProgressBar | Text Progress Bar |
close.winProgressBar | Progress Bars under MS Windows |
combn | Generate All Combinations of n Elements, Taken m at a Time |
compareVersion | Compare Two Package Version Numbers |
COMPILE | Compile Files for Use with R on Unix-alikes |
completion | A Completion Generator for R |
contrib.url | Find Appropriate Paths in CRAN-like Repositories |
count.fields | Count the Number of Fields per Line |
create.post | Ancillary Function for Preparing Emails and Postings |
data | Data Sets |
data.entry | Spreadsheet Interface for Entering Data |
dataentry | Spreadsheet Interface for Entering Data |
de | Spreadsheet Interface for Entering Data |
debugcall | Debug a Call |
debugger | Post-Mortem Debugging |
demo | Demonstrations of R Functionality |
DLL.version | DLL Version Information on MS Windows |
download.file | Download File from the Internet |
download.packages | Download Packages from CRAN-like Repositories |
dump.frames | Post-Mortem Debugging |
edit | Invoke a Text Editor |
edit.data.frame | Edit Data Frames and Matrices |
edit.vignette | View, List or Get R Source of Package Vignettes |
emacs | Invoke a Text Editor |
example | Run an Examples Section from the Online Help |
file.edit | Edit One or More Files |
fileSnapshot | Detect which Files Have Changed |
file_test | Shell-style Tests on Files |
Filters | Choose a List of Files Interactively on MS Windows |
find | Find Objects by (Partial) Name |
findLineNum | Find the Location of a Line of Source Code, or Set a Breakpoint There |
fix | Fix an Object |
fixInNamespace | Utility Functions for Developing Namespaces |
flush.console | Flush Output to a Console |
format.bibentry | Bibliography Entries |
format.citation | Bibliography Entries |
format.MethodsFunction | List Methods for S3 Generic Functions or Classes |
format.object_size | Report the Space Allocated for an Object |
format.person | Persons |
formatOL | Format Unordered and Ordered Lists |
formatUL | Format Unordered and Ordered Lists |
getAnywhere | Retrieve an R Object, Including from a Namespace |
getBioCmirrors | Select a Bioconductor Mirror |
getClipboardFormats | Read/Write to/from the Clipboard in MS Windows |
getCRANmirrors | Select a CRAN Mirror |
getFromNamespace | Utility Functions for Developing Namespaces |
getIdentification | Set the Window Title or the Statusbar of the RGui in Windows |
getParseData | Get Detailed Parse Information from Object |
getParseText | Get Detailed Parse Information from Object |
getS3method | Get an S3 Method |
getSrcDirectory | Source Reference Utilities |
getSrcFilename | Source Reference Utilities |
getSrcLocation | Source Reference Utilities |
getSrcref | Source Reference Utilities |
getTxtProgressBar | Text Progress Bar |
getWindowsHandle | Get a Windows Handle |
getWindowsHandles | Get handles of Windows in the MS Windows RGui |
getWindowTitle | Set the Window Title or the Statusbar of the RGui in Windows |
getWinProgressBar | Progress Bars under MS Windows |
glob2rx | Change Wildcard or Globbing Pattern into Regular Expression |
globalVariables | Declarations Used in Checking a Package |
hasName | Check for Name |
head | Return the First or Last Parts of an Object |
help | Documentation |
help.request | Send a Post to R-help |
help.search | Search the Help System |
help.start | Hypertext Documentation |
history | Load or Save or Display the Commands History |
hsearch_db | Help Search Utilities |
hsearch_db_concepts | Help Search Utilities |
hsearch_db_keywords | Help Search Utilities |
INSTALL | Install Add-on Packages |
install.packages | Install Packages from Repositories or Local Files |
installed.packages | Find Installed Packages |
is.relistable | Allow Re-Listing an unlist()ed Object |
isS3method | Is 'method' the Name of an S3 Method? |
isS3stdGeneric | Check if a Function Acts as an S3 Generic |
limitedLabels | Browsing after an Error |
LINK | Create Executable Programs on Unix-alikes |
loadhistory | Load or Save or Display the Commands History |
loadRconsole | R for Windows Configuration |
localeToCharset | Select a Suitable Encoding Name from a Locale Name |
ls.str | List Objects and their Structure |
lsf.str | List Objects and their Structure |
maintainer | Show Package Maintainer |
make.packages.html | Update HTML Package List |
make.socket | Create a Socket Connection |
memory.size | Report on Memory Allocation (on Windows) |
menu | Menu Interaction Function |
methods | List Methods for S3 Generic Functions or Classes |
mirror2html | Managing Repository Mirrors |
mirrorAdmin | Managing Repository Mirrors |
modifyList | Recursively Modify Elements of a List |
new.packages | Compare Installed Packages with CRAN-like Repositories |
news | Build and Query R or Package News Information |
nsl | Look up the IP Address by Hostname (on Unix-alikes) |
object.size | Report the Space Allocated for an Object |
old.packages | Compare Installed Packages with CRAN-like Repositories |
Ops.roman | Roman Numerals |
osVersion | Collect Information About the Current R Session |
package.skeleton | Create a Skeleton for a New Source Package |
packageDate | Package Description |
packageDescription | Package Description |
packageName | Find Package Associated with an Environment |
packageStatus | Package Management Tools |
packageVersion | Package Description |
page | Invoke a Pager on an R Object |
person | Persons |
personList | Persons |
pico | Invoke a Text Editor |
print.bibentry | Bibliography Entries |
print.Bibtex | Converting R Objects to BibTeX or LaTeX |
print.browseVignettes | List Vignettes in an HTML Browser |
print.changedFiles | Detect which Files Have Changed |
print.citation | Bibliography Entries |
print.getAnywhere | Retrieve an R Object, Including from a Namespace |
print.hsearch | Search the Help System |
print.Latex | Converting R Objects to BibTeX or LaTeX |
print.ls_str | List Objects and their Structure |
print.MethodsFunction | List Methods for S3 Generic Functions or Classes |
print.news_db | Build and Query R or Package News Information |
print.object_size | Report the Space Allocated for an Object |
print.packageDescription | Package Description |
print.packageIQR | Data Sets |
print.packageStatus | Package Management Tools |
print.person | Persons |
print.sessionInfo | Collect Information About the Current R Session |
print.socket | Create a Socket Connection |
print.vignette | View, List or Get R Source of Package Vignettes |
process.events | Trigger Event Handling |
prompt | Produce Prototype of an R Documentation File |
promptData | Generate Outline Documentation for a Data Set |
promptImport | Produce Prototype of an R Documentation File |
promptPackage | Generate a Shell for Documentation of a Package |
Question | Documentation Shortcuts |
rc.settings | A Completion Generator for R |
rcompgen | A Completion Generator for R |
Rconsole | R for Windows Configuration |
Rdevga | R for Windows Configuration |
read.DIF | Data Input from Spreadsheet |
read.fortran | Read Fixed-Format Data in a Fortran-like Style |
read.fwf | Read Fixed Width Format Files |
read.socket | Read from or Write to a Socket |
read.table | Data Input |
readCitationFile | Citing R and R Packages in Publications |
readClipboard | Read/Write to/from the Clipboard in MS Windows |
readRegistry | Read a Windows Registry Hive |
recover | Browsing after an Error |
relist | Allow Re-Listing an unlist()ed Object |
REMOVE | Remove Add-on Packages |
remove.packages | Remove Installed Packages |
removeSource | Remove Stored Source from a Function or Language Object |
RHOME | R Home Directory |
Rprof | Enable Profiling of R's Execution |
Rprofmem | Enable Profiling of R's Memory Use |
Rscript | Scripting Front-End for R |
RShowDoc | Show R Manuals and Other Documentation |
RSiteSearch | Search for Key Words or Phrases in Documentation |
rtags | An Etags-like Tagging Utility for R |
Rtangle | R Driver for Stangle |
RtangleSetup | R Driver for Stangle |
RweaveLatex | R/LaTeX Driver for Sweave |
RweaveLatexSetup | R/LaTeX Driver for Sweave |
R_AVAILABLE_PACKAGES_CACHE_CONTROL_MAX_AGE | List Available Packages at CRAN-like Repositories |
R_INSTALL_STAGED | Install Add-on Packages |
R_INSTALL_TAR | Install Add-on Packages |
savehistory | Load or Save or Display the Commands History |
select.list | Select Items from a List |
sessionInfo | Collect Information About the Current R Session |
setBreakpoint | Find the Location of a Line of Source Code, or Set a Breakpoint There |
setRepositories | Select Package Repositories |
setStatusBar | Set the Window Title or the Statusbar of the RGui in Windows |
setTxtProgressBar | Text Progress Bar |
setWindowTitle | Set the Window Title or the Statusbar of the RGui in Windows |
setWinProgressBar | Progress Bars under MS Windows |
SHLIB | Build Shared Object/DLL for Dynamic Loading |
shortPathName | Express File Paths in Short Form on Windows |
sort.bibentry | Bibliography Entries |
stack | Stack or Unstack Vectors from a Data Frame or List |
Stangle | Automatic Generation of Reports |
str | Compactly Display the Structure of an Arbitrary R Object |
strcapture | Capture String Tokens into a data.frame |
strOptions | Compactly Display the Structure of an Arbitrary R Object |
summary.packageStatus | Package Management Tools |
Summary.roman | Roman Numerals |
summaryRprof | Summarise Output of R Sampling Profiler |
suppressForeignCheck | Declarations Used in Checking a Package |
Sweave | Automatic Generation of Reports |
SweaveSyntaxLatex | Automatic Generation of Reports |
SweaveSyntaxNoweb | Automatic Generation of Reports |
SweaveSyntConv | Convert Sweave Syntax |
tail | Return the First or Last Parts of an Object |
tar | Create a Tar Archive |
timestamp | Load or Save or Display the Commands History |
toBibtex | Converting R Objects to BibTeX or LaTeX |
toBibtex.person | Persons |
toLatex | Converting R Objects to BibTeX or LaTeX |
toLatex.sessionInfo | Collect Information About the Current R Session |
txtProgressBar | Text Progress Bar |
type.convert | Convert Data to Appropriate Type |
type.convert.default | Convert Data to Appropriate Type |
undebugcall | Debug a Call |
unlist.relistable | Allow Re-Listing an unlist()ed Object |
unstack | Stack or Unstack Vectors from a Data Frame or List |
untar | Extract or List Tar Archives |
unzip | Extract or List Zip Archives |
update.packages | Compare Installed Packages with CRAN-like Repositories |
update.packageStatus | Package Management Tools |
upgrade.packageStatus | Package Management Tools |
url.show | Display a Text URL |
URLdecode | Encode or Decode a (partial) URL |
URLencode | Encode or Decode a (partial) URL |
utils | The R Utils Package |
utils-deprecated | Deprecated Functions in Package 'utils' |
vi | Invoke a Text Editor |
View | Invoke a Data Viewer |
vignette | View, List or Get R Source of Package Vignettes |
vignettes | View, List or Get R Source of Package Vignettes |
warnErrList | Collect and Summarize Errors From List |
win.version | Get Windows Version |
winDialog | Dialog Boxes under Windows |
winDialogString | Dialog Boxes under Windows |
winMenuAdd | User Menus under MS Windows (Rgui) |
winMenuAddItem | User Menus under MS Windows (Rgui) |
winMenuDel | User Menus under MS Windows (Rgui) |
winMenuDelItem | User Menus under MS Windows (Rgui) |
winMenuItems | User Menus under MS Windows (Rgui) |
winMenuNames | User Menus under MS Windows (Rgui) |
winProgressBar | Progress Bars under MS Windows |
write.socket | Read from or Write to a Socket |
write.table | Data Output |
writeClipboard | Read/Write to/from the Clipboard in MS Windows |
wsbrowser | Browse Objects in Environment |
xedit | Invoke a Text Editor |
xemacs | Invoke a Text Editor |
zip | Create Zip Archives |
$.person | Persons |
.DollarNames | A Completion Generator for R |
.romans | Roman Numerals |
.S3methods | List Methods for S3 Generic Functions or Classes |
? | Documentation Shortcuts |
?? | Search the Help System |
[.getAnywhere | Retrieve an R Object, Including from a Namespace |
[.person | Persons |