Miscellaneous Functions by 'Yihui Xie'

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Documentation for package ‘xfun’ version 0.16

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$.xfun_strict_list Strict lists
as_strict_list Strict lists
attr Obtain an attribute of an object without partial matching
base64_decode Encode/decode data into/from base64 encoding.
base64_encode Encode/decode data into/from base64 encoding.
base64_uri Generate the Data URI for a file
cache_rds Cache the value of an R expression to an RDS file
compare_Rcheck Run 'R CMD check' on the reverse dependencies of a package
download_file Try various methods to download a file
embed_dir Embed a file, multiple files, or directory on an HTML page
embed_file Embed a file, multiple files, or directory on an HTML page
embed_files Embed a file, multiple files, or directory on an HTML page
file_ext Manipulate filename extensions
file_string Read a text file and concatenate the lines by "\n"
gsub_dir Search and replace strings in files
gsub_ext Search and replace strings in files
gsub_file Search and replace strings in files
gsub_files Search and replace strings in files
install_dir Install a source package from a directory
install_github An alias of 'remotes::install_github()'
in_dir Evaluate an expression under a specified working directory
isFALSE Test if an object is identical to 'FALSE'
is_ascii Check if a character vector consists of entirely ASCII characters
is_linux Test for types of operating systems
is_macos Test for types of operating systems
is_unix Test for types of operating systems
is_windows Test for types of operating systems
json_vector A simple JSON serializer
loadable Attach or load packages, and automatically install missing packages if requested
n2w Convert numbers to English words
native_encode Try to use the system native encoding to represent a character vector
normalize_path Normalize paths
numbers_to_words Convert numbers to English words
optipng Run OptiPNG on all PNG files under a directory
parse_only Parse R code and do not keep the source
pkg_attach Attach or load packages, and automatically install missing packages if requested
pkg_attach2 Attach or load packages, and automatically install missing packages if requested
pkg_load Attach or load packages, and automatically install missing packages if requested
pkg_load2 Attach or load packages, and automatically install missing packages if requested
print.xfun_raw_string Print a character vector in its raw form
print.xfun_strict_list Strict lists
prose_index Find the indices of lines in Markdown that are prose (not code blocks)
protect_math Protect math expressions in pairs of backticks in Markdown
raw_string Print a character vector in its raw form
Rcmd Run the commands 'Rscript' and 'R CMD'
read_utf8 Read / write files encoded in UTF-8
rename_seq Rename files with a sequential numeric prefix
rev_check Run 'R CMD check' on the reverse dependencies of a package
Rscript Run the commands 'Rscript' and 'R CMD'
Rscript_call Call a function in a new R session via 'Rscript()'
rstudio_type Type a character vector into the RStudio source editor
same_path Test if two paths are the same after they are normalized
sans_ext Manipulate filename extensions
session_info An alternative to sessionInfo() to print session information
split_lines Split a character vector by line breaks
strict_list Strict lists
stringsAsStrings Set the global option 'options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)' inside a parent function and restore the option after the parent function exits
strings_please Set the global option 'options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)' inside a parent function and restore the option after the parent function exits
tojson A simple JSON serializer
tree Turn the output of 'str()' into a tree diagram
try_silent Try to evaluate an expression silently
upload_ftp Upload to an FTP server via 'curl'
upload_win_builder Upload to an FTP server via 'curl'
with_ext Manipulate filename extensions
write_utf8 Read / write files encoded in UTF-8