A B C D E F G H I K L M N P Q R S T U V W Z misc
limma-package | Introduction to the LIMMA Package |
alias2Symbol | Convert Gene Aliases to Official Gene Symbols |
alias2SymbolTable | Convert Gene Aliases to Official Gene Symbols |
alias2SymbolUsingNCBI | Convert Gene Aliases to Official Gene Symbols |
anova.MAList | ANOVA Table - method |
array2channel | Convert Two-Color Targets Dataframe from One-Row-Per-Array to One-Row-Per-Channel |
arrayWeights | Array Quality Weights |
arrayWeightsQuick | Array Quality Weights |
as.data.frame.EList | Turn a Microarray Linear Model Object into a Dataframe |
as.data.frame.EListRaw | Turn a Microarray Linear Model Object into a Dataframe |
as.data.frame.MAList | Turn a Microarray Linear Model Object into a Dataframe |
as.data.frame.MArrayLM | Turn a Microarray Linear Model Object into a Dataframe |
as.MAList | Convert marrayNorm Object to an MAList Object |
as.matrix.EList | Turn a Microarray Data Object into a Matrix |
as.matrix.EListRaw | Turn a Microarray Data Object into a Matrix |
as.matrix.ExpressionSet | Turn a Microarray Data Object into a Matrix |
as.matrix.LumiBatch | Turn a Microarray Data Object into a Matrix |
as.matrix.MAList | Turn a Microarray Data Object into a Matrix |
as.matrix.MArrayLM | Turn a Microarray Data Object into a Matrix |
as.matrix.marrayNorm | Turn a Microarray Data Object into a Matrix |
as.matrix.PLMset | Turn a Microarray Data Object into a Matrix |
as.matrix.RGList | Turn a Microarray Data Object into a Matrix |
as.matrix.vsn | Turn a Microarray Data Object into a Matrix |
asMatrixWeights | asMatrixWeights |
auROC | Area Under Receiver Operating Curve |
avearrays | Average Over Replicate Arrays |
avearrays.default | Average Over Replicate Arrays |
avearrays.EList | Average Over Replicate Arrays |
avearrays.MAList | Average Over Replicate Arrays |
avedups | Average Over Duplicate Spots |
avedups.default | Average Over Duplicate Spots |
avedups.EList | Average Over Duplicate Spots |
avedups.MAList | Average Over Duplicate Spots |
avereps | Average Over Irregular Replicate Probes |
avereps.default | Average Over Irregular Replicate Probes |
avereps.EList | Average Over Irregular Replicate Probes |
avereps.EListRaw | Average Over Irregular Replicate Probes |
avereps.MAList | Average Over Irregular Replicate Probes |
avereps.RGList | Average Over Irregular Replicate Probes |
backgroundCorrect | Correct Intensities for Background |
backgroundCorrect.matrix | Correct Intensities for Background |
barcodeplot | Barcode Enrichment Plot |
beadCountWeights | Bead Count Weights for Illumina BeadChips |
blockDiag | Block Diagonal Matrix |
bwss | Between and within sums of squares |
bwss.matrix | Between and within sums of squares for matrix |
camera | Competitive Gene Set Test Accounting for Inter-gene Correlation |
camera.default | Competitive Gene Set Test Accounting for Inter-gene Correlation |
cameraPR | Competitive Gene Set Test Accounting for Inter-gene Correlation |
cameraPR.default | Competitive Gene Set Test Accounting for Inter-gene Correlation |
cbind | Combine RGList, MAList, EList or EListRaw Objects |
cbind.EList | Combine RGList, MAList, EList or EListRaw Objects |
cbind.EListRaw | Combine RGList, MAList, EList or EListRaw Objects |
cbind.MAList | Combine RGList, MAList, EList or EListRaw Objects |
cbind.RGList | Combine RGList, MAList, EList or EListRaw Objects |
changeLog | Change Log |
classifyTestsF | Genewise Nested F-Tests |
coerce-method | Red, Green Intensity List - class |
contrastAsCoef | Reform a Design Matrix to that Contrasts Become Coefficients |
contrasts.fit | Compute Contrasts from Linear Model Fit |
controlStatus | Set Status of each Spot from List of Spot Types |
convest | Estimate Proportion of True Null Hypotheses |
coolmap | Heatmap of gene expression values |
cumOverlap | Cumulative Overlap Analysis of Ordered Lists |
decideTests | Multiple Testing Across Genes and Contrasts |
decideTests.default | Multiple Testing Across Genes and Contrasts |
decideTests.MArrayLM | Multiple Testing Across Genes and Contrasts |
designI2A | Convert Individual Channel Design Matrix to M-A Format |
designI2M | Convert Individual Channel Design Matrix to M-A Format |
detectionPValues | Detection P-Values from Negative Controls |
detectionPValues.default | Detection P-Values from Negative Controls |
detectionPValues.EListRaw | Detection P-Values from Negative Controls |
diffSplice | Test for Differential Splicing |
dim.EList | Retrieve the Dimensions of an RGList, MAList or MArrayLM Object |
dim.EListRaw | Retrieve the Dimensions of an RGList, MAList or MArrayLM Object |
dim.MAList | Retrieve the Dimensions of an RGList, MAList or MArrayLM Object |
dim.MArrayLM | Retrieve the Dimensions of an RGList, MAList or MArrayLM Object |
dim.RGList | Retrieve the Dimensions of an RGList, MAList or MArrayLM Object |
dimnames.EList | Retrieve the Dimension Names of an RGList, MAList, EList, EListRaw or MArrayLM Object |
dimnames.EListRaw | Retrieve the Dimension Names of an RGList, MAList, EList, EListRaw or MArrayLM Object |
dimnames.MAList | Retrieve the Dimension Names of an RGList, MAList, EList, EListRaw or MArrayLM Object |
dimnames.MArrayLM | Retrieve the Dimension Names of an RGList, MAList, EList, EListRaw or MArrayLM Object |
dimnames.RGList | Retrieve the Dimension Names of an RGList, MAList, EList, EListRaw or MArrayLM Object |
dimnames<-.EList | Retrieve the Dimension Names of an RGList, MAList, EList, EListRaw or MArrayLM Object |
dimnames<-.EListRaw | Retrieve the Dimension Names of an RGList, MAList, EList, EListRaw or MArrayLM Object |
dimnames<-.MAList | Retrieve the Dimension Names of an RGList, MAList, EList, EListRaw or MArrayLM Object |
dimnames<-.RGList | Retrieve the Dimension Names of an RGList, MAList, EList, EListRaw or MArrayLM Object |
duplicateCorrelation | Correlation Between Duplicates |
eBayes | Empirical Bayes Statistics for Differential Expression |
EList-class | Expression List - class |
EListRaw-class | Expression List - class |
estimate.m0 | Estimate Proportion of True Null Hypotheses |
exprs.MA | Extract Log-Expression Matrix from MAList |
fitFDist | Moment Estimation of Scaled F-Distribution |
fitFDistRobustly | Moment Estimation of Scaled F-Distribution |
fitGammaIntercept | Fit Intercept to Vector of Gamma Distributed Variates |
fitmixture | Fit Mixture Model by Non-Linear Least Squares |
fitted.MArrayLM | Fitted Values Method for MArrayLM Fits |
fry | Rotation Gene Set Tests |
fry.default | Rotation Gene Set Tests |
genas | Genuine Association of Gene Expression Profiles |
geneSetTest | Mean-rank Gene Set Test |
getDupSpacing | Extract the Print Layout of an Array from the GAL File |
getEAWP | Extract Basic Data from Expression Data Objects |
getGeneKEGGLinks | Gene Ontology or KEGG Pathway Analysis |
getKEGGPathwayNames | Gene Ontology or KEGG Pathway Analysis |
getLayout | Extract the Print Layout of an Array from the GAL File |
getLayout2 | Extract the Print Layout of an Array from the GAL File |
getSpacing | Get Numerical Spacing |
gls.series | Fit Linear Model to Microarray Data by Generalized Least Squares |
goana | Gene Ontology or KEGG Pathway Analysis |
goana.default | Gene Ontology or KEGG Pathway Analysis |
goana.MArrayLM | Gene Ontology or KEGG Pathway Analysis |
gridc | Row and Column Positions on Microarray |
gridr | Row and Column Positions on Microarray |
head.EList | Return the First to Last Part of a Data Object |
head.EListRaw | Return the First to Last Part of a Data Object |
head.MAList | Return the First to Last Part of a Data Object |
head.MArrayLM | Return the First to Last Part of a Data Object |
head.RGList | Return the First to Last Part of a Data Object |
head.TestResults | Return the First to Last Part of a Data Object |
heatDiagram | Stemmed Heat Diagram |
heatdiagram | Stemmed Heat Diagram |
helpMethods | Prompt for Method Help Topics |
ids2indices | Convert Gene Identifiers to Indices for Gene Sets |
imageplot | Image Plot of Microarray Statistics |
imageplot3by2 | Write Imageplots to Files |
interGeneCorrelation | Competitive Gene Set Test Accounting for Inter-gene Correlation |
intraspotCorrelation | Intra-Spot Correlation for Two Color Data |
is.fullrank | Check for Full Column Rank |
isNumeric | Test for Numeric Argument |
kegga | Gene Ontology or KEGG Pathway Analysis |
kegga.default | Gene Ontology or KEGG Pathway Analysis |
kegga.MArrayLM | Gene Ontology or KEGG Pathway Analysis |
kooperberg | Kooperberg Model-Based Background Correction for GenePix data |
labels.TestResults | Matrix of Test Results - class |
LargeDataObject-class | Large Data Object - class |
levels.TestResults | Matrix of Test Results - class |
limma | Introduction to the LIMMA Package |
limmaUsersGuide | View Limma User's Guide |
lm.series | Fit Linear Model to Microrray Data by Ordinary Least Squares |
lmFit | Linear Model for Series of Arrays |
lmscFit | Fit Linear Model to Individual Channels of Two-Color Data |
loessFit | Univariate Lowess With Prior Weights |
logcosh | Logarithm of cosh |
logsumexp | Log Sum of Exponentials |
MA.RG | Normalize Within Arrays |
ma3x3.matrix | Two dimensional Moving Averages with 3x3 Window |
ma3x3.spottedarray | Two dimensional Moving Averages with 3x3 Window |
makeContrasts | Construct Matrix of Custom Contrasts |
makeUnique | Make Values of Character Vector Unique |
MAList-class | M-value, A-value Expression List - class |
MArrayLM-class | Microarray Linear Model Fit - class |
mdplot | Mean-Difference Plot |
MDS-class | Multidimensional scaling plot of distances between gene expression profiles |
merge.EList | Merge RGList or MAList Data Objects |
merge.EListRaw | Merge RGList or MAList Data Objects |
merge.MAList | Merge RGList or MAList Data Objects |
merge.RGList | Merge RGList or MAList Data Objects |
mergeScans | Merge two scans of two-color arrays |
mergeScansRG | Merge two scans of two-color arrays |
modelMatrix | Construct Design Matrix |
modifyWeights | Modify Matrix of Weights By Control Status of Rows |
mrlm | Fit Linear Model to Microrray Data by Robust Regression |
mroast | Rotation Gene Set Tests |
mroast.default | Rotation Gene Set Tests |
nec | NormExp Background Correction and Normalization Using Control Probes |
neqc | NormExp Background Correction and Normalization Using Control Probes |
nonEstimable | Check for Full Column Rank |
normalizeBetweenArrays | Normalize Between Arrays |
normalizeCyclicLoess | Normalize Columns of a Matrix by Cyclic Loess |
normalizeForPrintorder | Print-Order Normalization |
normalizeForPrintorder.rg | Print-Order Normalization |
normalizeMedianAbsValues | Normalize Columns of a Matrix to have the Median Absolute Value |
normalizeMedianValues | Normalize Columns of a Matrix to have the Median Absolute Value |
normalizeQuantiles | Normalize Columns of a Matrix to have the same Quantiles |
normalizeRobustSpline | Normalize Single Microarray Using Shrunk Robust Splines |
normalizeVSN | Variance Stabilizing Normalization (vsn) |
normalizeVSN.default | Variance Stabilizing Normalization (vsn) |
normalizeVSN.EListRaw | Variance Stabilizing Normalization (vsn) |
normalizeVSN.RGList | Variance Stabilizing Normalization (vsn) |
normalizeWithinArrays | Normalize Within Arrays |
normexp.fit | Fit Normal+Exp Convolution Model to Observed Intensities |
normexp.fit.control | Normexp Model Parameter Estimation Aided by Negative Controls |
normexp.fit.detection.p | Estimate Normexp Model Parameter Using Negative Controls Inferred from Regular Probes |
normexp.signal | Expected Signal Given Observed Foreground Under Normal+Exp Model |
plotDensities | Plot Expression Densities |
plotDensities.default | Plot Expression Densities |
plotDensities.EList | Plot Expression Densities |
plotDensities.EListRaw | Plot Expression Densities |
plotDensities.MAList | Plot Expression Densities |
plotDensities.RGList | Plot Expression Densities |
plotExonJunc | Differential splicing plot with junctions |
plotExons | Plot exons of differentially expressed gene |
plotFB | FB-Plot |
plotFB.default | FB-Plot |
plotFB.EListRaw | FB-Plot |
plotFB.RGList | FB-Plot |
plotlines | plotlines |
plotMA | MA-Plot of Expression Data |
plotMA.default | MA-Plot of Expression Data |
plotMA.EList | MA-Plot of Expression Data |
plotMA.EListRaw | MA-Plot of Expression Data |
plotMA.MAList | MA-Plot of Expression Data |
plotMA.MArrayLM | MA-Plot of Expression Data |
plotMA.RGList | MA-Plot of Expression Data |
plotMA3by2 | Write MA-Plots to Files |
plotMD | Mean-Difference Plot of Expression Data |
plotMD.default | Mean-Difference Plot of Expression Data |
plotMD.EList | Mean-Difference Plot of Expression Data |
plotMD.EListRaw | Mean-Difference Plot of Expression Data |
plotMD.MAList | Mean-Difference Plot of Expression Data |
plotMD.MArrayLM | Mean-Difference Plot of Expression Data |
plotMD.RGList | Mean-Difference Plot of Expression Data |
plotMDS | Multidimensional scaling plot of distances between gene expression profiles |
plotMDS.default | Multidimensional scaling plot of distances between gene expression profiles |
plotMDS.MDS | Multidimensional scaling plot of distances between gene expression profiles |
plotPrintorder | Print-Order Normalization |
plotPrintTipLoess | MA Plots by Print-Tip Group |
plotRLDF | Plot of regularized linear discriminant functions for microarray data |
plotSA | Sigma vs A plot for microarray linear model |
plotSplice | Differential splicing plot |
plotWithHighlights | Scatterplot With Highlighting of Special Points |
poolVar | Pool Sample Variances with Unequal Variances |
predFCm | Predictive log fold change for microarrays |
printHead | Print Leading Rows of Large Objects |
PrintLayout-class | Print Layout - class |
printorder | Identify Order in which Spots were Printed |
printtipWeights | Sub-array Quality Weights |
printtipWeightsSimple | Sub-array Quality Weights |
propexpr | Estimate Proportion of Expressed Probes |
propTrueNull | Estimate Proportion of True Null Hypotheses |
protectMetachar | Protect Metacharacters |
qqf | Student's t or Fisher's F Quantile-Quantile Plot |
qqt | Student's t or Fisher's F Quantile-Quantile Plot |
QualityWeights | Spot Quality Weights for Spotted Microarrays |
rankSumTestWithCorrelation | Two Sample Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Rank Sum Test Allowing For Correlation |
rbind.EList | Combine RGList, MAList, EList or EListRaw Objects |
rbind.EListRaw | Combine RGList, MAList, EList or EListRaw Objects |
rbind.MAList | Combine RGList, MAList, EList or EListRaw Objects |
rbind.RGList | Combine RGList, MAList, EList or EListRaw Objects |
read.columns | Read specified columns from a file |
read.idat | Read Illumina expression data directly from IDAT files |
read.ilmn | Read Illumina Expression Data |
read.ilmn.targets | Read Illumina Data from a Target Dataframe |
read.imagene | Read RGList or EListRaw from Image Analysis Output Files |
read.maimages | Read RGList or EListRaw from Image Analysis Output Files |
readGAL | Read a GAL file |
readGenericHeader | Read Header Information from Microarray Raw Data File |
readGPRHeader | Read Header Information from Microarray Raw Data File |
readImaGeneHeader | Read ImaGene Header Information |
readSMDHeader | Read Header Information from Microarray Raw Data File |
readSpotTypes | Read Spot Types File |
readTargets | Read Targets File |
removeBatchEffect | Remove Batch Effect |
removeExt | Remove Common Extension from File Names |
residuals.MArrayLM | Extract Residuals from MArrayLM Fit |
RG.MA | Normalize Within Arrays |
RGList-class | Red, Green Intensity List - class |
roast | Rotation Gene Set Tests |
Roast-class | Rotation Gene Set Tests |
roast.default | Rotation Gene Set Tests |
romer | Rotation Gene Set Enrichment Analysis |
romer.default | Rotation Gene Set Enrichment Analysis |
selectModel | Select Appropriate Linear Model |
show-method | Large Data Object - class |
show-method | Matrix of Test Results - class |
show-method | Multidimensional scaling plot of distances between gene expression profiles |
show-method | Rotation Gene Set Tests |
spotc | Row and Column Positions on Microarray |
spotr | Row and Column Positions on Microarray |
squeezeVar | Squeeze Sample Variances |
strsplit2 | Split Composite Names |
subsetListOfArrays | Subset RGList, MAList, EListRaw, EList or MArrayLM Objects |
subsetting | Subset RGList, MAList, EListRaw, EList or MArrayLM Objects |
summary.EList | Summaries of Microarray Data Objects |
summary.EListRaw | Summaries of Microarray Data Objects |
summary.MAList | Summaries of Microarray Data Objects |
summary.MArrayLM | Summaries of Microarray Data Objects |
summary.RGList | Summaries of Microarray Data Objects |
summary.TestResults | Matrix of Test Results - class |
tail.EList | Return the First to Last Part of a Data Object |
tail.EListRaw | Return the First to Last Part of a Data Object |
tail.MAList | Return the First to Last Part of a Data Object |
tail.MArrayLM | Return the First to Last Part of a Data Object |
tail.RGList | Return the First to Last Part of a Data Object |
tail.TestResults | Return the First to Last Part of a Data Object |
targetsA2C | Convert Two-Color Targets Dataframe from One-Row-Per-Array to One-Row-Per-Channel |
TestResults-class | Matrix of Test Results - class |
tmixture.matrix | Estimate Scale Factor in Mixture of t-Distributions |
tmixture.vector | Estimate Scale Factor in Mixture of t-Distributions |
topGO | Table of Top GO Terms or Top KEGG Pathways |
topKEGG | Table of Top GO Terms or Top KEGG Pathways |
topRomer | Top Gene Set Testing Results from Romer |
topSplice | Top table of differentially spliced genes or exons |
topTable | Table of Top Genes from Linear Model Fit |
toptable | Table of Top Genes from Linear Model Fit |
topTableF | Table of Top Genes from Linear Model Fit |
topTreat | Table of Top Genes from Linear Model Fit |
treat | Empirical Bayes Statistics for Differential Expression |
tricubeMovingAverage | Moving Average Smoother With Tricube Weights |
trigammaInverse | Inverse Trigamma Function |
trimWhiteSpace | Trim Leading and Trailing White Space |
tZscore | Transform t-statistics to standard normal |
unique.TestResults | Matrix of Test Results - class |
uniquegenelist | Eliminate Duplicate Names from the Gene List |
uniqueTargets | Construct Design Matrix |
unwrapdups | Unwrap Duplicate Spot Values from Rows into Columns |
vennCounts | Venn Diagrams |
vennDiagram | Venn Diagrams |
volcanoplot | Volcano Plot |
voom | Transform RNA-Seq Data Ready for Linear Modelling |
vooma | Convert Mean-Variance Trend to Observation-specific Precision Weights for Microarray Data |
voomaByGroup | Convert Mean-Variance Trend to Observation-specific Precision Weights for Microarray Data |
voomWithQualityWeights | Combining observational-level with sample-specific quality weights for RNA-seq analysis |
weighted.median | Weighted Median |
weightedLowess | Lowess fit with weighting |
wilcoxGST | Mean-rank Gene Set Test |
write.fit | Write MArrayLM Object to a File |
wsva | Weighted Surrogate Variable Analysis |
wtarea | Spot Quality Weights for Spotted Microarrays |
wtflags | Spot Quality Weights for Spotted Microarrays |
wtIgnore.Filter | Spot Quality Weights for Spotted Microarrays |
zscore | Transform non-normal random deviates to standard normal |
zscoreGamma | Transform non-normal random deviates to standard normal |
zscoreHyper | Transform non-normal random deviates to standard normal |
zscoreT | Transform t-statistics to standard normal |
01.Introduction | Introduction to the LIMMA Package |
02.Classes | Topic: Classes Defined by this Package |
03.ReadingData | Topic: Reading Microarray Data from Files |
04.Background | Topic: Background Correction |
05.Normalization | Topic: Normalization of Microarray Data |
06.LinearModels | Topic: Linear Models for Microarrays |
07.SingleChannel | Topic: Individual Channel Analysis of Two-Color Microarrays |
08.Tests | Topic: Hypothesis Testing for Linear Models |
09.Diagnostics | Topic: Diagnostics and Quality Assessment |
10.GeneSetTests | Topic: Gene Set Tests |
11.RNAseq | Topic: Analysis of RNA-seq Data |
[.EList | Subset RGList, MAList, EListRaw, EList or MArrayLM Objects |
[.EListRaw | Subset RGList, MAList, EListRaw, EList or MArrayLM Objects |
[.MAList | Subset RGList, MAList, EListRaw, EList or MArrayLM Objects |
[.MArrayLM | Subset RGList, MAList, EListRaw, EList or MArrayLM Objects |
[.RGList | Subset RGList, MAList, EListRaw, EList or MArrayLM Objects |
[.TestResults | Subset RGList, MAList, EListRaw, EList or MArrayLM Objects |